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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Rest in peace Dave. You will forever be a friend, idol, mentor and inspiration to me. Like many, Dave trained me initially to be a rigger. After a few years I got good at it. One night in Eloy Dave, Weird Wayne, Dave Mahoney and myself were sitting around a campfire. Mahoney and I had the loft there at the time. Listening to Dewolf and His Weirdness discuss so many things that were way above the heads of Mahoney and mine was one of the greatest treats of my life. Respect, Love and Peace to you my friend. Mahoney and I still talk about that night. "There's a pork chop in every can"
  2. 1 point
    Dave had many "saves" himself and when you multiply that by all the riggers he trained the numbers would be in the thousands. A life well lived.
  3. 1 point
    The other part of the solution is to address what's going on in their countries of origin, and work to make life better in those places so people don't feel the need to risk their (and their kids') lives to migrate to the U.S.
  4. 1 point
    A giant in this sport! R.I.P. Dave say hi to Joe Smith!
  5. 1 point
    I was thinking of using the ban in another way. Opponents of the Alabama legislation should introduce multiple bills to compensate. Rape has no statute of limitations. Penalties for rape are raised to the same level as health care providers who terminate the pregnancy (per the recent bill -- up to 99 years incarceration). Free health care for all women and their children until the child leaves the home (if the life is valuable enough to bring to term, then it is valuable enough to be healthy). Increase educational spending -- because what value is a life to society if they are not educated? They need to have their own words used to illustrate that they're really full of shit. Of course, none of these will make it through, but the lawmakers need to be on record showing their lack of consideration for women who no longer have rights over their own bodies, and children forced to be born. One lawmaker already said that embryos in stasis don't count -- only those already in a woman's body count as real lives. (ETA: Because they obviously understand the definition of the word "conception.")
  6. 1 point
    You add "indirectly" and you would have a LOT of people.
  7. 1 point
    Hi Gary, That is what I will always remember about Dave. A fun guy to be around, Jerry Baumchen
  8. 1 point
    Those numbers are for June, when the campus is mostly vacated. My numbers are from 2014 during the conversion to NG. It is a more comprehensive assessment of Penn State’s energy use. As you can see your SWAG is way off. I looked for a price for this nonexistent (as of now) battery and could not find one. It is hard to conduct a cost/benefit analysis when the cost is unknown.
  9. 1 point
    Dave was one of the greats in skydiving and parachute rigging. Always cheerful. Always helpful. I'm going to miss him.
  10. 1 point
    I'd love to see a show of hands as to how many of us "directly" owe our lives to this man. I'm one
  11. 1 point
    House? You said town, and in my town we have Pennsylvania State University. Just last month PSU used 6206 tons of coal, 35,056,803 KWH of electricity 142,710 MMBTU of natural gas and 4860 gallons of oil. That was for April, obviously February’s numbers would be much higher. Can you please show the battery that can handle that demand?
  12. 1 point
    Don't feed the trolls.
  13. 1 point
    I know this has been mentioned before, but I'll beat that dead horse again - just to make sure it is still dead. But if fossil fuels are so economically viable why do states and the federal government subsidize them to the tune of $20.5 billion annually (as reported by OCI)? I know this is a rhetorical question. We all know the answer to that - lobbyists/ bribes/ corruption. We should first eliminate the subsidy to oil/gas/coal first. Then maybe in 30-40 years we can eliminate it for renewables.
  14. 1 point
    That's the helmet you will be jumping with? That's great! Did people actually strap med-kits to their helmets on the jump?
  15. 1 point
    Wow, you must have worked really hard to come out of USPA courses learning nothing. Yep. There are unethical people out there. The right solution is to call them out on it - not to blame a few thousand people for what one person does.
  16. 1 point
    Soooo, here we are knocking on the 1 yr anniversary of a few members of the BOD voting to fund the continuing failed fiasco known as the ISMHOF. This scam continues to induct members into a fake museum that doesn't exist, doesn't have a location, building plan, time schedule or anything that cude be called, in the most generous way, a plan to actually get this project finished. To all the Geniuses that decided to divert members funds into this mess, please give us an update. Half a century and counting...…..
  17. 1 point
    I agree with the concept of 18 months of national service. I served 13 years in the Canadian Armed Forces. I learned far more as a drunken sailor than I ever learned in university. The difference was that I dragged my hung-over body out of bed for bus tours, museum tours, the occasional skydive, etc. The first thing I did ashore was visit a local restaurant .... not because ship's food was bad, .... but it was boring after a month, and I wanted a change of flavours. I made a point of learning a bit of local history and local geography and a few words in the local language, etc. I also learned that enlisted men are always "put down" by their superiors. I also asked to many embarrassing questions. Clearly I was too bright for that line of work. But military service is not the only way to serve your country, Medical, fire-fighting, food, educating, old folks homes, etc. all provide ways to serve. With proper planning, students will emerge with new job skills. That "gap year" provides students with a chance to rethink their life plans. A year flipping burgers is a great incentive to study hard at college. Free tuition only becomes a problem when it becomes an entitlement. For example, the brightest 5 or 10 percent of French students used to get a free-ride through university. That makes perfect sense for the brightest 5 or 10 percent. They will become the most productive members of society and will eventually pay more in taxes than their tuition cost the country. Fair deal! But it becomes a problem when they grow entitled to a free-ride for the rest of their lives.
  18. 1 point
    From what I've read, yes. He was already sick when they were taken into custody. My understanding is that he went pretty much straight to the hospital. Pneumonia can be a real bugger. The symptoms aren't all that severe. You feel like crap, you have a bit of congestion and breathing is harder than normal (but not truly 'labored'). By the time the symptoms get 'bad'. it's late in the game, often too late. And once you reach a certain point, all the medical care in the world can't save you. Jim Henson (of Muppet fame) died that way. By the time he reached the hospital, it was too late. Personally, I had it back in 05. I had the flu and kept not getting better. After a about a week and a half, I started coughing up just a bit of blood and went to the doctor. He told me another day or two and I would have ended up hospitalized, another day or two after that and I would likely have not survived. He also mentioned how Henson died. Purely speculation, but I'll guess the kid got sick on the way north. Not much the parents could do. He likely would have died if they had turned back, stayed put or moved on. I also won't put a lot of blame on DHS/CBP. If the kid was already sick and they got medical care as soon as practical, they did as much as they could. There's a LOT of stuff I'll hold them accountable for (or would like to see them held accountable for), but this isn't one.
  19. 1 point
    Problem solved - Lets create the First Environmental Church, and have everyone tithe.
  20. 1 point
    To paraphrase Arthur C Clarke, anything can seem like magic to those that aren't capable of understanding it.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Let me update my answer. The DZO is closing in on 50 and I'm 64 with 3000 tandems. Heck I have over a 1000 tandems on my new knee. Age is a hell of lot more than a number! STEVEMACHINE!
  23. 1 point
    >Haha...you think W was responsible? Thank you for proving my point.
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