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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Everyone. It's the only way forward from the current mess.
  2. 2 points
    The POTUS should never be permitted to override security clearance verifications and denials. It's a risk that multiple people in the Trump admin and family could not obtain them without the nod from their capo.
  3. 2 points
    Not sure. We're doing the same flight on the 27th. I've stated before that I'm in favor of single payer.
  4. 2 points
    I'm also interested in this underloading thing. I'm surprised that BASE jumpers aren't dropping like flies, and I guess I was just exceedingly lucky to have made several hundred jumps in the 80's at a wingloading of about .7, as an experienced jumper, in a variety of winds. Wendy P.
  5. 2 points
    Hey lyosha, that claim surprises me too. It is very rare that an underloaded canopy is dangerous. Maybe, say, a very large crossbraced canopy with a tiny jumper -- that can collapse more easily at low wing loading with its small nose openings. Or are you including cases where the jumper screwed up their flight planning? I never had any big problem jumping accuracy canopies at 0.65 wing loading, in high winds where I was being pushed backwards right to landing, even if the landing was a bit rough. But it does take some actual spotting, so if you get dumped out of a turbine aircraft at a DZ with a lot of obstacles and a tight LZ, you could easily get into trouble. But that's not directly due to the low wing loading. A light wing loading canopy is more likely in nasty turbulence to - for example - fold a wingtip under, but that's more or less compensated for, by its much more benign behavior with a sudden loss of lift on one side. So I'm also curious just what sort of circumstances existed where you had friends breaking themselves under (and possibly "due to") light wing loading.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action." Ian Fleming.
  8. 1 point
    This is a hell of a front page. Hoover, Apollo Mission, Vietnam, and Cooper.
  9. 1 point
    > 1.7 Million voted for Walker in the GA runoff election. Willfully stupid, IMO.
  10. 1 point
    On the subject of “under loading” canopies…in my observations of several thousand student jumps, on the students first downsize from the huge canopies used during AFF, loaded at less than 1x1, the students canopy control and landings dramatically improve when they reach a 1x1 wingloading. This assumes the student has gained enough experience, learned the proper flair techniques, and know the appropriate sight picture. Based solely on this information, the “under loading” premise is valid. Of course, the practical aspect necessary rules out higher wingloading of new students. The data (and common sense) clearly indicates it is safer to place brand new students with “underloaded” canopies. I have seen no clear indications or data showing “underloading” of main canopies presents clear dangers, except for high winds and turbulence, both of which are usually observable and predictable. I would be interested in any objective data showing the dangers of underloading canopies, in general, with licensed jumpers.
  11. 1 point
    Two things here. One is that I haven't seen too many extreme left viewpoints here. The number of people who want to do away with capitalism or a demand-driven economy, for example, is very close to zero. Two is that you can't balance an extreme left wing (or right wing) viewpoint by going to the other extreme. That just leads to two incompatible viewpoints that can never converge.
  12. 1 point
    I don't get the semantics, civilian/luxury/sport??, even Hayden said the FBI "civilian luxury type" description wasn't accurate. They were both modified military bailout rigs..
  13. 1 point
    I'd be surprised if that was the only mistake I made transcribing those damn things.
  14. 1 point
    Exactamundo. Going forward only happens from where we actually are, not from where we coulda-shoulda-woulda been had there been a magic fairy in charge. Wendy P.
  15. 1 point
    sounds like we found the cat.
  16. 1 point
    Two years since his big lie and now he wants to dissolve the constitution. airdvr, and others here who pan liberalism, take a guess why many here don't take you seriously.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Thoughts and prayers.
