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  1. Nope! I think that the GOP and Supreme Court and driving their agenda so hard they are mobilising women.
  2. I wonder if we are seeing a seismic shift from a patriarchal society in the US to a more matriarchal society? People are largely fed up with old white men telling them how to live their lives. The whole abortion issue is probably the most visible issue. Secondly, the US is deeply divided and men are typically more combative and more entrenched in their views than women. Women tend to be peace keepers and want to quell conflict. As a result they are generally better placed to heal a divide. Granted you will always have exceptions and outliers (Marjorie for example). I would expect men to resist ‘losing control’ and that’s a natural human reaction. But there seems to be a ground swell of women being far more prominent in politics, especially younger women. It seems to take a lot before women say enough is enough. But once that point is reached they tend to take decisive action. For example in divorce, you’ll often see that they tolerate situations, often verbalising their unhappiness time and again, before they snap and leave, at which point the husband is left stunned that ‘I didn’t know she felt that strongly’. I realise these are sweeping generalisations, men and women each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Personally, I think it would be a good thing for the dynamics to shift. Ironically many men who are bullies and in relatively powerful positions are actually quite ‘scared’ of their wives. I’ve seen it in rich and powerful people I’ve worked for, the whole Supreme Court judge flag saga where it was allegedly ‘his wife controls which flag flies at home’.
  3. I think Mike Johnson is a despicable human being, to the point of being evil. He is determined to undermine the legal system and is questioning the FBI’s statements about shrapnel “Johnson said he didn’t find Wray’s testimony credible. “We’ve all seen the video, we’ve seen the analysis, we’ve heard it from multiple sources in different angles that a bullet went through his ear. I’m not sure it matters that much,” Johnson said.” His whole demeanour is slimy and snakelike.
  4. He may be in decline, but I think Trump has succeeded in being the Biggest,Greatest, most successful ever, cult leader. It’s beyond a simple following and political movement and is pretty global. He’s had people literally die for him and who are willing to fight. Let’s hope all the MAGA cult followers don’t decide to literally pick up weapons for the evil manipulative bastard. Being a cult they will follow him all the way to full dementia as a rambling, drooling mess and claim it’s a clever act to piss of the radical lefties.
  5. Cognitive dissonance happens when you hold two contradictory beliefs and this creates uncomfortable feelings. As a result you either rationalise your views to reduce the discomfort, or change your beliefs. Changing beliefs requires you to acknowledge the conflicting beliefs and discomfort, critically evaluate the beliefs, be open minded and willing to change. Sadly deeply religious people seldom have these traits. In fact most religions and cults actively discourage critical thinking and punish it. In short, I wouldn’t hold out much hope of any change.
  6. No I am not talking about BLM! MAGA are the ones pushing that agenda hard. No integrity and no backbone and they almost always hide behind their cult leaders approach of retweet or ‘some people are saying’ as they don’t have the balls to own their racism and bigotry. I get that you’re right wing, there’s some really good right wing people Liz Cheney for example. Politic leanings should be about policy and beliefs, not a cult of personality and reality tv. I watch what Biden, Harris, Jeffreys say and their actions and for the most part they are people of integrity who talk about policy and vision. I then compare that to Johnson, Trump, Vance, McConnel, Lindsey who spew hatred and fear, and have no recognisable policies. None of them have any backbone or spine just look at their record. Trump is quite literally a felon convicted in court by a jury, his own VP called him America’s hitler. I don’t know how deep into the MAGA cult you are, but as a proclaimed Christian I would hope that you would ‘see the light’ and put aside the idolatry of Donald. The right needs people with conviction who will stand up to him and MAGA and represent right wing policies and values - because that is good for the country.
  7. I got curious about the current US demographic as it has been shifting over the years. I think this raises 2 interesting points. Firstly the whole DEI argument could backfire in a big way as it pits whites against ‘others’. If the entire block of ‘others’ feels alienated they will be driven to Kamilla and more incentivised to vote. Secondly it explains MAGA. I was born in Rhodesia prior to Independence. The UK had implemented a policy in Rhodesia of qualified majority voting. If you had a certain level of education or wealth you could vote. It was not based on race. The intention was a gradual transition of power. The Rhodesien Government driven largely by the farming and rural white communities saw the transition coming and in the sixties unilaterally declared independence and changed the rules. This whole process triggered the war and ultimately the formation of Zimbabwe and the installation of a dictator Mugabe. You can understand why uneducated, rural whites in the US are scared for their future, as the demographics shift and why Trump resonates with them. Unfortunately they are sorely let down by the GOP/MAGA as they feed on the fear and whip up hate. It’s a long term losing strategy and they would be better off fighting to improve the education levels and helping to allay their fears.
  8. The problem with you John is you don’t know your bible! Trump has repented of his old ways and prays regularly for forgiveness. didn’t family guy teach you anything?
  9. That’s clutching at straws and a stupid argument that simply reflects racism and bigotry. Biden dropped out due to health reasons (age related). What do you MAGA guys want other than a Trump dictatorship and cult (which isn’t a democracy). MAGA is absolutely terrified that their cult leader isn’t a sure thing - hence the impeachment moves. The only valid argument I’ve heard - and it’s still a stretch, is that Biden finances shouldn’t be drawn on. The law is odd at times and I can see that being a potential issue. Seeing Christian radicals falling over themselves for a man of Trumps character is sad. As someone said recently, don’t call yourselves patriots if you support Trump, because you’re not. As a side note, I think the American idolisation of patriotism is part of the reason you’ve got here as a nation
  10. Biden’s speech was good. I love how he has flipped the age argument on Trump, without being mean or saying a word about Trump, simply acknowledging that it is time to hand the torch to a younger generation
  11. Something that seems to be resonating well is just how magnanimous it has been of Biden to step down and put country over personal gain. It is a stark contrast to GOP cult following of Trump
  12. They are right to be shitting themselves. In less than a week the betting odds have drop from 10 to 2.4 for Harris and Trumps have started moving upwards and currently at 1.6. It seems there is a sigh of relief that it isn’t two Geriatric old men fighting to stay in the Whitehouse. The GOP have screwed themselves by making the whole conversation about age and mental acuity and not policy. The dems should go crazy reposting and Tagging Trump in this post of his!
  13. Haha, I was thinking of digging up the post I made a few months ago on the odds of who would win. I’m still saying Trump, despite not liking him and a bet I would love to lose. My reasoning is I think the racism and sexism will undermine her. Secondly the Electoral College you guys have is heavily skewed in Trumps favour. There’s a good chance she wins the popular vote.
  14. I agree with you Joe. Unfortunately racism and sexism is rife and that is going to be the biggest hurdle she faces. I’d love to see her prove the haters wrong