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Stumpy last won the day on April 18

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  1. He's not in the race any more. You might not have noticed.
  2. I do think Biden waiting till after the RNC was a stroke of genius and the more I think about it, the more the timing seems carefully calculated. It's genuinely hilarious as an outside observer watching the MAGA crowd scratching round for something to use as the "hook" to pin on her. Aside from the lame "DEI Hire" thing which doesn't stand up given her background, they don't seem to have anything credible at all.
  3. This is my worry. The birthers are already shouting.
  4. seen any videos of trump speaking? She could be standing on her head and laughing like a hyena and she'd still present better than he does.
  5. 2nd hand Taycan. Very tempted.
  6. In other news, water is wet.
  7. Speaking of people who don't understand....
  8. The US will also be a laughing stock internationally. Biden repaired that somewhat after Trump's first term, but Trumps "strongman" act just makes him look ridiculous.
  9. If olof said that (which I doubt - but quote the post if you can, I'll wait), its still a shit-tonne more accurate than anything you've said in the last few years.
  11. There is so much in your post that really just speaks to the bias of the MSM that you consume. The one point I'd push on is the quote above - you should ask yourself why you think that is, given that the GOP would fall over themselves to prosecute if they had a single decent iota of proof, or evidence of wrongdoing
  12. only because I think it would be interesting to see how mad it made trump, and that I don't know how having the president in a prison would even work.
  13. Could Biden pardon him? Or does that not apply for state level convictions? Would be pretty funny to see the rage generated if Biden got all magnanimous about it, or pardoned him for all counts but one - still a felon, just a minor one.