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grimmie last won the day on February 2

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179 Good

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  • Home DZ
    Tsunami Skydivers
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  1. Sunrise in Costa Rica looks better every morning. I’m from Pittsburgh just like Mr. rogers. ”Won’t you be my neighbor” Before home prices here go through the roof!
  2. I think the LGBTQ, Black voters and others outvote Billy Joe:)
  3. On a realistic note. Josh Shapiro would also wreck Trump. He has great approval ratings as governor of PA. I don’t think being Jewish is a big deal like it used to be for a candidate for POTUS. Put him with Gretchen and that’s a winning ticket. However is P or VP. IMHO that seals up the electoral college.
  4. It won’t happen because she is enjoying the quiet life. However. I would love to see Michelle Obama run with a mayor Pete as her VP. They would mop the floor with Trump. His ego and the talking heads on Fox would explode.
  5. To make a legal skydive in the Maldives you need the approval of the local skydive association in writing. Then get a NOTAM from civil aviation in Mahe.
  6. grimmie


    Average folks fared better under trump unless they were LGBTQ, Muslim, judges, Hispanic, election workers, caught Covid or were Capitol Police officers. Although…Stormy Daniels and E Jean Carroll had a prosperous run.
  7. The Epoch Times is one of the crazier right wing online media organizations. More rigged Justice system!!!!!!!
  8. grimmie

    The boss

    Webersburg in Stellenbosch. really nice place!
  9. grimmie

    The boss

    He came out to the winery we were going to jump into. Too windy to jump.
  10. grimmie

    The boss

    When I was in South Africa a few weeks ago had the pleasure of meeting Sangiro. We had a good laugh about Speakers Corner. Carry on!
  11. I did. Will be eight years this November. Pura Vida! I’ll be back from the boogies April 16. Sail in up!
  12. Everything in Maldives is flown in. Food. Booze, and Jet A is barged in. Its a very expensive place to do business. if you want to do epic shit, sometimes you gotta pay.
  13. Blue live matter. Unless red hats are doing the beatings.
  14. At least you can buy a January 6 pinball machine at CPAC.