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  1. Yes, there were prints of value pulled form the magazine parts found in Seattle in the seat back. Without checking my reference - I believe this is where the partial palm prints come from. There was writing here also with felt pen that the Agency was going to pass by witnesses to see if this were in fact his penmanship and that this material was Cooper's. I have been waiting on these pieces to be scanned and released in the 302's. I do believe I once came across an evidence envelop listing - part of magazine on it but no scan of the contents or these items. I'll have to check on that though. I have some immediate work in front of me, but I'll gather and post what I have in 2 weeks time then OCD out on prints with anyone else that cares to toss a hat in.
  2. I have no working knowledge of stubs and I would bet against this thought but I'd like to know. Tom mentioned Nickle contamination in the original stubs I'm guessing stubs embed the particles in some type semisolid gel. Is there a possibility of doing a stub transfer form the old stubs to new stubs leaving the contamination of nickle behind?
  3. Georger, Your right. For me my intent of being here was to focus on the problem and sharpen my understanding by interacting with members of the Vortex. However, I have embraced the social aspect of the Vortex and I've rarely had a chance to get at the depth of the problems. I declined FB because I know it's easy social dopamine and I would be consumed by the chatter over there. I've always been good with resolutions so till the end of this year, I'm going to re-commit myself to focusing on the problem and refrain from social postings in the Vortex. Maybe this is the one change I need. Best, COLA
  4. Dear Coops, If your out there. Just so you know, you can always social media with me buddy. Hey, a PM for the Holidays would be nice but don't fell obligated. WBS COLA
  5. "That is both excellent and good enough"
  6. touche, you sunk my supposition. I guess I do think on Mark's story a little too often "When I was working at the Public Defender's office in Oakland CA, I had a seasoned old cop tell me, over donuts no less, that I didnt know criminals at all. He said: "Kid... you just know the dumb ones because you only deal with the ones who get caught." - or maybe not.
  7. The case has not expired and this is not a media competition. Ryan's work should not be seen exclusively as Coopertainment. Going through the 302’s and the case evidence is labor intensive. I would trade the labor of 8 weeks or more of scrolling through 45,000 pages and picking them apart, but not the experience and insight of that effort. Ryan’s done this hard work also, but he took that experience and added to it the additional step of producing content. He's done a great thing in the last year of synthesized a number of areas within the 302's. On the whole his productions have made the reported facts of the case and some base assertions of the 302's vastly more consumable and accessible to a general audience. No one in the history of the vortex has ever drilled in on the 302's like this and then taken the time to create the content to bring an awareness of these reported facts to the Vortex. He’s myth busting here also, helping us with historical discovery and context, and keeping us on the known facts. I think because he is putting himself out publicly that he is conservative in his assessments and applies a high standard to what he produces. After all he’s got to stick to the facts to avoid being criticized for creating myth. And I have not seen a single post dinging him for misrepresenting or misreporting the known facts or holding his thoughts or beliefs out as fact. Media has always been part of the investigative process here. Carr used the media to reinvigorate the public interest in the case and hopefully shake something loose. Maybe Ryan's media will shake something loose one day. "You never know"
  8. Cooper's $20: Cooper likley paid for the drink with a $20 with the intent of bringing Flo back to him with the change. He wanted to create a reason for Flo to have another encounter with him. Bill Mitchell recalled Coops spilling his drink. If that is true, this may have occurred after the change was provided and as a further ploy to bring Flo over and tend to him so that he could then pass the note and initiate the job. What are we dealing with here? Is this someone with the capacity to on the fly obscure his actions and manipulate his environment to elicit a desired response? I think so.
  9. Robert - Truth is not universal or absolute. This is why truth has been conveyed in moral law as "thou shall not bear false witness" and in the written law as Perjury. If truth were universal and absolute then there would be no need for the moral and written law to remind us to practice it. I have more to say on reality and facts, but no time to respond at the moment. Can you clarify your question - "What institution are you associated with?"
