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Everything posted by nigel99

  1. nigel99


    RFK having a campaign BBQ in Springfield to celebrate?
  2. nigel99


    I’m not sure if the US is different to Aus and Uk, but the SAVE act with wanting proof of citizenship with a birth certificate or passport seems like it affects lots of rural republicans. My experience is that generally the less educated don’t have passports and secondly tend to lose documents like birth certificates.
  3. Go to a Maga rally and see people falling asleep!
  4. I disagree. I think his best line was ‘I saw it on TV’ He thinks Asylum seekers are from mental institutes and Alf is an illegal alien.
  5. The problem with reviews is that you’re getting the spin, no matter how impartial the source might be. I thought Harris did really well and definitely nailed it. It was fun to see her bait Trump and she was composed all the way through. I felt the moderators were unfair to her at one point where she tried to drive a point home and they cut her off- despite them letting Trump waffle on multiple times. I disagree somewhat with the analysis of Trump, he did better than I expected and although most of my news sources focus on his anger as negative- anger resonates with people who are angry at the system. Trumps reaction to crowd size was gold and he looked like she’d kicked him in the nuts. After him whining that it would be cheating for her to have lifts or something to make her taller beforehand, it really amused me to see how they broadcast headshots so height was irrelevant. Even more so as Trump got more dejected he was slouching and so she appeared taller than him in the split screen.
  6. nigel99


    An angry idiot. Doesn’t understand basic voting that it is a ratio. So what if you got 70 Million votes if your opponent gets 80 Million. My only concern is that Harris is intelligent and uses ‘big words’ and logic and so many people are emotionally driven and don’t relate well with some of the language. Fingers crossed that they are the minority.
  7. You can’t reason and use logic against emotion and gut feel/intuition. Believing without evidence that Harris’s policies will lead to economic collapse and a failed state - an emotional argument straight out of Trumps playbook. Again like Trump any attempt at a logical argument is based on exaggerated worst case scenarios. One of the reasons Trump is so successful is that he tapes into and exploits fear. He connects emotionally and validates people’s fears. I think Harris is doing a better job than Biden at appealing to people’s emotions and acknowledging them. The emphasis on joy has been good as an antidote to fear.
  8. nigel99


    This is quite interesting and not what I expected.
  9. nigel99


    Preview of the upcoming debate
  10. nigel99


    Trump has definitely upped the intimidation and is now directly following Mugabe and other dictators. His escalation of threats that ‘everyone’ involved in election fraud will be jailed and punished severely is intended to scare off election volunteers and silence them. It’s a real pity that he hasn’t been held accountable.
  11. Bringing it back to Harris. One of the things her campaign has got right is to diminish Trump and label him as weak and pathetic rather than some powerful boogeyman. Secondly they have separated Trump from Republicans and stopped attacking them as a group opening the door for a return to bipartisan grown up politics. They have also stopped trying to reach the cult members and are ignoring them. Arguing with cult members just reinforces their beliefs - trying to get cult members to admit that Harris is competent is a total waste of time and just makes them angry and gives you a headache.
  12. I was half asleep when I read this and my first thought reading ‘beaten by a woman’ was DV, now that I’m fully awake stormy and the magazine come to mind.
  13. How anyone can take him seriously is beyond me. That’s beyond narcissism and grandiosity and into the territory of developmentally challenged - pretty sure the average 10 year old has outgrown that phase.
  14. With Trump it’s sometimes difficult to separate satire from reality, I could easily imagine Trump actually saying this.
  15. I’m done with his court cases. They will drag on until he chokes on a chicken nugget. They are simply ground hog day
  16. He also said that at the time of the one assault there was no law against sexual assault on an aircraft.
  17. We have all these groups of …. For Harris. Now that Dick Cheney has endorsed her and Pence says he isn’t voting for Trump we need a Republican VP’s for Harris group.
  18. That’s not very specific? The one where he never took any questions after rambling for an hour after being in court - which probably isn’t much more specific either!
  19. Listened to his rambling nonsense news conference, he spends god knows how long criticising judges and then says that it should be a crime to criticise them.
  20. nigel99


    Very disappointing, but he’s proven to be a balanced and good judge. Hopefully he punishes Trump appropriately.
  21. It’s been far too long where our conversation has been dominated by Donald Trump. We need the old diverse speakers corner discussions about politics, global events and of course religion and guns. It’s inevitable that Trump will be of interest until the election is properly over, but I think we are all sick of hearing about him. I think we should have some sort of swear jar for mentioning him post Jan 2025.
  22. I’m a bit surprised that I haven’t seen more parallels drawn between Project 2025, Trump, Musk and Vance. Reproductive control, Department of Government efficiency and the like. It’s almost like it’s the Trump playbook. My dad always said that ‘Bean counters’ running engineering firms and utilities was a disaster. Trying to put someone like Musk in charge of Government efficiency seems like a recipe for short term gain and long term pain. It’s incredible to see the shift in the US landscape in less than 20 years. The land of the free, has a large percentage of the population hankering for an authoritarian regime - Russia is no longer the boogeyman but the role model for them.
  23. nigel99


    Sometimes it’s not that people are unwilling, but rather they are unable to articulate. This can be especially true of people who go by instinct. A really good 30 second test is the question of if a bat and ball cost $1.10 and the bat costs a $1 more than the ball how much does the ball cost? Critical thinking is unrelated to IQ, I’ve worked with engineers who were Mensa members and hopeless and have a professor friend who is also incapable of it. Unfortunately you can’t argue logic with emotionally driven people as they speak a different language and both sides get frustrated. The key to communicating effectively is finding language that they can connect with - I don’t know how to though…
  24. nigel99


    At what point/colour does it become black face? Seems that Trump isn’t only trying to copy Harris campaign strategies, trying to look like her as well.