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Everything posted by Jbag

  1. lol, i love how no US teams have entered yet :P....sorry, we like to flock with our knees bent here, we arent going to enter :P IHYD
  2. the first 30seconds of black was my favorite :) IHYD
  3. not a reply to airtardo but more to the OP, if you are worried about this type of situation research the area you are jumping over with google earth or a similiar satellite program and find your outs before you go up...make a plan for each out situation you can think of for where your airplane flies. IHYD
  4. setting up properly is attaching the bridle with sewn on shrivel flap with the proper girth hitch to your main canopy which does not need a TSO approval since its your primary canopy. the deployment of your main is not a system that gets TSO'd. its no different than using the older ROL deployment systems. now you can attach the proper sized PC for your canopy type and make sure it fits in the "BASE" pouch properly (not too tight and not loose). IHYD
  5. I dunno. Does it? It's an option, so it's a question for the original owner. it might have a base pocket/shrivel too (not to be used for skydiving). And maybe has an LQRS. Or not. Ask the owner. you shouldnt use the BASE pouch for skydiving even if you set up your rig properly? IHYD
  6. do you want to come work for me, i pay less! IHYD
  7. im high and when i saw the pic i looked for the like button!...where is it? :( IHYD
  8. A few years ago I used mine to slice up the topskin of my brand new parachute (5 jumps). OK, I didn't do it, it did it all by itself when it unsnapped from my harness and went into the nose of the canopy during deployment lol, thats awesome :) IHYD
  9. i didnt feel like reading everything so i am adding my .02 =D... its b/c the leaders dont want troops making decisions. square canopy will let them fly wherever they want from 800' IHYD
  10. Sigh. Ask any pro-swooper then, if you don't believe me. Sabre 2: quite long recovery arc, semi-ellip. Designed for intermediate to advanced jumpers, part of the PD swoop path: sabre 2 -> katana -> velocity. Stiletto: very SHORT recovery arc, making it dangerous for swooping, designed for advanced skydivers because of its roll and turn rate. NOT part of any sensible path to becoming a good (safe) swooper. Going from a stiletto to a katana isn't advised, let alone to a velo. But what do I know I'm sure with 125 jumps you know much better. as a current sabre 2 pilot right now...the recovery arc is very short. i know i only have a fraction of the jumps you have, but i also knwo i dont have to come out of a turn as high as most swoopers do. IHYD
  11. its funny that it is legal here, but in san diego, i got pulled over twice for doing it in 2 weeks and both cops told me its a gray area and that san diego PD doesnt like it :/...i fought them both and won, but damn it was a pain in the ass. ...i still do it, i think they just dont like sport bikes IHYD
  12. im a little upset that out of the few skydivers in san diego, i wasnt invited :P IHYD
  13. why do you want to switch them?...you will get used to one canopy and fly it in all conditions. spend the extra money on some jumps IHYD
  14. Don't fly a wingsuit IHYD
  15. Ahhh - Sounds like you got a drunk dial . . . Why does he always call all the guys? he's gay, duh IHYD
  16. getting my suit resized and i will be back in the air in no time...fun shit! and my cock is coming for you! IHYD
  17. if you are hot you can come over to my place and we can have sex! IHYD
  18. Jbag


    i would say at least 4 broken hips! IHYD
  19. sounds good, im looking foward to jumping there! IHYD
  20. Jbag

    smoke weed?

    just before bed time for the most part. IHYD