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  1. Hi Heels, My apologies to Reagan. Time to get my memory checked, I guess. Jerry Baumchen PS) Thanks for the correction.
  2. Hi Ron, While I tend to agree with you; it was your guy Reagan who gave this country the 18-yr old vote. He thought they were old enough to have political ideolgies. Jerry Baumchen
  3. Hi Phil, And this: 53 percent agreed with the statement that Donald Trump is too old to work in government Those boomerangs keep coming back at you. How sweet it is, Jerry Baumchen Donald Trump Suffers Polling Blow Over His Age (
  4. Hi folks, Well, here is the real Trump: “I was supposed to be nice. They say something happened to me when I got shot. I became nice,” Trump told the crowd. “And when you’re dealing with these people, they’re very dangerous people, you can’t be too nice. So if you don’t mind, I’m not going to be nice. Is that OK?” Did anyone expect him to be nice? Jerry Baumchen Donald Trump blasts Kamala Harris in first rally since Biden exit (
  5. Hi Alborne, Here you go: Vigil America, Inc 1400 Flightline Blvd suite "C", Deland, FL 32724, USA [email protected] Phone: +1 386-736-8464 Vigil AAD | Built To Save Lives Jerry Baumchen
  6. Hi John, In Reagan's case, I think it was true. Jerry Baumchen
  7. Hi okalb, Here in Oregon, the 'special election' is held the next election cycle. It is not held on some whatever date. Is that how it is in AZ? Jerry Baumchen
  8. Hi John, Well, only if you are a guy. Jerry Baumchen
  9. Hi Wendy, About 4 yrs ago I was in Arizona visiting friends & decided to stop by Rigging Innovations & talk to Sandy Reid. As we talked, I told him about the first time that I met him. It was in 1976, he was travelling around the country with some woman in a fairly large van with some sewing machines setup in the van. He was out, on the road demo'ing/selling SST's. I think Sandy had been a member of the Exitus team. As I recall, they all used SST's. Ah, the old days. Jerry Baumchen
  10. Hi Seth, Well, that did it; you are no longer in the Wonderful World of Engineering. Jerry Baumchen
  11. Hi Wendy, I was discussing this the other day. I do not know how it works in Arizona. In Oregon [ I am pretty sure ], if a US Senator leaves office for any reason, then the appropriate political party [ Dems only in Oregon at this time ] sends their choice to the governor and that is the replacement. Then an election is held at the first opportunity so the entire state can decide who will be the replacement senator. Anyone know the Arizona laws? Jerry Baumchen
  12. Hi Bill, May I suggest that you read Post #71. Jerry Baumchen
  13. Hi tk, As I was saying: Black women ready to be ‘the difference-maker’ in Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign - Jerry Baumchen
  14. Hi Rob, And, another rumor is that they got a waiver for the Optimum series also; for the same req'ment. Jerry Baumchen PS) And for: They later quietly admitted their error and will never issue another similar waiver. Only good until some FAA-types retire.
  15. Hi Bill, Joe Weber keeps telling us that the Dems need to get down in the mud with the GOP. Has not yet happened. I doubt that you will believe this; but, it is the GOP that is creating all of the garbage, not the Dems. Jerry Baumchen PS) Something about people who live in glass houses.