  10. Robert - Our minds construct our own versions of reality. Reality is unique and tailored by the perceptions within each of us. This is a basic concept - take an Adult and a Child and place them in the same circumstance and their reality and perceptions will be worlds apart. Place a Republican and a Democrat in the same circumstance and their versions of reality and the perception used to construct their realities will differ. There is no universal reality. No universal perception. No reality or perception ever held by a person; is, was, or will be identical to any others. If you want to assign your own semantics to my post that support your perception of reality, I cannot stop you. All I can do to counter your Denial is to express my reality and share my perception, my truth and my Known -which is that my post - was every bit genuine. I do not know what more I can say to you to get you to Accept this, so I'll not argue the point with you further. I'm sorry you did not see my post for what it was. I'm sorry you did not feel the genuine warmth that I tried to show you. All the best to you. COLA Thinking, Believing, Knowing, Proving - Acceptance - Denial
  11. Robert- Congratulations on hitting 15 years. I hope to retire within the next 5, but all of my proxies suggest otherwise. I could never read Tom Sawyer past a certain point, but I have received the gist of it over my life. All your post, your thoughts, and your interactions over those 15 years have entered the zeitgeist of the Vortex and I believe the gist of what you have put down in that time I will receive in the aggregate. You have helped the Vortex in ways I am aware and unaware of and I am both thankful for and appreciative of your contribution. Now, wouldn't it be a good a time to finally bury that ax Robert and not have your legacy in the Vortex be of us remembering you - for that ax. Best, COLA
  12. Its just a but its humor for anyone on the board that has followed the prior reference.
  13. I'm now applying the thought hierarchy to what Robert is telling me - Thinking, Believing, Knowing, Proving - Acceptance - Denial Georger - I'm thinking of ordering “Occlusal Paradox" shirts you want one?
  14. Caucher - we are all good, you and I are kindred spirits in this misadventure. I do enjoy a little banter now and then and if you and Robbert want to peck at each other over these things that's your prerogative. I'll sit back and watch the show. I apologies for pushing "my belief" that these things should be buried. I try to be selective in what I spend time on which are the other areas you highlighted. The - Sage, DZ, Flight Path, and jump time are not dead yet, if you are willing to do the unpleasant job of getting out the paddles, shock these issues and cracking a rib cage, then there may be life here. (I'm not that guy) There is a potential of yielding results, but these areas need an investigative course, they need action, not discussion. A call to action to bring life back into these areas: If the presumption is true that he tossed out the case then that item would have fallen within V-23. Where within V-23? Between the oscillations, which may have been him tossing out the briefcase, and concluding with the pressure bump when he jumped. You, someone or a team that has the will and knowledge should estimate a refined briefcase LZ. Apply that LZ to a topo and put it out here for consideration. -then- Do an topo overlay of the property addresses that fall within that briefcase LZ. Next Consider doing a Gofundme maybe with possibly Nickky's help to finance a Flyer- mailer describing the briefcase and its anticipated state now. If you a team or someone else brings that together, I have no issues contributing the first $250 to a Gofundme that puts a line in the water. (that is a standing offer) Maybe there is not a briefcase to be found but maybe there is something else that we can make use of or need. These areas need action to give them life, not discussion. However, your discussion and your shared knowledge is not wasted as it may be this sharing which is the provocation for that person in the future to execute the needed action.
  15. Chaucer, for posterity your take is valued, the Vortex needs members who have your level of commitment to become experts on the various puzzle pieces. This knowledge has contributed to our understanding and the expertise will come in use. Now, whether dead or alive 50 years on is the statement, Cooper landed somewhere within Clark County, All that we need to understand? Dose zooming in more than that help us. Are we ever going to zoom in close enough on the Sage,DZ, Flight Path or jump time data to see him hit the ground. (sure Orchards seems better but that was out 37 years on) If you agree Clark County is good enough and close enough, then let's let these other things go: Sage - Radar DZ Flight Path Jump Time