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Everything posted by JerryBaumchen

  1. Hi Folks, Re: not a bit of coherence throughout. And, this to continue with it: Trump called it “our best debate ever,” but the former president and others quickly searched for others to blame for his struggles to remain on message. Trump, Republicans play blame game after debate ( How is it possible to say “our best debate ever,” then say to blame for his struggles to remain on message. One thing about Trump: He is consistently inconsistent. If this idiot does not give you a laugh daily, I doubt that you're paying attention. Jerry Baumchen
  2. Hi folks, Of all of the crap that Donald Trump is & stands for, this is the one that I will never forgive: Following the 1989 brutal assault of a New York jogger in Central Park, Trump famously took out full-page ads in the city's major newspapers calling for the return of the death penalty for those responsible The Central Park Five and Trump, explained : NPR He still cannot see how he was wrong: But Tuesday night, Trump said that at the time the five Black and Latino teenagers who were falsely accused of the crime must have “badly hurt a person, killed a person, ultimately.” It's all about himself & no one else. Jerry Baumchen
  3. Hi winsor, Re: That failure was on Kennedy. Monday morning quarterbacking is always spot on. Jerry Baumchen
  4. Hi tk, Re: Trump is/was deranged and unhinged. IMO it is only going to get worse. We all saw how he cannot stand to be corrected. Re: trump admitted that he has NOTHING to offer on healthcare.... just 'concepts'...... like, y'know, 'more healthcare and everything and they are destroying the country.....' What I found interesting is that he can say a 300 word sentence, covering 45 different items, and not a bit of coherence throughout. While I am not medical person, it seems like the rantings of a dyslexic to me. If she continues to hold the lead as we go forward, it is going to be really interesting to see how he holds up. Jerry Baumchen PS) I do have to say, watching him last nite was truly entertaining.
  5. Hi Robert, From your link: Trump fumed, referencing ABC’s corrections during the 105-minute debate 'If you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.' Looks like it was not only Kamala that rattled him. Some people just cannot stand being corrected; and, by a woman at that. Jerry Baumchen
  6. Hi folks, As regards tonite's debate, I think these nail it: In the end, however, it was Trump’s responses and eagerness to take and devour whatever bait Harris set out for him that was the story of the evening. the Harris campaign had been coy about whether she would agree to another debate. Almost immediately after this one ended, they called for a second presidential debate before November. Harris goads Trump into flustered debate performance ( Of course, she wants another shot at him. IMO she cleaned his clock. I'd want more also. It will be interesting if he will agree. Jerry Baumchen
  7. Hi winsor, My All-Time favorite political photo. Jerry Baumchen
  8. Hi Wendy, I totally agree. They called me last nite about 8 PM my time. I was not real nice to the caller. Jerry Baumchen
  9. Hi folks, Missourians will vote this November on whether to legalize abortion. Missouri Supreme Court puts abortion amendment back on ballot | STLPR So far, every state that has had an abortion choice on the ballot, it has been a win for abortion rights. Yet, the GOP continues to tell us that the American people are opposed to abortion rights. Somebody is full of it, Jerry Baumchen
  10. Hi Mark, 1. She was ahead & won the popular vote. 2. Trump won the Electoral College vote. IMO that is why polls today are not accurate. There is a lot to exactly how the questions are being asked. Jerry Baumchen
  11. Hi folks, As I go on-line looking for the news, I find that I am inundated with polls. Some say Trump is ahead. Wait 20 minutes & you will find one that says Harris is way out front. Tomorrow, same-o, same-o. I've given up on them. You??????? Jerry Baumchen
  12. Hi winsor, Re: Her non-existent of economics, free market or otherwise, makes her ill suited to handle the overleveraged finances of state she will inherit. Psst, see my Post #122. Jerry Baumchen
  13. Hi Stumpy, So, where is home; Scotland or NZ? Jerry Baumchen
  14. Hi Jacob, A good friend says that Wings gives a 40% discount to the military. You might ask: Skydive Wings | Wings Aerial System Jerry Baumchedn
  15. Hi winsor, Re: she is sure to fuck up everything she touches. Ronald Reagan was an incompetent who became POTUS. One thing I do give him credit for is picking the people who he felt could do the job. I am of the opinion that she will do the same thing. IMO that is how all good managers work. Jerry Baumchen PS) Here you go, winsor; right up your alley: Harris struggles to win over male voters in key states (
  16. Hi Nigel, Re: into the territory of developmentally challenged I'm slowly becoming convinced that this is what is happening to him. IMO it is being driven by his being beaten by a woman. THAT is not something he can deal with. Jerry Baumchen PS) Now, how about that press conference?
