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Everything posted by CygnusX-1

  1. I haven't been following this that closely. I was unaware that contact related to US policy happened any time before the transition period.
  2. I'm reasonably certain both sides know each is spying on the other and especially when it comes to calls to or from officials such as ambassadors. It takes a special kind of high level nitwit (and apparently Flynn is in that set) to not realize this. I can understand it from maybe you or any other "normal" person, but holy hell man, how dumb of a government official do you have to be to not understand what the job of the NSA is? I severely doubt that Flynn was ignorant of the fact that the lines were tapped. What is more reasonable is that he did not think he was doing anything wrong. They were the incoming administration and so what if he was passing along what the new administration would do. (Ignorant of what law he broke is more likely.) I also have a hard time believing that this was not discussed BEFORE the call with either Trump or Pence. He is being the fall guy which is exactly why he made the call and not T or P. That and he had the "back-door" contact to Moscow.
  3. USPA then need to link with Paralog so that we can upload our digital logbooks. Then maybe, just maybe, the USPA will enter the 21 century before it is 1/5 over.
  4. Pre-order a new X-Fire 3 now and we will ship it in a new skysystems C6 Air. Operators standing by...
  5. You would guess wrong. SB is actually Sonny Bono.
  6. You learn something every day here on I did not realize that Celsius was not exact or even accurate. Who'd a thunk it?
  7. Flew one for some of my first wingsuit jumps while in Voss, Norway. I normally jump a Stiletto 135 loaded at 1.44. I was demoing a 150. I could have demoed a 135 but it packed up way too small for my rig. The flaps on my container were just wrinkly loose when closed with the 135. So (at least for the 135) this canopy packs up very small. The 150 fit my rig good (which is designed for a 150). Overall impressions: The good - Loved the openings. They were all on heading and I did not have any line twists or other opening issues on my (2nd-5th ever) wingsuit jumps. The bad - Comparative speaking, the flight characteristics were very sluggish. Not sure if this is because I upsized, different canopy design, or whatever. Attempting harness turns were non-existent, this could be considered a good or bad thing depending on your desires. For me it was good, because I had booties that would not come off even when unzipped. I had to reach down while bringing my leg up to get the thing off my shoe. The canopy did not even attempt to turn while doing this maneuver. It seemed like I had to bury a toggle to get the canopy to even consider turning. And when it did, the turn was very slow. I also felt like I was being blown all over the place (having to make constant corrections) with what I would consider light winds. The okay - Landings were just ok. Flare was good (relatively speaking). I didn't have any issues landing. But these were just straight in non-speed induced landings. I did not attempt to do any riser turns or use double fronts. Hey, I was in Norway. I wanted to extend my time under canopy as much as I could! Conclusion - It was a good opening canopy that will get you where you need to go. It does the job intended. Side note: Since then I have flown a Storm 135 (hated it for wingsuiting) and a Pilot7 137. My leading contender for a wingsuit canopy is currently the Pilot. It has the same beautiful openings as the WinX, but is also fun to fly after it is open.
  8. This statement is probably truer than we all realize since the "Biblical" flood (or any flood story that the bible copied from) was probably in reality about the size of the flood in Louisiana.
  9. They did not want the massive booties, vents, or anything that would make you somewhat floaty. The complaint was that too many people would get in their slot, take the grip, and stop flying. This was causing formations to be "lifted". Personally, I thought this was a cop-out. Learn to fly your suit that you are wearing and don't stop when you get the grip, look under the formation - not over it, etc. Do this and you have the booties to give you that extra boost when tracking away.
  10. Another recommendation for Tony. Mega booties are a must. That would be good for 4/8-way. But not big way. The few big ways I have went to the organizer specifically stated that they did not want people flying 4-way suits. It is a different discipline requiring different skill set. Therefore, I would get 2 suits. One for competition and one for big way. Then you can get one or two suits for free flying. One for tracking. One to three for wingsuiting. One for swooping. Pretty soon you will need to pack a separate suitcase for all your suits when you go to the DZ.
  11. Really? It isn't too hard to understand. We seem to forget that we ultimately bring on terrorist attack(s) by our foreign policies and/or who we support. When your country can do no wrong and everyone else is just out to get you, is all you understand - it's very easy to see where they come from.
