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Phil1111 last won the day on July 25

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  1. Did you mix up America with another country?
  2. I've seen more blood from a mosquito bite. But it plays well to support his martyr image with his base.
  3. Deeeeep. The evangelical cult of MAGA involves Trump whoreship. "Whoreship = when you're not only willing to worship something wether it's a cause or an object, but willing to be a whore for the cause/object". In that cult you don't put aside the idols of racism, misogyny, pussy grabbing, lying and the tears of emotion when the image of Trump is shown.
  4. Sad. As compared to the rest of the world where 1/2 is above!
  5. So you're suggesting a bounty of useful idiots all around?
  6. There are two parts to that. The evangelical side forgives him every day because Trump is their sinner. They are about 18% of his base. Another 18% of his base loves the dirty tricks, loves the lying, adores the pussy grabbing and the debasement of women, Brown, Black people. Because its what they do.
  7. Two percent advantage now, another two when the VP is declared and another two after the convention. Trump will be up till three every day burning up his Truth Social and X. Old, a failure at business, a felon, the Life of Trump.
  8. Trump's short attention span is only matched by his inability to maintain focus. His current ramblings about sharks, windmills, are all a part of his deterioration. The latest poll showing Harris with a 2% lead over him isn't going to help.
  9. His idea of being nice is to treat himself. Perhaps a new gold plated toilet on his 757.
  10. "Fred Trump’s son was born with a rare medical condition that led to developmental and intellectual disabilities. His care had been paid for in part with help from the family. After Mr. Trump was elected, Fred Trump wanted to use his connection to the White House for good. With the help of Ivanka Trump, his cousin, and Ben Carson, at the time the housing and urban development secretary, he was able to convene a group of advocates for a meeting with his uncle. The president “seemed engaged, especially when several people in our group spoke about the heart-wrenching and expensive efforts they’d made to care for their profoundly disabled family members,” he writes. After the meeting, Fred Trump claims, his uncle pulled him aside and said, “maybe those kinds of people should just die,” given “the shape they’re in, all the expenses.” Just another example of the lack of humanity of Trump. Above is from a new book authored by Donald Trump's nephew Fred Trump lll. It's thinking like that that endears Trump to the far right, to evangelicals. "Disabled people should just die given the expense and all".
  11. This is why political awareness is a requirement of all intelligent people. Why dangerous ideas and people must be fought. Why the weak and the vulnerable in society must be protected from those who would abuse them.
  12. Nah he'll go back to church, the preacher will tell him that both Jebus and Trump are ordained to save America. To make America pure and White.
  13. Poor Elon. Right after he got a new commitment for stupidly huge stock options if he drives Tesla sales and profits to new targets.It seems as if since he got tangled up with Trump everything he does, goes bad. To think that Joe wants to leave the planet on Musk's Starship.
  14. Elon is making promises again. He promised to donate $45 million a month to Trump's campaign. Like most of his promises he doesn't deliver.Oh well another bad day for Trump.