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Everything posted by Peej

  1. He he he, good answer! Me personally, i'm in a creative field and think of myself as a highly creative person but there are times when i tend to be too analytical and over think things up there. Sometimes you need to just fly. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  2. The tunnel helped improve my freeflying tremendously. Especially taking docks, carving in a sit and generally just my awareness of the air flow over my body and how little movements are so important. On my next trip to the US i want to spend a lot of time in there on my belly cos that's where i lack skills the most. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  3. Peej

    How chav are you?

    21 % "You clearly know you are not, nor will you ever be anything even closely resembling a bonafide chav but that doesn't stop you from jumping on the bling bandwagon every now and then. There's nothing wrong with a bit of pretending though you'll never be able to hold your own with the true Burberry brigade." Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  4. The smell of turbine exhausts. Love that. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  5. I second that. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  6. That's absolutely brilliant. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  7. There's nothing more distracting than a pretty girl in a martial arts class. I cannot tell you how many blows i've caught while Kung Fu sparring and girl watching at the same time Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  8. I have mine at 9.30am on Wednesday morning. Ugh. We've just been told about how we need to rate ourselves out of 10 on the following: Quality of work Ensuring delivery/Meeting deadlines Customer Service Team Work Then we meet one on one with my Creative Director and she rates us against our scores. This could get ugly Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  9. Sounds like your mom, like mine, is a travel agent for guilt trips. Whenever she used to start that i'd pipe up with "pack your bags, you're going on a guilt trip" and we'd usually laugh about it. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  10. Add me to the "wishing with all my heat that i could be there again this year" part of the list. Unfortunately i won't be Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  11. I can't believe no one has mentioned South Africa yet. Our women rock! Ok if i had to go looking elsewhere, Italy. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  12. Big congratulations guys! It's great to know you're home safe, see you at JSC real soon! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  13. I was there for the whole of July and a few days of August last year. I left to go up to WFFC. I stayed in the IHOP. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  14. I so enjoy the silence of a balloon. High speed passes in a CASA are pretty cool. Plus coming from a country where a King Air and a Porter are the biggest planes we have jumping an Otter and a Skyvan for the first time were pretty cool experiences. Ah hell, i just like jumping, period! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  15. Peej

    total for 2004

    166 jumps last year, one amazing trip to the US, one broken leg on my return. I have a lot more jumping to do this year and a lot to learn. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  16. I did four jumps while in the US last year, arrived home ready to buy the gear, get out there and hit it. A few weeks later a very close friend had a cliff strike that resulted in very serious injuries and a lengthy hospital stay. This happened a week after i broke my leg skydiving. Experiencing my own pain and seeing what she is going through has cooled my desire for BASE somewhat. I believe i'll pursue it at some stage, but not until i develop the skill set and correct mental attitude. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  17. Couldn't agree with you more. Perris rocks, i can't wait to go back. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  18. That's a wicked post dude. After breaking my leg a few months ago my sentiments are much the same. Nice one to Freefalle too for the original post. Be safe out there all of you. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  19. I'm a part of the newer generation that saw The Freefly Clowns and vids like Crosswind when i started jumping so my heroes are guys like Eli Thompson, Fritz Pfnur, Norman Kent, Mike Swanson, Alaska Jon, Loic and a few others. Coaching with and meeting a lot of them was a kick in the head when i was in the US last year. Of course i will always owe Tonto the greatest debt of gratitude for his time and mentorship here at home. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  20. Return ticket to the USA: $2500 160 jumps at Perris: $2500 (or there abouts) 1 hour in the tunnel: $1000 1 month in the IHOP: $360 Food, WFFC jumps and boogie fees: +/- $1000 One jump and a broken leg when i got back to SA: $2500 Total: $9860, yeah baby.
  21. "The ground is hard and it doesn't care" - Tonto "Slow is fast and fast is smooth" - David Gerschfeld Those two have stuck with me always. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky