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airdvr last won the day on May 13

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  1. R only in registration. Made a small donation to a left leaning group a while back. Mom was D, Dad was L.
  2. Perhaps forced wasn't the best word. What I see happening slowly is my choice of vehicle will be eroded. True, I could continue to purchase used ICE vehicles. But the availability of those goes away quickly if the only new purchase is EV. Of course at my age I'll never personally see that happen. Hell, I get nervous buying green bananas.
  3. I hope you're right. Is see CA at the forefront of pushing people to EVs. California – In 2022, California approved a rule requiring 100% of new light- and medium-duty vehicles sold in the state to be zero-emission by 2035. Delaware – In late 2023, Delaware finalized its clean car regulations. In 2027, 43% of new cars and trucks sold in Delaware will be electric or hybrid models. This percentage will increase to 82% in 2032, and the rule will expire the following year. Illinois – By 2035, auto manufacturers must sell 100% new ZEVs. All vehicles purchased and leased by a governmental unit after January 1, 2025, must be zero-emission or converted to zero emissions. Shall I continue?
  4. As I've said before there are plusses and minuses to both and a market for both. Where I have a problem is being forced to own an EV. That day is coming
  5. My son-in-law is a player at Aurora Innovations. Self driving trucks. 2 areas they continue to struggle with are snow covered roads and glare off the road surface.
  6. I think Elon is on the spectrum
  7. I've given this some thought recently. I think there needs to be a line drawn depending upon the crime. It's nearly impossible now to get a decent job if you've got a tail. You're basically locked out if you have a record. Not surprising many decide it's more convenient to return to incarceration.
  8. Seriously the press secretary's main function is to spin. Been that way for decades.
  9. I've made something of myself. I can be used as a bad example.
  10. That would only apply if fighting crime here had some effect on Haiti.
  11. We need photographic proof of
  12. airdvr

    Lucky me

    Lucky to be in the path. Boss threw a parking lot party. Very cool.
  13. Point taken. Perhaps at least limited. Feels oddly like a dictatorship when a POTUS, with the stroke of a pen can spend billions with no oversight.
  14. I'm constantly amazed at how the usual suspects can take a discussion and turn it into an us/them conversation. I'm not ok with any president's ability to spend billions of our tax money without needing approval. Read that again ANY PRESIDENT. You seem to have a problem with other President's use of the EO. How about chiming in on how wrong it is for any of them.