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CygnusX-1 last won the day on June 14 2021

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  1. This is great that Hyundai thought of this. Why is it that America is so behind the times and no one here thought of this. This really highlights the downward spiral that America is taking. I miss shifting gears. My first cars I owned were all manual transmissions. My Nissan Frontier I bought specifically because they offered it with a 5-speed manual. Now if only they would allow functionality of plugging in a Logitech USB gear shifter and clutch petal to change gears.
  2. Since I already own my daily commuter EV, it would have to be the Rimac Nevera. At least until the Tesla Roadster comes out. Although something a little bit more reasonable would be the Lucid Air Sapphire. Straight line it is putting down some impressive numbers. I just haven't seen how well the car corners or brakes. ** I assume by this comment, you were talking about cost no object and I actually had the money to buy any of these cars. **
  3. What we really need is for you, me, and everyone else who is unhappy with our selection to start a grass-roots movement and vote for a 3rd candidate. Or maybe go all "Brewster's Millions" and vote None Of The Above. That is the only way we as citizens will break the two-party system and why each party thinks they can nominate such horrible people.
  4. FIFY If you are going to post this anti-EV FUD, please have the decency to correct the inaccuracies or the narrative that the author is trying to push. Although, to be perfectly honest (without reading the whole or any of the article) if the author included Tesla's charging network reliability in the sample that might have greatly reduced the inoperable stations to probably 20% from the abysmal performance of networks like EA.
  5. Jerry I'm just glad that time is finally over now; where 20 years ago I was forced to buy a gas car.
  6. Isn't that exactly what a CEO is supposed to do?
  7. I honestly wonder why Brent hasn't updated this thread praising the performance of Tesla stock for the past 2 months?
  8. I'm hoping that the DNC will not survive this debate. They were the ones who picked that lame ass person by not allowing for a proper primary.
  9. Brent has admitted when he was wrong in the past. I at least give him that. But in this instance, I think it really shows his bias. He was so eager to show or state something that he thought would put batteries in a bad light, that he misrepresented the quote. He did it earlier in this thread when he was trying to state that batteries are not a power source but only storage, implying that fossil fuels are better in that manner. He says this without realizing that fossil fuels are likewise only a storage medium, just with a much longer shelf life.
  10. No way! Not until the train stops in front of my house so all I have to do is walk outside my door and get on the train. Not until the train waits until the exact time I want to leave and then is ready to go. Not until the train takes me directly to my desired location without stopping anywhere else first. Not until the train is ready to pick me back up at the time I want to leave my desired location and take me back to my front door would I rather be on a train. Until that happens, screw you and your climate change!!! I don't need to change anything.
  11. You learn something every day. I did not know that gas stations take 1,000 kW to operate. They must be a real strain on the aging electrical grid. Oh, oh, oh, I know. All we have to do is close down 1 or 2 gas stations per subdivision. That way when we must be forced to buy and charge our EVs all at the same time, we will not be overloading the grid. Problem solved. Thanks Internet nay-sayers.
  12. And you are just seeing FSD (supervised). This is a big step up in performance for those of us who have had FSD for years. I've had it since they just added automatic lane changes on interstates. But that is why I got it so early. I like to see the development of the system and how it gets better - and in some cases worse - with each iteration. Speaking about corner cases. I was using FSD the other day and in my neighborhood, there was the flatbed truck parked in my lane. The driver was out in a forklift and removing a pallet of sod. The forklift was in the oncoming traffic lane (2-lane road). I thought this would be a good test for FSD so I didn't do anything but of course was ready to take over if it screwed up. My car pulled up behind the flatbed and came to a stop about 2 car lengths back. It sat there and waited for about 2 minutes without doing anything while the forklift driver unloaded the pallet. Pretty much as soon as the forklift cleared the road, the car put on the turn signal and proceeded around the parked flatbed. No inputs from me. Needless to say, I was impressed. It behaved exactly as I would have in that situation (except for the fact that I would not have put on the turn signal as there were no other vehicles around).
  13. 7. What has that glacier ever done for ME? It going away does not affect my life directly, so I'm not changing anything.
  14. I tend to think the firing and rehiring of people is more of a reactionary result and not part of some grand plan. Everything that has come out, I think the actual scenario was: Elon to VP: I need you to reduce your department. VP: We have all good people and more work than we can handle. This department cannot afford to be reduced. Elon: Fine, then you are all fired. Elon -> all other VPs: Don't go against my wishes. Rest of the world gets word of this and starts questioning Tesla, Supercharger network, JS3400 connector, etc. People start publicly questioning their commitment to that standard. Elon realizes he screwed up politically and tries to do damage control by stating Tesla is going to concentrate on reliability. (IMO, this statement is probably questionable.) This doesn't calm fears enough, so he is forced to hire back part of the team and make it sound like everything is back to normal. From a business standpoint, it doesn't make sense to fire and hire people. There is a bunch of paperwork needed to do that. IDK maybe with as quickly as things turned around, the people "hired back" were never really on paper fired.
  15. I heard that they fired their whole new products and vehicle development team too. So much for cutting edge vehicles. They only want to focus on FSD, AI, robo-taxi, and Tesla-Bot. Am I wrong? Or was that just anti-Tesla FUD.