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Everything posted by Peej

  1. As i understand it, the DB version has a lot less drag than the standard Ouragan suit - which is not such a good thing if you're a bigger dude like me
  2. Gotta agree with you there dude. I did the course with Clint when i was out at Perris and i would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone who has the time/cash. Apart from fixing my position in the harness he taught me to find the "power band" in my canopy as well as getting me to a consistent set up point every time. Plus there were loads of hints and tips about flying the pattern, losing altitude, checkig wind direction if you can't see wind indicators, etc. I firmly believe that no matter what your level it will make you a better pilot - epecially newbies like me!
  3. Peej

    Birth Order

    I'm the oldest by three years. My folks have treated us much the same - in fact they've been pretty liberal with the way we were brought up - but i think i kind of paved the way with my exploits as a kid and teenager so it's made things a little easrier formy sis Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  4. Ron, that slinky sigline kicks ass dude! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  5. As the others have said it's bull. Later on in your jumping career you'll find out just how important it is to breathe and relax while in the sky.
  6. The gear sounds awesome but would you mind posting a link to the PH website? Would love to see pics but I've googled and googled and can't find anything Thanks! PJ Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  7. "I laak yeeuw, yuur purdy!" Happy birthday Chuck! Ha ha ha, have an awesome day dude. PJ Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  8. Peej


    Niiiiiiiice one JP! Congratulations dude
  9. Nothing out of the ordinary... 182 206 Caravan Porter CASA Skyvan Otter King Air PAC 750 XL Balloon Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  10. Peej

    Nitro 108

    I have very limited ws experience but after chatting to Chris from Precision at the WFFC i did a couple ws jumps with a 150 Nitron in my container and loved it. The canopy opened smoothly and predictably and in one instance where i was close to another jumper on opening it responded beautifully to harness input. Just my newbie 2 cents
  11. You're right Betsy, I've been in the sky with her a couple of times and all i can say is that this sky chica kicks ass! Welcome to the forums hun Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  12. I'm Neo from the Matrix, lord help me. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  13. Nice post dude. I completely agree, especially since i lost two friends to the sport recently. I've absolutely no desire to put myself or others through that kind of anguish and heartbreak, hearing the news of their deaths was bad enough, i can't imagine watching it. Nuff said. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  14. Dude, that's low! You got big balls man Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  15. Oh my god, i'm at a loss for words... DT was without a doubt one of the nicest people i have met while travelling. We chatted every day at Perris and he was interested in making a trip out here soon... My sincerest condolences to his family, may angels watch over you in your time of need. Fly free wherever you are brother, see you there someday. BSBD Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  16. I fully second that bro, the tunnel is good stuff no matter what level you're at. I did about 90 minutes at Perris Skyventure, including a couple of coached sessions. It did so much for my general air awareness and really helped me focus on feeling the way air moves around the body. Plus being a bigger guy they really helped me max out my sit and back flying to the degree that i now have no problem slowing down to fly with smaller people. And the tunnel instructors at Perris absolutely raved about the time they spent in there with Joao, apparently the dude rocks! Good stuff.
  17. I jumped it a couple times and i have to say i liked it. Coming from a home DZ that jumps a Porter i find it comparable and if not better in some ways. It climbed sweetly and was super comfy. Of course the door in the porter is awesome but the PAC wasn't bad either.
  18. To Vector Boy and Ground Zero, Thanks to you both, Glen for helping me get a taste of the nylon crack and Chris for getting me hooked on Precision goodies! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  19. Yep we met standing around with Chris late one afternoon
  20. After a month and a half of travelling i'm back in South Africa and i'd like to say a HUGE thank you to Perris, Rantoul and the USA. I had an absolute blast, made so many friends and above all did some awesome jumps. I'd heard the Perris crew could be a little "stuck up" and that Rantoul could be dangerous and filled with yahoos. I found neither to be true, the staff and jumpers at PV were awesome and unbelievably friendly and the organised loads rocked my world! Rantoul was unbelievable and the people, the skydives (especially the birdie flocks) and experiences i had will stay with me for the rest of my life. And it was SUPER cool to meet a bunch of dotcommers! (There are too many to individually name and thank) Mucho, mucho thanks to everyone for making my time in the States one of the best of my life. I can't wait to get my ass back over there! OK, soppy post over, carry on
  21. After spending a month and a half in the US with complete disregard for the budget discounted jumps would be much appreciated! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  22. a BIG tetrahedron in the main landing area, i watched a lot of people landing into oncoming traffic and i have a feeling this might have to do with the two tiny windsocks that were out there. Otherwise i thought the festival was mind blowing! Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky
  23. Hey Kris, "Life is like a rollercoaster" has to be one of the most cliched sayings but it can be so true sometimes. Don't have anything funny to post to make you feel better but i am sending major happy thoughts and love and light your way. Stay strong. Pity we didn't get to meet at Perris on Sunday
  24. Peej

    I'm hungry

    Get hold of a pakage of red beans and rice, grab some spicy sausage, brown sausage and follow directions on package of rice and beans and viola! Dinner is served. That's good stuff, cheap and quick too.
  25. Incidents can and will happen, it's a part of the life that you've chosen by becoming a skydiver. I've seen a few in the past year or so, some serious and others where the person involved got away with a cheap lesson. They shook me up but at the same time reminded me to know my own limits and to be a sponge. Information is power and can make you a better and safer skydiver. Listen to advice, ask questions and try to learn everything you can. Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky