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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. It’s going to be OK, Trump is a showman and blow hard, not Satan in human form. I was joking when I said Trump would suspend the Constitution, declare himself emperor for life, outlaw opposition parties and declare war on everyone except North Korea and Russia. You seem to think that would actually happen.
  2. Clyburn, a party boss, put his thumb on the scales and subverted the democratic process, the same thing happened with HRC. You get the nominee/s you deserve and to quote pastor Jeremiah Wright, “the chickens have come home to roost”
  3. I would really be interested in any peer reviewed studies demonstrating a link between climate change and an increase in the number or severity of tornadoes.
  4. Pledging $45 million per month to a pro Trump super pack.
  5. Watching the RNC convention on MSNBC and a black women started to testify how she evolved from a Trump hater to a Trump supporter and suddenly she was cut off. Same thing just happened with the Teamsters union president.
  6. I will say, attempting a headshot at 150 yards with iron sights is not so easy. OTOH with a properly zeroed optic it’s very very easy. My 11 year old can hit a quarter at 200 yards
  7. Well then say hello to President Harris
  8. That is what we get when DEI is deemed more important than merit.
  9. The only possible replacement for Biden is Harris. The only reason that has not happened is Harris is less popular than Biden. Don’t forget that the Democrats rejected her before a single vote was cast and she blamed the racists and misogynists in the Democrat party. Her unpopularity aside, she cannot be replaced at risk of upsetting the black female voter, a block with which the Ds cannot survive
  10. Wow, you are truly a damaged soul. I genuinely hope you find the help you need, to find solace. (Not Kidding)
  11. It’s almost as if a supernatural entity is manipulating events to ensure a Trump victory.
  12. Wow, they canceled Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning. Without their anti-Trump content the show would would be four minutes not four hours.
  13. I’m going to go with the even simpler explanation, his detractors are too dumb/clueless/unskilled to make a nearly point blank shot with an AR.
  14. According to a Washington Post, lefties are just as prone to conspiracy theories at righties.
  15. Do you think it is ok to shoot Nazis?
  16. That goes both ways. When the Left is describing a potential second Trump term as “the end of democracy” and “the country won’t survive if Trump gets elected” this was bound to happen. (or describing Trump supporters as Nazis)
  17. What did you guys expect. If you claim Trump is an existential threat to the country, wouldn’t it be the responsibility of every patriot to eliminate the threat?
  18. Anyone who wants a coup and still likes to row their own gears is going to find and alarming lack of choice
  19. On day one, Trump will declare an emergency, suspend the constitution, outlaw opposition parties, anoint himself emperor for life, appoint Don Jr. as his successor, declare war on everyone other than Russia and North Korea and rename the U.S. Trumponia.
  20. I said diversity is our greatest strength look at what a great job the WH press secretary is doing. Minority, immigrant and gay!
  21. What about VP Harris. We all know diversity is our greatest strength and Harris checks all the boxes. Female, Black, Asian…she is a guaranteed winner.
  22. Looks like we need to make some changes.
  23. Replaced by gender studies.