  19. 1 point
    So in the past few weeks we have had: -Trump's company convicted of criminal fraud -Trump's protesters convicted of felony sedition against the United States -Referrals for prosecution to the DOJ from the Jan 6th investigation -A blue wave in the Senate, defeating Trump's candidates -Trump's tax returns released to the House Ways and Means committee -Revelations that Trump hid almost $20 million in cash given to him by North Korea connected companies -Updates on Trump's theft of top-secret nuclear documents from the US government And that's not even counting his rape/slander trial, the two non-pardonable criminal investigations into Trump's frauds, the lawsuits that police have filed against him, or the lawsuit Michael Cohen filed against him. Republicans have a choice to make. Will they finally reject Trump and reclaim their position as the pro-law, anti-crime party? To check, let's look at the top headline from FOX News just one short day ago: "Hunter Biden confronted at White House black-tie event over laptop."
  20. 1 point
    Lot’s of agent confusion about the size of the canopies in the respective main chutes. They alternate between 26 and 28 foot. Thank Allah for the 302’s on the chutes. With them I was finally able to expunge from the Wikipedia page all the civilian sport luxury chute nonsense that the FBI put out into the zeitgeist.
  21. 1 point
    Well, it didn't go down like that,, The FBI contacted Cossey when the chutes were recovered from the plane and described them to Cossey.. they told him the tan pioneer back chute was recovered so Cossey said the other was his NB6/8 and he gave a description. So, Cossey never gave a prior description of the back chute that was left in the plane and returned to Hayden.. Interestingly, of the very early chute descriptions which were not from Cossey, one matches the chute returned to Hayden and the one Cooper used does not match Cossey's description. Once Cossey described his back chute the FBI went with that description.
  22. 1 point
    AP is calling GA runoff for Warnock :)
  23. 1 point
    Sport jumpers are picky and prefer their own chutes. Cooper had military jump experience and probably hadn't jumped in a while. He was 45-50ish.. Cooper thought the chutes were coming from McChord.. He checked the cards and probably the seals.. IMO, he tossed the dummy because it had no card or seal. Also, he was not nervous and put the harness on easily.. A non jumper would be nervous and struggle with the harness.. Evidence is solid.. Cooper had some jump experience, almost certainly from the military.
  24. 1 point
    You can't find them when there's a mine field that needs clearing.
  25. 1 point
    Things keep going "boom" on Russian military airfields, and people keep blaming Ukraine: Ukraine strikes another Russian air base, showing vulnerability of defenses
  26. 1 point
    I just read yesterday that McConnell has not talked to Trump since December 2020, and has not visited Mar-a-Lago. Of course he did spend four years enabling the deranged fool, so he is still an accomplice.
  27. 1 point
    Appeals court tells Michael Flynn he must testify in Fulton County's Trump investigation Funny how all these MAGAts constantly crowing about all the election fraud evidence they have...fight tooth and nail to resist talking about it in court.
  28. 1 point
    What bothers me is the way millions of voters supported him knowing full well that he is a con artist, liar and sexual predator, and I don't suppose this conviction will make a scrap of difference to them. A large subset of them will no doubt vote today for a guy who's been hit in the head several times too many in his former career, and is an incoherent ignoramus. I find that very disturbing.
  29. 1 point
    The only way that I can imagine "under-loading" a canopy to be dangerous is if you combine that "under-loaded canopy" with gusty winds with strong updrafts and even stronger down-drafts. .... which makes us question why you were jumping in gusty winds??????????? When the air gets bumpy, POPS sit on the balcony and watch young pups get dragged through the cacti. Hah! Hah!
  30. 1 point
    I would be interested in the details as well.
  31. 1 point
    On the subject of midterms, where’s Brent??? Did the red wave wash him away?
  32. 1 point
    You don't quit skydiving* because you get old. You get old because you quit skydiving. * - Insert 'ride motorcycles', 'skiing', 'hiking' or any other activity.
  33. 1 point
    They can't see the parallels, because they don't read books.
  34. 1 point
    And it's sad that the people in that bottom pic aren't bright enough to see the parallels. Or they are and it's intentional. Either way - these are not good people.
  35. 1 point
    1933 book burning Nazis 2022 book burning America
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