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  1. 6 points
    Went to a talk last night with George Takei and John Cho (both Sulus from the Star Trek films) at UCSD. George was very eloquent. They both talked about the role a bit. Then the moderator asked them about their childhoods, and George talked about growing up in an internment camp. Then they went over to John who didn't say anything for a second. "I have no idea how I follow _that_" he finally said. George Takei was taken from his home in LA to a Japanese internment camp when he was 5, because he was Japanese and the Japanese had just attacked Pearl Harbor. All his family's money was taken. Their house was sold. All their possessions were taken. They were stripped naked. They were first imprisoned in a horse stall; their family of four was in one stall. They all got sick from sleeping on dung, but fortunately survived. They were then moved from camp to camp over the next five years, ending up in a mosquito infested camp on a bayou in Arkansas. And every morning they'd line everyone up in the mud and forced them to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. And every time he got to the "with liberty and justice for all" part he'd look around the prison camp they were in and think that perhaps that America was fibbing about that part. He also talked about growing up as a gay man, and how he had to hide who he was for decades from a Hollywood that would have fired him instantly if they had known. Finally he was able to come out in 2005 and admit to the relationship he'd had for the past 20 years. In 2008 they were married, and when they re-outlawed gay marriage in California later in 2008, they were both amused, thinking about what a fun court case it would be if republicans tried to forcibly divorce them. Then Prop 8 was overturned and it was a moot point. His unique perspective - a man who has had his rights taken away TWICE by America - has led him to be very politically active. When the US government finally paid him reparations for throwing him in jail for four years he donated it all to an Asian civil rights group. He's also very aware how tenuous people's rights are and how easily they can be taken away. He talked about FDR, a guy he otherwise respected, giving in to fear and starting up the internment camp program. And he cautioned that if you start with a guy that does NOT have the sort of morals that FDR had, then the damage he can do to civil rights will be that much greater. His words - “I consider it my responsibility as an American citizen to actively participate, particularly because I know my childhood imprisonment - the unjust imprisonment. If we don't participate, if we don't educate our fellow Americans to the vulnerability of our democracy, how fragile it can be, then we're not being responsible citizens.” Sometimes we forget how fragile our rights are.
  2. 6 points
    I can't. Biden is boring and old, but has done well so far. He will get more boring and more old, and likely not survive his next term, or will be 25th'ed out. In which case the presidency will be in disarray and nothing much will get done. Which is not the worst outcome. Trump is an active danger to America. He has long campaigned on retribution and vengeance, and has stated he will be a "dictator" for a short time, and that he wants to "terminate" the "phony" Constitution. That's an active threat to America. One could claim "well, he won't be able to do that" - but ten years ago I am sure no one would have thought he could mount an insurrection, get abortion de-legalized or put Putin on a pedestal, either. If he accomplishes even 25% of what he sets out to do, he will have damaged the US significantly. Also, he is just plain evil. You can explain away greedy business decisions ("it's for the stockholders!") having a drug addict son, treating your kids poorly ("they're just not good kids") even working to take rights away from women ("the states should decide.") But you cannot pursue a stranger into a changing room and rape them without being inherently evil. And I don't want the US led by an evil man. The choice, for me, is very clear. The US is too important to me to ignore the threat.
  3. 6 points
    As per SOP, you're coming here and telling a group largely made up of moderates what moderates believe, based on what you've been spoon-fed by your right-wind media diet. Does it take a lot of effort to remain so willfully ignorant that you post this in a thread where several people, including me, have detailed their support for Biden? There's zero doubt that he's increasingly looking like a horrible campaigner right now, but that doesn't negate what he has, and could continue to do as President.
  4. 5 points
    For some reason, all of a sudden a bunch of folks who were fond of saying that we are a republic not a democracy have a problem with being a republic not a democracy.
  5. 5 points
    Yes of course. You are just the guy who reposts the offensive meme and then says it has nothing to do with you, you are just passing on the message. Well.....let me tell you, that shit fools no one.
  6. 5 points
    Plus he is a rapist.
