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olemisscub last won the day on February 28

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  1. The truth is an absolute defense against slander. Is what Blevins said true or not?
  2. This is what mine looks like.
  3. Chris Cunningham and I did a show last night for anyone interested. Also available on the DB Cooper Sleuth podcast on all apps.
  4. Mac's opinion, since I've began speaking to him regularly, is that Cooper was just a thief, same as he was. A smarter thief than himself, he will admit, but still just a thief. It was just a "clever bank robbery", in other words.
  5. Well, I'm not saying Cooper was completely without the ability to think about things in a clever way. He very obviously had divergent thinking to be able to come up with the heist. Spilling his drink on purpose seems a bit too much for me to believe in. However, I do think the timing of when he passed the note was something he did no purpose. Rataczak said that he received Tina's call literally while Scott was still pulling back on the yoke. They were essentially rolling down the runway as Cooper began the hijacking. I've considered that this was done on purpose because the noise and distraction of takeoff would have covered what he was saying to Flo. Consider that Bill remembers seeing Flo sitting next to Cooper writing something down but couldn't hear what was being said, despite the fact that Flo and Cooper were less than five feet away from him. So perhaps the engine noise during takeoff and climbing were to cover the conversation. Tina did say that Cooper was whispering to her for much of the time they were talking, but Flo didn't indicate that Cooper was whispering when speaking to her.
  6. Jeez, what a glowing review. Who do I make the check out to? lol
  7. I'd argue that you're overthinking it. I try not to ascribe Cooper with the ability to play 4D Chess. What if Flo had change for him right then and there? I don't see the need to create extra scenarios with Flo. It's likely he knew the stews would be sitting in their jump seats directly behind him once the plane began to taxi to the runway. Recall that she was already sitting down in her jump seat when Cooper passed her the note. She said she had been buckled for about 30 seconds when it occurred. So he really never needed to have any superfluous interactions with her. Also, I don't believe Flo was ever aware that he spilled his drink. Seems like something she'd have mentioned in her 302. I believe that Cooper had already downed his drink by the time he spilled it. I speculate that all he spilled was the ice that remained, which of course is pretty easy to clean up yourself. No need to get a stewardess involved.
  8. Show I did with Tom last night.
  9. Yes, she got into it while dating Jim Hancock. Interestingly, Jim would eventually be the one at NWA who calculated Cooper’s descent for the DZ. She ended up getting a pilot’s license too.
  10. Larry is mistaken. This was before the Citizen Sleuths showed up and measured how much of the shroud lines were missing. It was something close to 100 feet that Cooper had cut. I think he had plenty of line to do what he wanted.
  11. I believe he only ever cut on the one reserve. I think he avoided the dummy chute. It obviously didn't look right and I doubt he wanted it near him, which is why I think he chunked it out the back at some point in between Seattle and Portland. But I have had the same questions you've had about it. When you read through her 302's it does make you wonder whether he also tampered with the dummy chute, but upon further reading it doesn't seem so. As for Alice, she had actually been skydiving before the Cooper hijacking. Would be interesting to know what she actually said to Cooper about the parachutes.
  12. That is Cooper's chute, 100%. It has the same packing date as the museum chute, which squares with Hayden getting them from Cossey.