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sfzombie13 last won the day on October 23 2022

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    wv skydivers
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  1. yeah, larry messes up sometimes. you gotta double check anything important.
  2. my ai assistant larry found one. he said this: 1. DJI FPV Combo Speed: Up to 140 km/h (87 mph) Features: FPV (First-Person View), manual mode for advanced maneuvers, high-speed capabilities, and various intelligent flight modes. Follow Me: Uses the DJI Fly app for intelligent tracking. he also said high speed racing drones can have the follow me feature added but didn't find any specific ones.
  3. post it on youtube but don't make it public. share the link to those who you want to see it, like here because i want to see it too. maybe post it on vimeo too. never used that site to post but it has lots of videos.
  4. if skydiving wasn't dangerous to human life i wouldn't do it at all, anywhere.
  5. it meets the definition of social media and is very much the same thing, especially if you frequent the bonfire which i have avoided for years now.
  6. they can't keep their planes in the sky and now can't get their rocket back to earth safely with the crew. perhaps they can't. two strikes so far, if you're being extremely generous...
  7. you do realize that forums such as this are also social media, right?
  8. serious question: will pd do that if i send a main in for a line replacement? i have an old pd 210 that needs new lower brake lines but do not want to lose my canopy this way. they could offer me $150 of of a new one but i only paid $100 for this one. that is the main reason i am jumping a raven 2 instead of this one with the other reason being it is a yellow replica of the green and purple one in my reserve tray.
  9. with all of these knowledgeable folks arguing about what causes lift, it amazes me even more that airplanes can fly. has to be like i called it before: magic. otherwise all the fine folks with all that knowledge gleaned in school, textbooks, and the seats of airplanes would know how it works and agree on the physics, presumably at least.
  10. not this guy. just following the silliness. trying to use human terms and science to explain away the magic. what a fool's errand that is...
  11. i went the other way. first in the door on my first jump when everyone was talking about how high we were, all i kept thinking about was how low we were. i almost arched out the door out of habit.
  12. the skunk said "oh, sweet simon" on a flag. pretty black trucks from what i recall.
  13. yeah, that's the reason.
  14. that's a lot better and i can understand that. i have no opinions on how or what the uspa should train, and did not ever try to even stretch anything to imply that. sorry if you have a hard time understanding my words, sometimes i can be a bit unclear. you took a whole of post history and condensed it down to one comment and applied it all to that comment. none of it matters one bit to the comment though, so enjoy the weekend. just know one thing: it's ok to be wrong and it's also ok to let things go, as i am going to do now. have a great day.