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BIGUN last won the day on July 22

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  1. Ahh, so you do know the difference between sex education and porn.
  2. Then teach the parents what to teach. They are the child's first teacher. You're assuming "the state" knows better for all parents. How do you think they became parents.
  3. My [limited] understanding was not maintained, but enough to create the vacuum resulting in an "implosion-type" effect resulting in unrepairable structural damage. My suspicion is the matter will be resolved (change out the glue?). One thing about Musk is he can force people to think about alternatives.
  4. Were we perfect; no. But it was a path. We got to where we are today because of it. There were many reasons the framers let slavery exist within the colonies in the beginning while opposed to it. I'm going to be offline for a few days - If you would like to know more about the depth of it - I would recommend Professor Rakove's book,
  5. However, that thumbprint in the Constitution created the path for the reconstruction amendments of 1865-1870 which marked a second constitutional founding that rested on other premises. Together, they made equality part of the constitution and they gave the national government an effective basis for challenging racial inequalities within the states.
  6. What I found seemed to imply the glue helped create that vacuum
  7. While Jerry and I disagree on political matters. He is a man of integrity whom I respect greatly. I sometimes wish we could all schedule an evening firepit with a few beers and solve the world's problems.
  8. BIGUN

    Biden out

    Afternoon, Jerry Just some random thoughts - Promoting VP Harris as the key replacement is more of a way to keep the PAC funds and I do not think she's the best person for the job (i.e., Border Czar). Whitmer - I just don't know. The Democrat party is going to have to take into account the southern Democrats are Billy Joe Bobs and I'm not sure they're ready for a female President. Or a Kamala/Whitmer ticket. IMO - the best strategic plan would be a Kelly/Moore ticket. Let's keep in mind the number of Trump dissatisfied Republicans and a way to shift then as a FOR instead of an AGAINST rather then being like me and not voting. I can easily jump out of the door for a Kelly/Moore ticket.
  9. I'll tell you my main reason that I cannot vote for Trump. When you pressure your VP to not certify the election - you've chosen to go against the most core democratic principles in our nation and tried to turn it into a dictatorship.
  10. BIGUN

    Biden out

    Kelly/Moore, please. (not the paint for the smartasses).
  11. I think Bill Clinton already did that.