  7. 5 points
    thanks for not answering my question..... I have come to expect that from you. Trump did in fact suggest suspending parts of the constitution. And he is in fact, 'Satan in human form'. He attempted to overthrow an election and still to this day denies the outcome of the election. He did in fact steal millions from his charity, his corporation did indeed get convicted of 13 felony counts of fraud, his associates and confidants are in fact convicted felons... I could go on with a dozen other factual examples or more, Of course you, like all the other trumpie supporting types cannot even bring yourselves to admit that these things happened, thus saving you the respectful civic duty of justifying your support for this human piece of fucking garbage seditious cunt.
  8. 5 points
    I sincerely wish America was as concerned about school shootings as they are ear shootings.
  9. 5 points
    That's your problem, not societies. If naught else some kids will have parents and, hopefully, a stable loving family. You know, as opposed to wasting away in an orphanage or bouncing from being unwanted in a succession of foster homes. Your particular brand of homophobia may get you through the day but it doesn't help kids with no family of any type.
  10. 5 points
    That’s pretty fucking weak dude….both from the ‘hey, look over there’ angle when your hurricane prediction absolutely shit the bed and also for attempting to conflate a trip she took to help her sick father with Cruz’s vacation getaway (for which he subsequently tried to throw his family under the bus)….just fucking weak, even for you
  11. 5 points
    As I watched the debate and saw Trump lie with impunity, I was reminded about why you don’t play chess with a pigeon. The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over, then shits all over the board, then struts around like it won.
  12. 5 points
    I've been saying the same about you for some time and you don't listen either. <Had to do it.>
  13. 4 points
    No I am not talking about BLM! MAGA are the ones pushing that agenda hard. No integrity and no backbone and they almost always hide behind their cult leaders approach of retweet or ‘some people are saying’ as they don’t have the balls to own their racism and bigotry. I get that you’re right wing, there’s some really good right wing people Liz Cheney for example. Politic leanings should be about policy and beliefs, not a cult of personality and reality tv. I watch what Biden, Harris, Jeffreys say and their actions and for the most part they are people of integrity who talk about policy and vision. I then compare that to Johnson, Trump, Vance, McConnel, Lindsey who spew hatred and fear, and have no recognisable policies. None of them have any backbone or spine just look at their record. Trump is quite literally a felon convicted in court by a jury, his own VP called him America’s hitler. I don’t know how deep into the MAGA cult you are, but as a proclaimed Christian I would hope that you would ‘see the light’ and put aside the idolatry of Donald. The right needs people with conviction who will stand up to him and MAGA and represent right wing policies and values - because that is good for the country.
  14. 4 points
    While Jerry and I disagree on political matters. He is a man of integrity whom I respect greatly. I sometimes wish we could all schedule an evening firepit with a few beers and solve the world's problems.
  15. 4 points
    I don't get the "I need to be energized" argument. The prospect of having that deranged moron in the Whitehouse again, energizes me to vote for ANYONE the Democrats put up against him.
  16. 4 points
    Black and a Woman, got it. 55 Things You Need To Know About Kamala Harris Politico 2020 Black and a Woman, got it. As to compared to a racist, rapist, convicted felon, admitted fraudster, ex multiple bankrupt,....... oh well for some facts are irrelevant.
  17. 4 points
    I'm no fan of Pence - but reaching out to someone with more experience than himself during a time of crisis is a point in his favor, not against him. Being able to ask for (and take) advice is something that's sorely lacking these days in politics.
  18. 4 points
    I'll tell you my main reason that I cannot vote for Trump. When you pressure your VP to not certify the election - you've chosen to go against the most core democratic principles in our nation and tried to turn it into a dictatorship.
  19. 4 points
    City Attorney & District Attorney of San Francisco. Attorney General of California (elected twice). But she has no 'experience or capability to problem solve or manage a complex task' Sure. Right.
  20. 4 points
    I grow weary of your posting YT videos as source citations rather than using academic or more scholarly sources. This latest video would demonstrate that you know nothing of CRT. The video is about porn. Of which I tend to agree. Can you please stop throwing youtube videos and just add to the conversation. Nobody is going to view the videos you post. I will read thru something longer if given a source, rather than listen to a 30 second video from FB or YT. PS There is an (R) after my name also.
