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Everything posted by Peej

  1. Peej

    Going home.

    Why yes, yes it is summertime here
  2. It's cool to see so many votes for South Africa! Our currency is strengthening against the US$ at the moment but you can count on somewhere in the region of six South African Rands to the US$. Think about a trip, our country rocks! FWIW, also seriously look at Thailand and India. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  3. There's nothing like a well placed tiger roll to save your ass
  4. A duck walks into a bar, goes up to the barman, looks up at him and says: "Got any lettuce?" Damn i love that joke! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  5. Excuse the fact that i'm South African and we still can't get a lot of things that are available in the US but WTF is a Chia-Pet? Enlighten me!
  6. Peej

    Kevin bloody wilson

    What?! Santa is very funny. I also love the 12th man but i don't think that's by KBW. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  7. At WFFC SM1 showed me how to gainer out of the skyvan in a wing suit, now that's fun! Also two/four way flowers off the tail gate are super cool. And i still love the camera step on the otter for tracking dives Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  8. Hopefully Tonto will see this thread and tell the story about the professional swimmer that he had as an AFF student. Apparently it wasn't pretty. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  9. Ah that's nuttin! I haven't jumped in 7 the only thing that's keeping me sane is video and the monthly delivery of parachutist. In fact i'm thinking about doin a tandem just for some airtime. Being injured sucks! Nice video btw!
  10. t, I agree completely with Nac and Aggie Dave, i try to conduct myself in the same manner and i'd like to think that i'm a considerate smoker. FWIW, I like the way Perris and a few other DZ's have a no smoking in the bar policy, if you wanna smoke, smoke outside, i do. Our DZ should be the same and you have my support if you need it. Besides, how long does it take to smoke a ciggarette? 5 minutes? I'm sure us smokers can deal with our winter cold for a whole 5 minutes. PJ Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  11. Salmonella Dub kicks ass! And for punk music to get ya really warmed up on the way to the DZ? Anything by Bad Religion Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  12. Holy hot blondes Batman! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  13. If i pack in the packing area at my home dz i normally use one of the weights that are lying around, otherwise i keep a screwdriver in a pocket in my gear bag, it makes a great packing spike if i'm at a boogie or at a dz where you pack on grass. If i'm in a hurry and can't find either, i'll happily pack without.
  14. Dude, you got one more screw than me! Unlucky bro, injuries suck, don't know if this is your first injury like mine is? Believe me it's going to get really frustrating at times, just be strong, try to work through it and know that you'll get better! Plus now you can PW here more than ever
  15. It's kinda like: "ARGH!" It's a sound of alarm Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  16. Peej

    Fun with balloons

    Man those are sick! Where would you find something like that? Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  17. Alana, Anything by Thievery Corporation, especially their DJ Kicks Album. Look up some stuff on Compost Records, it's very cool. Also Jazzanova, "The Remmixes" kicks ass! For way out there but very cool tunes look up an album called "Soul Hack" by Forss. And last but not least some Dellasoul. sweeeeeeeeet
  18. I can't remember who the person i delt with was as she doesn't post much but i will say that i saw an ad of hers for a Cypres, made contact, pai for it and three weeks later it was at my local Post Office. Sweeeet.
  19. Peej

    South Africa

    I've travelled S. Africa from coast to coast but never made it into Namibia, i HAVE to get down there at some stage, i hear it's amazing. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  20. There are 336 dimples on a golf ball Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  21. Peej

    South Africa

    Well said oh wise one Bert, to quote Dylan, the times they are a changing dude. Sometimes i can't stand to be around my grandparents because of all the negative kak they talk about our country, but like T said, with the changing of the old guard things are getting better and life here is getting brighter and brighter every day. It's good to be from the Southern tip of Africa! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  22. Peej

    South Africa

    Yo Bert In short? Our country rocks dude! We have some of the most beautiful landscapes and coastlines in the world, white sand beaches, crystal clear blue water and so many friendly people i can't begin to tell you. Not to mention vibey and cosmopolitan cities like Cape Town and Johannesburg. I dig travelling, i've done the Far East and some parts of the USA so far and have the desire to see many other parts of the world but this is my home and always will be. I'll openly admit that i plan on dying here. Sure we have crime but you'd use the same street smarts in Johannesburg or Cape Town as you would on a night out in Rio, New York or any other big city around the world. As far as i'm concerned the black/white thing is no longer an issue, especially for the younger generations and like T said, it's all about educating your little ones for they shall inherit it all. I've also never had a problem finding a job, whether it be on a non-permanent basis such as waitering or in the Advertising indsutry which is what i'm trained to do. I know a lot of families who left a while back for so called "greener pastures" and i've seen a lot of them and their kids come flooding back lately. Most of the people i know that are close to my age are looking to travel in terms of seeing the world rather than looking to move away for good. And i always do my best to act like an ambassador for this country while i'm overseas, in fact it looks like i might just have a few American friends comin' over to visit in the new year. Kom terug en kuier met ons bru! Peace PJ Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  23. Those ninja's are totally sweet! They'd get my vote