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SkyDekker last won the day on July 19

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  1. you do indeed celebrate hoaxes
  2. Looking down from my cohort everyone is mediocre.
  3. He has already forgotten Kamala is female...
  4. In some republican states because they got raped.
  5. And yet the last school wasn't desegregated until 2016.
  6. Interesting, certainly never looked at it that way. Is that what other Americans think as well? Only conceived the same way, but after that it is all difference? And that isn't true anymore either, they aren't all conceived the same way....
  7. He had donated to a previous Hillary campaign too, made no difference.
  8. Indeed they are noble and a good guideline to strive for. I object to them being used as evidence of what is true in the US.
  9. There would not have been a USA without the sentence all men are created equal under God? That's a bit of a stretch.....
  10. At which point segregation was still very much a thing and women weren't considered smart enough to vote. Nothing near equality. I mean it is a nice sentence, like justice is blind. Nice little slogan to hide behind. But that doesn't make any of it true.
  11. Too progressive. Needs a bit of a centrist candidate for VP.
  12. Did she rape anyone? Did she run a sham university? Did she steal from a children's charity? Did she specifically refuse to rent apartments to non-whites? Was she friends with Epstein? Did she say she would like to fuck her child? Those things alone outqualify her against Trump. Plus, Trump is too old.
  13. Sure white men and white men only. At the time that was written women of any colour were not equal to men. And men of colour were definitely not equal to white men. So to trundle that sentence out today as if it sort of means everyone is equal is disingenuous. It never meant that.
  14. So one could potentially take a picture of a girl in a bikini and sell it, but can't take a picture of a girl topless and sell it? What about a topless guy? What size do the breasts have to be before it becomes pornography? And why can pornography get censored, but not hate speech? Why are you proposing seeing a penis in a vagina should be banned, but a man slicing the throat of another should be fine? Do you really think a 14 year old will be more scarred from seeing a nipple than seeing somebody bleed out, or brain matter splashed all over the wall?