  17. Hi Bill, I cannot say that I am 'following her.' I have heard about her quest. She goes back before me & did a lot in her day. However, I question the concept of awarding Gold Wings when one is a passenger. Would you support the Gold Wings award if someone made 1,000 rides up front ONLY? Jerry Baumchen
  18. Hi Bob, Contact these guys: Velocity Skydiving Equipment | Infinity Rigs and Skydiving Gear ( I am very sure he can fit you up with what you might need. Jerry Baumchen
  19. Hi Bill, I appreciate your taking the time to respond. I know it is work for you. Re: Other than voting for folks that don't want to expand government or subsidies I'm not sure what any individual can do that would be effective. Sure we can write our elected folks but not sure that does anything. I agree, somewhat. Here in Oregon, we have a website for the state legislature that includes the email address of every member. Lots of people poo-poo that emailing, writing, etc will make a difference. While it might not make a LOT of difference, it does make SOME difference. Plus, I feel better when I can tell any public official what I think. Re: These welfare payments come in every conceivable shape and size Your Hoover Institute lost me right there. ALL subsidies are a subjective thing. As I keep saying: It all depends upon whose ox is getting gored. When you do your taxes, anything that you list that will reduce your tax burden is a subsidy. And, that is a fact. Re: the Forest Service has built 340,000 miles of roads I ran a project over in Montana about 35 yrs ago. We had to 'rebuild' the Forest Service road to be able to access the site. I question that this statement really means 340,000 miles of NEW roads. Maintaining existing roads is a necessity. Re: There are plenty of questions to answered and it appears that there are few or no politicians willing to tackle it. Oh, there are always LOTS of politicians willing to tackle it; you just disagree with them. Be open-minded but, be skeptical. Jerry Baumchen
  20. Hi John, To the best of my knowledge, you earned everything you have achieved in your schooling. However, it would be nice if such a system existed here. Your gain, our loss. Jerry Baumchen
  21. Hi folks, Not looking so good for The Art of the Deal guy: they believe a Harris administration can better nurture the private sector. Dozens of business leaders endorse Kamala Harris for president | CNN Business Jerry Baumchen PS) And this makes it even sweeter: Kamala Harris’ political operation raises $361 million in August – nearly tripling Donald Trump’s haul | CNN Politics
  22. Hi Bill, Just another example of Trump being his own worst enemy. If he had said, 'Yeh, we messed up,' a lot of people would let it go, eventually. But, no; he has to say it never happened. Total idiocy. Jerry Baumchen
  23. Hi Nigel, I could agree. However, it is not your country that would in trouble if Trump were to get elected again. As for Jan 2025, let's see what the idiot does then. Jerry Baumchen PS) Plus, you have to admit; talking about Trump does get us some laughs now & then.
  24. Hi Nigel, Re: My dad always said that ‘Bean counters’ running engineering firms and utilities was a disaster. As a ret'd engineer, I agree with your dad. Jerry Baumchen
  25. Hi Tim, Fortunately, we are not all that way. Just enough to cause a lot of tragedy, it seems. Jerry Baumchen PS) In 1954, when I was 13 yrs old, I bought a used rifle. A Remington single shot 22. When I brought it home, my folks never gave it a thought; they were both born & raised on farms where guns were a normal part of life. It was the only gun/rifle that I have ever owned.