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normiss last won the day on July 12

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  1. He also continues to use "he" when referring to his opponent. While refusing to cooperate with the investigation of him being hit by shrapnel.
  2. Beyond belief what some people will justify.
  3. normiss


    Completely disagree, or we hang out with an entirely different class of people. Racism has disgusted me since I was a little kid. I blame the Air Force for the CRT education bits - we learned a LOT about other races in the American schools. I'm thankful for that.
  4. Given the release of testimony in the Epstein case(s) - Trump's rape victim count should increase by a minimum of 2.
  5. Vance is already out with the racist dog whistles too - he says Kamala is "uppity".
  6. Interesting how it's the fault of the leader of a group that takes blame when a bad employee does something wrong - at least when it's convenient for some to assign the blame. That wasn't the only crime lab that created a ginormous pile of trouble due to bad employees.
  7. Pack of what exactly??
  8. "professors and other types" I'm tempted to laugh, but it ain't funny.
  9. It still strikes me as odd that words actually mean things and that some people don't understand that.
  10. Rapist, multiple victims, some under 13. Fraud. Convicted felon. Liar. Cheat. Insurrectionist. Treason. Espionage. Business failure. Twice impeached. Legally prevented from operating a business in NY. There are plenty of other titles he's earned, anyone one of which should be sufficient reason to not support him. He's just a broken piece of shit human and everything he touches dies. Fuck traitor Trump and the idiots who support him.
  11. I used to think using wind drift indicators for demos was a complete waste. Suddenly, wind drift seems rather important.
  12. So today's party of law and order teaches me the following: Rape is ok Fraud is permitted Stealing our nation's most secret defense information is totally cool - especially if you sell or give it to our enemies Bankruptcy is a form of business management Dead children and armed teachers is the future of education Bribery is accepted Violence is the answer if you don't get what you want Truth, honesty, and respect are no longer needed and should be avoided at all cost I am stunned that yet again I am stunned. I simply do not understand the reality of America today.
  13. Ho Lee Fuck. She's wrong though: History of Special Counsels
  14. I sincerely wish America was as concerned about school shootings as they are ear shootings.