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ryoder last won the day on May 11

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  1. This is interesting. Some guy named Brandon Herrera did what could best be described as a Mythbusters-style recreation of the assassination attempt. It was complete with a ballistic gel molded bust, and high speed cameras. He shows a replica of the gun the shooter used, which had a sight with no magnification at all, and it looks like it was damned near impossible to get serious accuracy with it at that range. Some background on Herrera: https://ballotpedia.org/Brandon_Herrera
  2. Winsor has made it perfectly clear that he detests all politicians. If Abraham Lincoln arose from the dead, and the Democrats put him on the ballot, Winsor would attack him because: 1. He led the nation into war. 2. He failed to finish his term.
  3. Are you sitting down for this? A Trump-appointed judge in Texas is allowing a woman to sue the prosecutors and sheriffs for illegal prosecution over an abortion. Woman imprisoned for abortion, wrongfully charged with murder, will be allowed to sue prosecutors, sheriffs for $1M
  4. Makes you wonder if the blood spatters on his face were someone else's blood. Rumor is he can't release the medical records because the IRS is auditing them. ;-)
  5. So many idiots, so few comets.
  6. ryoder


    Even SNL used it once!
  7. Great comment I saw on the DEI claim over on Xitter: "In 1991, was Clarence Thomas really the nation's most qualified judge to put on the Supreme Court, or was he a DEI hire?"
  8. In the ongoing saga of the MAGA toady ex-county clerk (Mesa County CO), she just learned that even a corrupt SCOTUS isn't a dependable crime partner. Rejected by Neil Gorsuch. U.S. Supreme Court denies former Mesa County clerk Tina Peters’ bid to halt criminal case
  9. Possibly a connection here? Tesla’s Profit Fell 45% in the Second Quarter on Weak E.V. Sales
  10. GOP Rep. Introduces Articles Of Impeachment Against Kamala Harris —Though Political Stunt Is Bound To Fail When you can't get the votes with your policies, try anything other than fixing the policies.
  11. Perhaps he was just speaking from his own personal experience?
  12. George Conway has started a new PAC: The Anti-Psychopath PAC
  13. Yes, here in CO we just had our own fiasco: Colorado Bureau of Investigation Releases Findings from Internal Affairs Probe into Laboratory Testing
  14. If Trump was smart, he would have taken those hundred of millions he inherited from his father, and become a successful business man.