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oldwomanc6 last won the day on February 23 2021

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    Elsinore, CA Perris, CA
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  1. oldwomanc6

    Lucky me

    Drove to Austin, TX to visit our daughter and see the eclipse. We drove and saw it in Columbia, SC in '17. So cool to see it twice. The weather did cooperate, barely.
  2. Is it still true that no fatalities are reported of nude jumping? Someone just asked me, and I want to be sure if what was reported awhile ago is still true.
  3. And who cares how many sex partners we have had. We're old.
  4. This is an interesting thread, because it points out how males and females are still viewed differently.
  5. I am absolutely not a victim of the "glorification" of guns. And the fact you consider any defensive position "remains emblematic" of using whatever defense one may have at hand is sad. Guns are tools. nothing more, nothing less. They don't kill people, people kill people. I'm out. thank you to those who understood the intent of my post.
  6. No. But, even if I did, it does not put any of the responsibility on me, the only one to blame is the criminal. Again, trying to put any part of the responsibility on anyone other than the perp is victim blaming. Of course it is a fantasy wish to have been armed. 20/20 hindsight and all.
  7. What do you mean? A man broke into my apartment (my domicile, my home, my castle) and attacked me in my shower. The use of the word predictable smacks of victim blaming. "Interesting point of view." my ass.
  8. Having been attacked in my shower, I wish I would have been armed. Don't be so flippant.