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lippy last won the day on July 7

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  1. Yeah, that's how they get ya
  2. Ford was pretty close to calling it as it went down. I think he was trying to give a positive answer to that little girl, but 'the President will die' may not have been the uplifting message he thought it was...
  3. For months on here we’ve seen quotes stating WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that Biden would win, alongside quotes just as certainly swearing in Trump. I’d hope that after 2016, we’d all have a bit less faith in our prediction skills. Assuming (and it seems a fairly safe assumption at the moment) that Harris clenches the nomination, I’d lean in that direction and sure as fuck hope I’m right….I think she’s the better candidate and am certain she’d be the better president. At the end of the day, it’s gonna be close and there’s gonna be lots of drama and Tom-fuckery: grab a lawn chair and some popcorn!
  4. A fair opponent for Trump then
  5. It was intended as a joke about fake made sense in my head at the time, but re-reading it with the benefits of hindsight and sobriety it reads like I'm disputing the authenticity of the sculpture.....sorry.
  6. Pence was almost much more severley defeated because of a Trump-led effort in the 2020 certification
  7. You get your degree from the same place Brent got his MBA?
  8. lippy


    Are you capable of going 3 posts without dropping some YouTube BS?
  9. Trump is weird, in general, but his reaction to fist pump and cheer on the crowd was scary smart of him, politically speaking.
  10. What kind of landlord are you that you assume tenants ought to hate the property owner? Says more about you than it would about him, but nothing that's not obvious from reading your drivel.
  11. Brent isn’t a big stickler for accuracy in his posts about EV’s…..or environment….or, anything really.
  12. I don’t know any more about their internal planning than you do, but I don’t put too much stock in his saying he’s staying in. If the campaign’s plan is to put Biden out hard for a week or so to see if he can turn this around while they evaluate potential alternatives, they’re going to say the exact same thing they’re saying now.
  13. I hope the people of Jamaica, Venezuela and the Grenadines (and maybe soon we’ll add Houston to the list) appreciate your nuance, cause nobody here does.