  21. 4 points
    The promenade is the likely building. 191 peachtree was another but i that i think was completed by then. We jumped a lot of buildings back then and in the late 80s-early 90s Atlanta had a shit ton of construction: Gardner and I got arrested, jumping off of the Peachtree Plaza by…get this…Macy’s security. That was fucking embarrassing. But then I followed that up with jumping off of it again into the Braves Parade. Well almost into the Braves parade. I was going to land in the middle of the street in front of the motorcade and I had such an old mushy seven cell parachute that I didn’t even make it to the street. I came up about 15 feet short and landed in a small tree between the sidewalk of Peachtree Street and a parking lot. I had to land in a tree or I was gonna hurt somebody. But I fell down on the roof of a car like an SUV or something, and probably caved the entire roof in. I lost the parachute but managed to get away on my motorcycle that I had stashed in one of the parking garages. That was like 600,000 people that I did a fucking disappearing act on. Anyway, that was my one glory jump, I guess.
  22. 4 points
    Ohh so you are fine supporting somebody who forcibly fingered a woman against her will. That makes it sooo much better.
  23. 4 points
    Yeah Wendy! Let Rich here explain what it's like to be a woman in today's society to you.
  24. 4 points
    Hi Mark, Best PR thing that could happen for Trump. Think about the photos of Trump with his fist in the air, blood on his face, compared to Biden who feebly says, 'We beat MediCare.' Jerry Baumchen PS) Largest 2 inches in modern American political history.
  25. 4 points
    That's a 1970's perspective. Welcome to the 21st Century. What Bill said above is the key - "Intentional Families." Years of research by Dr. Manning would indicate that, "Beliefs that gay and lesbian adults are not fit parents, or that the psychosocial development of the children of gay and lesbian parents is compromised, have no basis in science. Our position is based on a review representing approximately 50 empirical studies and at least another 50 articles and book chapters and does not rest on the results of any one study. These articles appear in such journals as Developmental Psychology, the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, the American Psychologist, the Marriage and Family Review, the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, and the journals of Family Relations, Sex Roles, and Social Work. An annotated bibliography on the topic can be found on the website of the American Psychological Association." You can read more about it if you're interested. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4091994/
  26. 4 points
    Yesterday I became one of only 33 non licensed skydivers in the world to have jumped a passenger jet. Blue skies! https://skydive.shredvideo.com/f/77ZJE6xB40
  27. 4 points
    Have you ever been a woman in a workplace where the management is all male, and handsy? Have you ever heard "the law says I have to interview them, but it sure don't say I have to hire them." Have you ever heard "you can come in, gorgeous, but your husband can't." Have you ever heard, yet again, "you must be on the rag." Or maybe "you can't be so blunt," when you're not as blunt as some of the men in the group. Being on the delivering side of all those is privilege, because no one else in management (or the power structure) can be told any of those things, because of who they are. Wendy P.
  28. 4 points
    Well, except for all that silly coral dying Wendy P.
  29. 4 points
    I will vote for Biden if he remains the nominee and has a heartbeat.
  30. 4 points
    Really have to hand it to her, she beat off the competition rather handily.
  31. 3 points
    Sad. As compared to the rest of the world where 1/2 is above!
  32. 3 points
    Well, we also had his former wife who said he raped her. But I figured I'd stick to rapes proven in court.
  33. 3 points
    If Trump was smart he would not debate Harris. She would likely call call every lie on the spot, She can make endless jabs about his age and mental mistakes.
  34. 3 points
    For months on here we’ve seen quotes stating WITH ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that Biden would win, alongside quotes just as certainly swearing in Trump. I’d hope that after 2016, we’d all have a bit less faith in our prediction skills. Assuming (and it seems a fairly safe assumption at the moment) that Harris clenches the nomination, I’d lean in that direction and sure as fuck hope I’m right….I think she’s the better candidate and am certain she’d be the better president. At the end of the day, it’s gonna be close and there’s gonna be lots of drama and Tom-fuckery: grab a lawn chair and some popcorn!
  35. 3 points
    Did she rape anyone? Did she run a sham university? Did she steal from a children's charity? Did she specifically refuse to rent apartments to non-whites? Was she friends with Epstein? Did she say she would like to fuck her child? Those things alone outqualify her against Trump. Plus, Trump is too old.
