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richravizza last won the day on September 5 2021

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  1. Well,I wonder why....Bye Bye racist baby and All boy aren't blue" seems that wasn't good enough for you. I wonder at what point does illicit content become applicable to your "censorship". Perhaps you didn't hear the preacher.. Last one Bill, tyranny and a corrupt gov't system,let that sink in. In the not blue book the perp wasn't arrested for their crimes,their morality never questioned.The opposite of what most teach their kids.
  2. My daughter turned me on to this one. The beginning reminded me of a scene from Omega man,but damn these kids artistic.Put it on the big screen and turn it up. To those in the CZ, something hard something new, enjoy...
  3. With ZuckerBucks and his $420 million for special swing districts, maybe just a wash.
  4. I'm sure it is, inflation does have benefits for those with big assets.Congrats on your returns Bill.
  5. On second thought....i'll pass. Thank you joeWeb, Agreed the C&D has been received, and I'll take that to heart.
  6. Like Mr. Mills,I almost forgot about the I-E-D, a fatal omission.
  7. Wow,I thought we were on Roland's trumped up charges, with your insight, being there, that long. You could say anything you want, and we could agree on something. But if that's the direction you want to go..ok. Get with the program it's not just DEI, but B for Belonging.Funny, how folks pontificate firing that weapon, even being on the receiving end,but very few belong to that exclusive club. “DEI Secret Service make Presidents LESS Safe.” My personal opinion it a standards issue.Pull priority.If there was a follow up attack, if the first shots just a diversion, the hammer to an anvil.The outcome wb very different, But seems that never crossed minds.I think we can agree, an AAD fire.
  8. I found it an irony of ironies; that a Christian Satire site being censored, motivated the most expensive investment in the Principle of our First. Some say; Like Alaska $44 Billion is a steal.... I like that politicians are fact checked in community notes ,Elon said."you need to realize you can't lie on this platform anymore"
  9. LOL Rapid fire!!! and as accurate. ROLMAO, "Free speech has become a liberal cause, somehow." dig that hole. lol OH thanks for the chuckles.... a Senate hearing with someone you'll like. If you'd re; what Trump said about the boogie man 2025, or is it resurrection 2025, enjoy. We recognize you get your opinions from.... Joy. LOL
  10. Is it easier to pay your bills, food student loans,rent or mortgage is it easier to pay off a credit card or to buy your first home?
  11. What a tool, the firing was because of his research, that you know nothing about.The upshot, you got the slogan thing down. The topic was Roland his research and the toxic woke response from Harvard to facts that don't line up with their ideology.Particular, subjects like Police use of force. Your Diversion is noted,as are your "likes". LOL
  12. What did you think of the SS agents that found it difficult to Holster their weapon, the SS look like a bunch of Keystone Cops? Three minutes is all it takes, Most agree " I could nail this audition" 5.5 mill agree. LOL
  13. and I assumed as much. So Do your duty and destroy them, do your best Jekyll and Hyde,and tear them apart. While some don't click on my eclectic choices,some do. Thanks for dating yourself, it's better than my assumptions. If respect is what you seek, well that requires a two way street. Do you dislike my use of music ? I thought it livens up the dry linear lines of aristocratic communications. There have been many men that have warned us about... your ideas. Thomas Sowell in particular, the distaste and diversion. Better yet, the aversion to facts contrary to those ideological assumptions. I alway like Humor,so bravo,Sir, it is noble to be equally laughable.Stoicism rejects self humiliation and defamation,perhaps because of the lasting impression it leaves,other than an authority fallacy.Noted Sir.
  14. Yes. RIP trying to protect those you loved Corey Comperatore, 50, a former chief of the Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Company, was killed in the shooting, and two other people — David Dutch, 57, and James Copenhaver, 74 — were injured. That has got to be against protocol, No? I Agree completely, some say LEO knew he had a rangefinder disguised as binoculars. strange...
  15. Did you count them? you may be confusing me with Slimking.LOL My a/v presentations are from professors and other types, lots of letters after their names, shirley you can appreciate. My time is limited,so couching 1,000 words on every subject won't be possible.But if you have the time, curiosity or effort to click.Why not. Boy your a sucker for punishment. For the second time, can I use illiterate? Read #176 #2 again. I'll let it go one more time, but if you fail on the third. I'll tell you the answer,the Key adjective, a clue... it starts with R. Where was I, Oh ya,. To those interested in the information filtered by Youtube,some footage of Hamas. I thought some could appropriate the incompetence. A 5 sec. ad and 13 sec. in.... lol and at 2;25, mission accomplished 2;37 LOL A dead man walking, I guess when your shooting at farmers, it doesn't count, the Dude filming sb the next casualty.