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Everything posted by Peej

  1. I called the ending about half way through but i still enjoyed it. I just find the thing about his films is that i can only ever watch them once... Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  2. Beautifully said. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  3. Peej

    How chav are you?

    Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  4. Yeah man, that's way cool. I value the mental calm that MA brings me and i think it could be invaluable to kids. In fact I really like the emphasis at your kid's school. Try to make sure they keep at it. I expressed an interest as a youngster but had so many other sports on the go my parents never acted on it and enrolled me anywhere. And Dave, my sincerest appologies dude, we've completely run away with your thread! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  5. Ha ha ha ha ha, if you don't mind i'm going to use that Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  6. Is it perhaps the same or a similar principle as starting an F1 car with a blast of air? Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  7. I have a G3 with the standard black/white/blue/grey colour combo. Bought it second hand and i love it.
  8. Now that's funny! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  9. 6 hours drive to the Margate boogie and i ended up crossing an ocean to get to WFFC last year
  10. - Just to have bragging rights - Because being a BASE jumper makes you "cool" and more hardcore than others Those immediately come to mind. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  11. Can you post a link? Thanks Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  12. I've been in the tunnel when someone decided to do some doughnuts in the sand in the parking lot. Not very funny. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  13. That's wicked! I wish i'd started young. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  14. Nicely put Zennie. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  15. Out of interest, what made you choose a Vortex II? They're awesome rigs and i'm always stoked when someone knows/ inquires about them. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  16. At dawn the telephone rings.............................. "Hello, Master Carlos? This is Arnaldo your country house caretaker" "Ah yes, Arnaldo. What can I do for you? Is there a problem?" "Um, I am just calling to advise you, sir, that your parrot, she died" "My parrot? Dead? The one that won the competition?" "That's the one." “Darn! That's such a pity! I spent a small fortune on that bird. Oh well...what did he die from?" "From eating rotten meat." "Rotten meat? Who was so mean as to give him meat?" "Nobody. He ate the meat of one of the dead horses." "Dead horse? What dead horse Arnaldo?" "Why those pure breed ones that you had, sir. They died from all that work pulling the water cart." "Are you insane? What water cart?" "The one we used to put out the fire." "Good Lord! What fire are you talking about, man?" "The one at your house! A candle fell and then the curtain caught on fire." "What the.....!!! But there's electricity at the house!!!! What was the candle for???" "For the funeral." "WHAT BLOODY FUNERAL???!!!!!" "Your mother's! She show up one night out of the blue and I think she was a thief, so I shoot her." Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  17. You have to explain that game to me one day.
  18. I completely agree dude. We have a few girls that train with us and while they might not have the necessary weight they make up for it in speed! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  19. Peej

    How chav are you?

    Kat Slater: Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  20. Nice choices Douva and Masterrig! Those are some of my all time favourites as well. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  21. Dave doesn't lie! Wow! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  22. Peej


    Now that's funny! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky