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  1. Listen to #SistersInLaw, Talking Feds, Opening Arguments, amongst others.
  2. Thursday at 06:50 PM (edited) Technically, no. If he is permitted to cast a ballot, however, every harassed Florida voter needs to post it all over social media alongside their stories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am corrected. The Florida rule is that you are only prohibited from voting in Florida if the state in which you were convicted would restrict a felon from voting. Reportedly, New York only prohibits a felon from voting while they are incarcerated. Had he been found guilty in a Florida court, he would be restricted from voting, as that is the Florida standard. Also, I have learned that Trump is technically still not convicted. He has been found guilty but is not "convicted" until he is sentenced. The stuff you learn when you listen to podcasts with lawyers. :)
  3. Technically, no. If he is permitted to cast a ballot, however, every harassed Florida voter needs to post it all over social media alongside their stories.
  4. I can't see Trump giving her another position, especially since she didn't complete her U-Turn with the requisite "Trump is the best choice for America!" She just said she couldn't support Biden, so she has to vote for Trump. Not really the same. Although, still very disappointing. I have several friends of the traditional Republican type who were very excited for her campaign. Looking forward to asking them what they think of her recent pronouncement.
  5. The other card-carrying woman here (though I have been absent a bit!). Anyone impregnated should be able to get her own treatment from a provider who is trained and still willing to perform the procedure. "Late term" is not a thing. "Later abortions" happen after a fetus is expected to be developed to viability and can survive outside the uterus but are necessary due to something non-viable about the fetus (it will never be viable outside a uterus). To force someone to continue growing a fetus that will never grow a brain, or statistically speaking has a 98% chance of not surviving due to ruptured amniotic sac or other complications, or for myriad other medical issues that none of us NOT trained in obstetrics fully understand, is cruel, dangerous and unethical. Anyone trained in the science who is willing to perform the procedure in-office or by medications (has taken an oath to do no harm and still feels the procedure is appropriate), should be able to provide that health care to the patient who wants it.
  6. I presume the chimney was being used to vent the smoke from the fire on the hearth at the time? Otherwise it would be difficult to "guess the rest."
  7. I presume this Vulcan launch was from the California facility? I deal incidentally with ULA a few times a year in Florida, so I will be interested to hear if they present this accomplishment the next time we're there.
  8. And if you want to be technical, Trump will still appear on the ballot in CO, because he filed his appeal (barely) in time, which stayed the action.
  9. One way they like to move goalposts is to put it on the primary ballot. Florida has closed primaries, but that does not mean unaffiliated voters cannot vote on primary day. There is a non-partisan ballot to cast that cuts out any options specifically for the parties. In 2022 I voted on several initiatives involving zoning and taxation, as well as school board memberships (technically non-partisan). This is just the initiative I could see getting put on a primary ballot, because a lot of independent (unaffiliated) voters in Florida are unaware they still have work to do on primary day.
  10. Bill, IMHO, all of what you wrote stems from the one I highlighted. This characteristic seems to be necessary to make all the other influences possible. T
  11. To keep on topic: my grand-nephew, age 4, is a HUGE Swifty. He had a Taylor Swift-themed birthday party, and his mother posted a cute vid of him dancing to Lavender Haze (while also wearing a replica fuzzy lavender coat) during a cinema Eras tour broadcast. His father, OTOH, was a massive Trump supporter in 2016 (haven't spoken with him about politics lately, but I have no reason to believe he has changed his opinion much, if at all).
  12. Oh yes, I do know. Which is why it's so pathetic that actual people (voters) are so easily taken down that path instead of having the critical thinking skills (education) to see a bigger picture. :/
  13. It's also so sad that his party/base can't deduce a well-executed foreign policy that helps impoverished countries to develop and take care of themselves actually REDUCES the demand to migrate.
  14. Democrats shouldn't be trying to negotiate exceptions, like 15 weeks; rape, incest or health of the pregnant person; etc. They should come at this from the other side: all medical procedures are allowable, with the decision resting between the person needing/wanting the procedure and the medical provider. If someone wants an exception, they have to show why any procedure should be prohibited or disallowed.
  15. Which is why this is the perfect way to stay in the sport. :)~