  36. 3 points
    Good. When it slows enough I’m getting off.
  37. 3 points
    I agree, but people in that situation prior to the pandemic also were not loving that situation. Trump got the tail end of a prolonged surging economy, which was ended by a global pandemic. The comparisons aren't apples to oranges and need a lot of framing to try and equalize. Has Biden been perfect, not even close, but his presidency has been pretty successful and I personally seriously doubt things would be better if Trump had been president these last 4 years.
  38. 3 points
    It is for me, when I bought my first home rate were double digits. My stock portfolio is up, bonds are down a bit, private credit is up, private equity is up and real estate holdings privately and business are up....all in all I am much better off than 4 years ago. Housing affordability is definitely an issue. But if you think that is due to Biden, then you simply have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.
  39. 3 points
    Hi Bill, That is the problem with facts: They are so factual. Jerry Baumchen
  40. 3 points
    Maybe. Or maybe he was a male prostitute who Trump refused to pay.
  41. 3 points
    The American people are the most divided we've seen in this lifetime. Most of the left-leaning on here have made comments about Biden's lack of fitness for varying reasons, Trump fitness is more than questionable. I haven't sat out since 1980. What in the hell are my choices? What the hell are anybody's choices? We're not voting for anymore - we're voting against. You have been vocal about your lack of confidence in Biden - you're not really voting for him, you're voting against Trump. I bring up a D that I would vote for, young, military experience, Rhodes Scholar, socially responsible, fiscally conservative, gun laws in Maryland that have yet to be challenged, etc. and yet, he gets a dismissive wave of the hand cause America is "not ready" for another Black on the ticket. The truth is - I will sit out this one if no one brings us the type of leadership this country needs. Abstention is active politics. It's being able to stand up and say, I don't agree with either position because it's not in the interest of the greater good. If enough people abstain, then sometimes people will reflect on doing something different - or they'll just dig in their heels and drive their point harder - even if it's not for the benefit of everyone - that's the real self-chicanery. You want me to vote your way. Not the best way.
  42. 3 points
    The 38 people involved in the creation of Project 2025, 31 of them were nominated to positions in Trump's administration or transition team. Trump is Project 2025.
  43. 3 points
    So akin to yourself then?
  44. 3 points
    Where did he say anything about an hour at a charging station? We all know you can't be bothered to read the articles you post here, so I guess it's no surprise that you can't read the posts of others.
  45. 3 points
    Chris Cunningham and I did a show last night for anyone interested. Also available on the DB Cooper Sleuth podcast on all apps.
  46. 3 points
    And yet the US would be in such better shape had she been elected.
  47. 3 points
    Indeed. Unless our wishful thinkers get it in mind that there are no practical limits on Presidential power anymore the game is up. Trumps dynasty will continue until there is another coup. As I see it, only Biden can fix this but he'll need to get dirty hands and quit believing what is no longer true. If he won't step away from the nomination then, yes, he should resign. Maybe we'll get lucky and Kamala will do what is right. It isn't Sunday anymore, the facts have changed.
  48. 3 points
    I'm hoping the primary system doesn't survive this election cycle. I think we got better candidates back in the days of the "smoke filled rooms".
  49. 3 points
    On Twatter: "Biden could shoot Trump on 5th Ave and I'd still vote for Biden."
  50. 3 points
    I like a whole lot about him; the biggest problem organizationally is that he's not high enough profile. With Biden potentially dropping out, the standard succession would have Kamala Harris being the candidate; nearly everyone is pretty sure she'll be eviscerated, whether fairly or not is moot. I can see the appeal of running someone who will appeal to the more liberal end of the Democratic party, to energize them and get them to vote. It's part of why the Republicans tolerate Trump. Everyone wants the other party to run a centrist candidate; it's the NIMBY of politics, I guess. What a shame. And he may not be interested (of course, neither may the others who have been proposed by the movers and shakers of SC). But yea, if the Dems ran him against Kamala, I'd vote for him in a NY minute. And he might last until OAN or someone made up a "baby daddy" situation. Wendy P.
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