  12. If only we could get a crystal implanted in our hand at birth that would turn red at a certain age. Now that would be utopia.
  13. No. No. No. The title was written by Tay.
  14. Here is an upside: If you are a person that the establishment likes, and Trump wins. After Trump does (or says he will do) something incredibly stupid, the establishment will JFK (or Nixon) him and you become president. I realize that there are lots of "ifs" in that scenario. But hey, there is at least one small possible upside. Or maybe you could F all the hot chicks that want to get close to Trump.
  15. Absolutely. If you are walking around with 2 convictions already and decide to commit another crime [and get caught], you are just too stupid to be part of society.
  16. Useless argument. All that can be determined at trial or during grand jury proceedings. No reason to have statue of limitation on criminal offences. There is a Seinfeld reference for everything...
  17. But that is in effect where we are right now. Nobody is voting for president. They are just voting for who that party will represent them in the election. John's right. Only party members should be able to vote for who represents them (their party) in the general election. You want to vote for someone else in the general election, no one is saying that you cannot. They might try and convince you that you are wasting your vote. But you can vote for Mickey Mouse for president if you so choose. This is the way we have chosen to run our system. Don't like it, change the system. Run for congress yourself. Start a grass-roots campaign. Question the current candidates about this issue. Or use the Second Amendment for what it is really for and overthrow the government and set up your own (if you are successful - but I doubt you will be).
  18. Because that is what you are told and probably not the only reason. It is just the easy cop out. I tell you that I'm increasing my prices because of fuel and you won't be as quick to shoot me. But if I told you I needed to increase my prices because Jenny the manifest girl wants a raise or because Tom the mechanic wants a second vacation home you might not be as understanding. But yes I totally agree with you. I think jump prices should track the price of gas and be changed on a weekly basis. All that other stuff is pretty fixed and can be planned for. That way any time I go to the DZ, I won't know what the actual cost of jumping will be. I'll save a few bucks one week and pay a little bit more the next. It will all work out in the end and keep things exciting when the bill comes at the end of the day.
  19. +1 for G-form. Haven't tried many other varieties, but they work great.
  20. He is failing dismally too, because he is not the establishment. (And he might just be too far to the left.)
  21. "Sand people" are Tusken Raiders and live on the planet Tatooine. "Sand niggers" are people from Casino (or was it Good Fellas) - either way a Joe Pesci reference. Thanks for playing movie trivia.
  22. But those are all filled with "brown" people. We don't really care about them. And besides if the natives get restless, we can always bomb them into submission which is good for us (government contractors) and our military. It also will help keep the natives here in line by allowing us to propagate fear of said brown people. So until there is food shortages here in the good old USA (or one of our allies who look like us), there isn't a problem. And of course we are going to be the last location on earth that will suffer from food shortages. What kills me the most in discussions is people spouting the "fear" that making changes will be devastating to the economy but without any proof. They always want proof from the "other" side. But supply none for their predictions. I've seen prices for fuel and energy go up and down in my lifetime. None of the times where it was higher has there been civil unrest. Yes for some people it was harder to do stuff. But the overall economy didn't come crashing down. People adjusted and moved on with their lives. My opinion is this is that it is better to make small to moderate changes now even if it really doesn't make a great difference. (I'm doing this in my own life, btw.) Then to wait until it is too late and then have to make drastic changes which may or may not prevent the pending "doom". To me this is the only rational choice.
  23. But Bill, you have it all wrong. I paid in my $10 to social security. I DESERVE my $1,000 back out. You just don't understand.
  24. So what you are saying is that I just "happen" to be out here on one of the 9 days that it rains? I frankly don't believe you. According to my scientific data, it has rained 100% of the time I've been here. It will continue to rain according to the reports I've seen. I also have walked past this soccer fiield with a very green and well maintained field. It clearly is not suffering from lack of water. Therefore there is no sign of a long term drought. My data is conclusive evidence. Your data MUST be faulty.
  25. I was worried how water restrictions would interfere with my trip out here. I just landed in San Diego and guess what - it's raining! There is an no drought out here. Goes to show you that you can't trust the media and the alarmists about anything.