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Everything posted by Peej

  1. Clay, You should also check out a a book called "The Journey is the Destination" by Jennifer New, it's about a young kid named Dan Eldon who grew up in Africa to American parents. It chronicles his life, experiences as a war photographer in Mogadishu (sp?) and his eventual death in the "Black Hawk Down" incident. Very very good. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  2. Man those are funny Here's one that i tell all the time: A mate of mine had just met this pretty girl and they had been hanging out together for a week or two getting to know each other and things were looking promising. Now the thing about Ryan (my friend) and i is that we talk sh*t all the time, it's what we do. So Ryan's having a conversation with Nikki (the girl) and he's talking absolute crap. So she gets a little peeved and shouts "God Ryan, can't we just have a serious relationship...i mean conversation..." Freud was right and we've never let her live it down
  3. Speeding tickets? Glad to see you still drive like a South African The opposite of the road thing was what got me when i was over there. I'd be in the passenger seat of a car, we'd go round a corner and my arms would be up in front of my face Yep, i got laughed at a lot. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  4. I'm an 8 hours + man. My housemates actually laugh at me when i get up off the couch at 9.30pm most week nights and declare that i'm off to bed. Even on weekends i'd rather get an earlyish night and get up early to enjoy the day to the fullest rather than sleeping late and wasting it. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  5. Peej

    Whos the hottest

    Oh the choices! They're all super hot! I think it would have to be Angelina, no Milla, no Angelina, no wait, Milla... Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  6. Doesn't anybody else wanna see more of the jump? Stop teasing! V purdy gear btw Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  7. Even after all the clockwise and counter clockwise exercises i've been doing to get movement back in my ankle my foot is STILL smarter than me, doh! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  8. OMG, that's my housemate to a T! We've always said that the reason our clan could never play in real competition is the swearing, the tantrums and the joint smoke Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  9. Yay, it's finally sorted! Nice one Katie! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  10. Peej

    The Castle

    "I think that the difference is in the use of subtlety." As far as i'm concerned that observation is spot on. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  11. I like jumping in flat soled "skate shoes", DC's or something similar. They make it easier to slide out landings and are really comfortable. As an aside, after breaking my fib/tib in October my physio has told me that i'll have to wear an ankle brace for the first few jumps when i start again in January. Talk to your doc. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  12. I'm with Fish on this one, don't roll the nose, simply hang it and roll the tail nice and tight. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  13. I've always wanted to go! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  14. I love it. In fact it's also one of the key ingreients when i make mashed potato. And especially with tabasco on hot pizza, yum. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  15. Peej

    The Castle

    I know a bunch of South Africans (me included) that love it, i think it's because Aussie life and SA culture/humour is so similar. Of course that still doesn't help you find out if Americans liked it Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  16. Or instead of sending it all the way to SA in when you're in Florida, contact Aubrey from Aerodyne USA, maybe he can help, he posts on here as Aubsmell. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  17. Peej

    A story about Mace

    ROFLMAO@ Zen Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  18. You and me both dude Nice one Weege! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  19. Bwahahahaha, Justi you're too funny Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  20. *Homer voice* Sixty four slices of American cheese...mmmm...aaaagggghhhh... *Homer voice* Man i wondered how long before someone picked up on that! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  21. That's awesome. A buddy of mine has his first little one due in February so we're starting to plan just how to turn him/her into a dz brat!
  22. I don't have time to read the whole thread, but... Haribo Gummi Bears, damn i can't get enough of those things, just Shananay Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  23. ROFLMAO @ jtval Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky