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  1. OK - I will point Tom to your post.
  2. You need to run this by TK .... Copy your post to his web site email ... otherwise: To distinguish discrete metal particles from powdered metal, several characteristics and analytical techniques can be employed: Characteristics of Metal Particles Shape: Discrete metal particles often have distinct shapes that can be spherical, ellipsoidal, or irregular. For instance, stainless steel powder particles are nearly spherical, while tin powder particles are ellipsoidal . Powdered metals, especially those used in additive manufacturing, are typically designed to have uniform shapes to ensure good packing and flow properties . Size: Particle size distribution is a critical parameter. Discrete metal particles can vary widely in size, while powdered metals are often produced to have a specific size range to meet manufacturing requirements. For example, titanium powder can have particles up to 452 μm, while other powders might have a maximum particle size of around 200 μm . Morphology: The morphology of metal particles can be studied using techniques like Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), which provides detailed images of particle shapes and surface structures . Discrete particles might show more variability in shape and surface texture compared to uniformly produced powdered metals. Analytical Techniques Laser Diffraction: This technique measures particle size distribution by analyzing the diffraction pattern of a laser beam passed through a dispersed sample. It is widely used for characterizing metal powders . Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): SEM provides high-resolution images of particle surfaces, allowing for detailed analysis of particle shape and surface features. This can help distinguish between different types of metal particles based on their morphology . X-Ray Computed Tomography (XCT): XCT can generate 3D images of particles, providing insights into their internal structure and overall shape. This method is particularly useful for analyzing the uniformity and sphericity of powdered metals . Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS): Often used in conjunction with SEM, EDS analyzes the elemental composition of particles, which can help in identifying and differentiating metal types based on their chemical makeup . Discrete Element Method (DEM): DEM simulations can evaluate the dynamic interactions between granular particles, such as flowability and packing density, which are important for understanding the behavior of powdered metals in manufacturing processes . By using these characteristics and analytical techniques, one can effectively differentiate discrete metal particles from powdered metal, ensuring the appropriate material is used for specific applications.
  3. RMB is an untouchable topic almost guaranteed to stop traffic and sow discord on any Cooper forum! Many bitter memories that closed this forum down several times leaving Blevins here alone for almost a year until he was finally terminated. In case you are unaware? Good luck!
  4. sounds good - Thanks! I admit Im beating the bushes but anything helps and adds up .......
  5. The vortex has been so focused on Kaye/Ulis dna, what other aspects of the case have been ignored? How about finger prints. Has there ever been a 302 Lab Reports about prints? Could modern AI modeling improve the finger prints the FBI has ? Is it possible to reconstruct a person's finger prints based on an incomplete print Answer Reconstructing a person's fingerprints from an incomplete print is a complex and challenging task. Here are some key points based on the available information: Chaotic Nature of Fingerprints: Fingerprints form in the womb through a process influenced by random factors such as the motion of amniotic fluid. This chaotic formation means that even identical twins do not have the same fingerprints, making it difficult to predict or reconstruct missing parts of a fingerprint accurately . AI and Machine Learning Limitations: While AI can generate realistic-looking palm prints, it cannot accurately reconstruct a specific individual's complete fingerprint from a partial print. This is because there is no deterministic relationship between the parts of a fingerprint, and the process of fingerprint formation is too random to model effectively with current AI technologies . Partial Fingerprint Reconstruction: There is ongoing research on reconstructing partial fingerprints, but these methods are typically limited to enhancing or filling in small gaps rather than predicting entirely missing sections. The accuracy of such reconstructions decreases significantly as the missing portion increases . PrintListener Technique: A recent technique called PrintListener can partially reconstruct fingerprints based on the sound made when a finger swipes across a touchscreen. However, this method has a limited success rate, with full reconstructions achieved in only 9.3% of cases and partial reconstructions in 27.9% of cases . Practical Challenges and Security Implications: Even with advanced techniques, the practical challenges of measuring and reconstructing fingerprints at the required precision are significant. Additionally, the security implications of such methods highlight the need for improved biometric security measures to prevent unauthorized access . In summary, while there are methods to enhance or partially reconstruct fingerprints, accurately reconstructing a complete fingerprint from an incomplete print remains highly challenging due to the inherent randomness in fingerprint formation and the limitations of current technologies. Related How accurate are AI models in reconstructing partial fingerprints ? What are the limitations of AI in fingerprint reconstruction ? Can AI generate palm prints from a single finger print ? How do fingerprint sounds help in reconstructing prints ? Are there any real-world applications of reconstructing partial fingerprints ?
  6. I think the whole issue of 'updates' needs to be revisited.
  7. Beautiful! Thanks.... its been one helluva day starting early this morning with an untested Microsoft update! This is a nice way to end it... Tom is well aware of the possibilities.
  8. Heads Up - Metagenomics has been mentioned by Tom Kaye etc as a potential option in the Cooper case. what could metagenomics do for the db cooper case Answer Metagenomics could potentially provide valuable insights for the D.B. Cooper case, particularly in analyzing DNA evidence left behind by the hijacker. Here's how metagenomics techniques could be applied: DNA analysis of the tie: The clip-on tie left behind by D.B. Cooper on seat 18-E is considered a crucial piece of evidence . Metagenomic sequencing could be used to analyze the estimated 100,000 particles on the tie, potentially revealing DNA traces from the hijacker . Enhanced detection capabilities: Modern metagenomic techniques offer improved sensitivity in detecting and analyzing trace amounts of DNA, even from degraded or contaminated samples. This could be particularly useful for examining evidence that is decades old . Microbial profiling: Metagenomic analysis could potentially reveal information about the microbial communities present on the tie or other evidence. This microbial profile might provide clues about the environment or geographical location the hijacker was exposed to before the incident . Comparative analysis: By comparing any DNA profiles obtained from the evidence to databases of known individuals or populations, investigators might be able to narrow down potential suspects or determine the hijacker's likely background . Contamination assessment: Metagenomic techniques can help distinguish between DNA from the person of interest and environmental contamination, which is crucial for analyzing evidence that has been handled by multiple people over the years . Partial DNA reconstruction: Even if complete DNA profiles cannot be obtained, metagenomic approaches might allow for the reconstruction of partial genetic information, potentially providing new leads in the investigation While metagenomics offers promising possibilities, it's important to note that the effectiveness of these techniques would depend on the quality and preservation of the available evidence. Additionally, any findings would need to be carefully interpreted within the context of the case and other available information
  9. who is Ulis' suspect Answer Eric Ulis is currently investigating a new suspect in the D.B. Cooper case, alongside his previous person of interest, Vince Petersen. Ulis has not yet publicly named this new suspect but describes him as another worker from Remcru Titanium, a company linked to the materials found on Cooper's tie. This individual reportedly resembles the FBI sketch of Cooper and is about 6'1" tall . Ulis has been a prominent figure in the investigation of the D.B. Cooper hijacking, which occurred in 1971. He previously focused on Vince Petersen, a deceased titanium research engineer who worked for Crucible Steel, a company that supplied materials to Boeing. Ulis believes that Petersen's background and the titanium particles found on Cooper's tie may connect him to the hijacking. However, Petersen's family has expressed skepticism about these claims, stating that they do not believe he was involved in the crime. Ulis continues to explore these leads, emphasizing that he remains open to other potential suspects as he gathers more evidence.
  10. All attention seems to be focused on Ulis and his new suspect and new testing. Everything else is in suspension until after the Suspection and Coopercon in November. Will the Vortex fall into recession.
  11. Its interesting that your guest claims, as others do, that a primary reason for the hijacking was 'financial distress' of the hijacker. Many people say that is self-evident! (Money is the root of all evil). Likewise it is also self-evident that the money container became detached from Cooper during the jump, which accounts for money turning up years later on Tena Bar. Precisely how the money made its way from the DZ to Tena Bar over years, is a mystery - which probably can only be solved by another chain of 'self-evidents' undiscovered so far after fifty years. One 'self evident' is tied to the next in a chain of 'self evidents'. These chains of 'self-evident' owe their existence to Hammurabi, Aristotle, Isaac Newton, Walt Disney, Richard Nixon, and a few Cooper sleuths. It's all very convenient and 'self-evident'. We know DB Cooper's life and personality so well that we know how he 'marketed' the hijacking . . . and the rest follows logically. We may in fact know more about the Cooper hijacking in 2024, than Cooper himself knew about it in 1971! Future hijackers beware! Future pundits are already nipping at your ass before you have even done your hijacking! Everything is 'self evident'. Fact: DB Cooper conducted a hijacking because he was in very great financial distress, and there are no other options. Money runs the Universe. It's self-evident. Cooper's grudge was financial but not against your airlines.
  12. Let's dispense with this and get it over with... The "sources" you want were listed at the top of the article. All you have to do is look up at the top of the page. See page photo below. R99 it is apparent you dont even know what is going on. A trend is in motion. The Cooper case is becoming more and more reliant on analytical methods. Years ago Snowmman advised: "Google is your friend". Snowmman announced the discovery of the Cooper Comic suggesting a possible link to DB Cooper. Snowmman used extensive searches to nail down the history of the Cooper comic. SA Carr immediately advertised a possible link between the Cooper case and the Cooper comic. That dominated Geof Gray's first CooperCon with media coverage far and wide. Georger suggested a Bayesian analysis of the flight path to Safecracking PLF who was searching the extensive tributary system that exists north of the Columbia River. Safe was trying to discover possible routes for the money winding up on Tena Bar. Safe published a map of his results ... Safe then published his Through the Lens of Logic suggesting his system could be used to determine all 'truths' in each part of the DB Cooper case. Extensive media coverage followed . . . Flyjack etal introduced OCR searching of FBI 302s to find a catalog relevant subject text. OleMiss et al used analytical tools (a heuristic analytical program) to compare Barb Dayton text with a Gunther letter which suggested that Barb Dayton might have been the author of the letter in question! That may have been the first AI analysis employed in the Cooper case ?? Ongoing particle analysis by Kaye and Ulis with the analysis of dna Tom may have, holds the potential for a major breakthrough in the Cooper case. Ulis has already named a suspect based on his analysis ? Analytical tools are becoming more and more important in the Cooper case, as time passes.
  13. Ask or Tom Kaye or Eric Ulis. Ich habe das nicht geschrieben.
  14. Was Cooper's tie his own personal tie ? Based on the available information, it's unclear whether the tie was D.B. Cooper's personal tie or not. However, there are some key points to consider: The tie in question was a black clip-on JCPenney Towncraft #3 tie that Cooper left behind on the plane before parachuting out . No one else on the plane claimed ownership of the tie, suggesting it likely belonged to Cooper . The tie has become a crucial piece of evidence in the investigation. Forensic analysis of the tie has revealed some interesting details: Particles found on the tie point to the aerospace sector, specifically a company called Crucible Steel . The particles include a titanium/steel alloy that wasn't used in airliners but in high-performance combat aircraft . These findings have led some investigators to believe Cooper may have had connections to the aerospace industry . However, it's important to note that there's no definitive proof that the tie actually belonged to Cooper . Some investigators have suggested that if Cooper was planning a major crime, he might have worn clothes purchased from thrift stores to make it harder to track him down . The FBI has a partial DNA sample from the tie, but it's not sufficient to positively identify a suspect. It can only be used to eliminate potential suspects While the tie is a crucial piece of evidence, its exact provenance remains uncertain. The forensic evidence it has yielded has provided valuable clues about Cooper's possible background, but it hasn't definitively established whether the tie was his personal property or acquired specifically for the hijacking. ref:
  15. Was the DB Cooper hijacking a Political crime ? Based on the search results provided, there is no indication that the D.B. Cooper hijacking was a political crime. The evidence suggests it was motivated by personal financial gain rather than any political agenda: Cooper demanded $200,000 in ransom money (equivalent to about $1.2 million today), which indicates a financial motive . He did not make any political statements or demands during the hijacking. His interactions were described as polite and businesslike . The FBI investigation, which lasted for decades, did not uncover any political motivations behind the crime . Cooper's actions inspired several copycat crimes in the following years, but these were also financially motivated hijackings rather than political acts . The case is consistently described as a hijacking for personal gain, with Cooper being referred to as a "criminal" rather than a political activist or terrorist . The D.B. Cooper hijacking appears to have been a daring heist motivated by financial gain, which captured public imagination due to its mysterious nature and the fact that Cooper was never identified or caught. The lack of any political demands or statements during or after the incident strongly suggests that this was not a political crime. Q: Did the classification of the crime direct the investigation of the crime and the search for Dan Cooper? Q: Did the investigation ignore Cooper's statement to Tina: "I have a grudge". ?