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Everything posted by PeteS

  1. PeteS

    modified tail pocket

    On my tail pocket that I made for myself I have rubber band stows for all the lines. Velcrow wears out, and I do not want to think about it. The rubber bands are large size skydiving ones' cut very carefully in half. I have used this sub-300' all the way to terminal with good results.
  2. Hi all, just got off the phone with Nikki Daisher. The event is for kids' with special needs, not about Miles or anyone else but local kids. BASE is just a part, not the whole event.Nikki said that the event was scheduled because the Go Fast event was that weekend and alot of people would be there (in CO.) in an effort to keep the Twin event small. As far as people getting turned away at the exit point there are going to be "Specialty Jumps" that will take some coordination, read do not jump right now, people could collide and die. I just got off the phone with Miles, and he says one and all are invited just be careful and do not go in. The City and Chamber of Commerce are all into this event according to Nikki, so everybody chill out and have a good time!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. PeteS

    modified rig..

    Too bad you did nothing to reduce drag generated from the 3- rings
  4. All the best to you Joy! This is a great day, because of people like YOU!!!!!
  5. Slow down, pal. If most all of the people around you are asking you to "Check yourself", there is probably good reason. A sign of maturity would be to really look at yourself and your motivations' and see if this scrutiny is deserved.Getting angry and pushing back will do more harm than good. I do not know you or your circumstance, but I have seen the same mistakes' made over and over again.You are at a fork in the road, the direction you choose to travel is up to you.
  6. I commend your decision to speak up, in hind sight I wish I could have done more here in CA a couple of years ago. "No, you can't" is way better than "Boy, he should not have done that".
  7. PeteS

    Just curious....

    "if one can't swim don't land in the water" What about flotation, a waterski vest would be a minor issue compared to drowning. If youare worried about bulk , a short wetsuit top will give you a little help. I do agree that preparation, like getting your ass to a pool and LEARNING to swim would be better, or just don't jump if there are water hazards!
  8. I had heard it was "Groundscrew" training!!!
  9. The original Raven and the Super are two very different wings. For one, the Super is higher aspect ratio, 2.1/ 1 I believe. The internal reinforcing in the Raven was run straight up the rib from the line att. point, so force from the line load point loaded to the upper surface. the Super has load tapes interlocked in a "V" configuration forcing the wing to take shape under load. I believe the over-hang of the Raven upper surface was less than the Super, providing less "Ram-Air" effect for pressurization. Camber height plays a role in "How much air will it take to fill this dang thing up?" Some bad rap on the Raven might be from less knowledge of brake setting, worn out canopies, ect. Ray has a very valid point about the tail on the Raven not having reinf. tape, I guess that's why I bought a 3/4" double needle so i can do stuff like that.
  10. If it is an original raven I can do mods to the pilot chute att. point. If it is a super raven you just need DBS and a tailgate. I have all the machinery to fix it up,PM for details.
  11. It's really in the interest of apple to apple comparison, say if the "Whizzbang 260" flys just as well as "Whooo-Hooo 287.5" and nobody measures them the same.Who is to say if the "Whizzbang" company did a total ripoff on the "Whooo-Hooo" design. Then they call it a 260 and say "Ours superior to the "Whooo-Hooo" in performance with a "smaller wing" Just something to chew on at dinner.....
  12. Do you know the PIA standard for sq footage? First measure 6" aft of the leading edge, spanwise. Next lay the canopy on it's side and measure from the upper edge of the load rib to the tail in a straight line, multiply the two. It's a flat dimension and a way to get accurate measurements. Some manufacurers measure a "Projected inflated size" and it is just that, projected. So the 310 and 290 might be really close.
  13. Are you a representative for this rig? If so can you get a demo to California?
  14. Do you have nylon or dacron thread? It is very important to match materials when making high stress equipment. Nylon will stretch more than dacron, so you can use nylon thread on dacron fabric but not the other way around. Most mesh we use for base is dacron, polyester is another name for it. Strong Enterprises will sell small quantity lots of material. Parastock in Florida is another source. Have fun Matt, I can answer alot of Q's for you, just ask.
  15. If you do not find a NOS set, I have a RW PC that I could copy the crown lines. It will cost a bit , but will be what you want.
  16. NO BLEACH, MATT!!!! Do some applique or get some different ones. Orange is ok as a color too, it's different.
  17. PeteS


    I believe the BJ lable is sewn into the lower surface mainseam. You can pick stitches out on 3 sides and CAREFULLY cut away the lable from the mainseam. Unless you have a proper 2-needle machine with cloth puller, do not take the mainseam apart and try to restitch it, the results will probably be less than standard. Also, do pay attention to v-tape stitching as not to cut any of these.
  18. I know Bill Gargano personaly and he has more integrity in his little finger than most people I know have in their whole body! He would NEVER, and I mean NEVER put $$ in front of truth!
  19. I had the pleasure of repairing that R** B*** canopy. One of the male bovines needed a complete crainial replacement!
  20. The bridle wouldnt cause any "harm" packed like that. The wire looks like the one from a crack pipe cleaning kit! I'll bet the rigger missing it stayed up all night looking for it.
  21. Way to go, Lisa! Starting school again is awesome, getting grades like this is the cherry on the whipped cream on the chocolate on the nuts on the.... you know what I mean.
  22. Wow, Ray. We've never met but I like what i hear. I think you are talking about the fellow with too much time and money who wants to be the next rockstar of next months video. Then there is the young lady with all that jiggle and the twinkle in her eye who will have no idea when she is in over her head. The buck stops with all of us looking after one another. We can all say something when needed. You might not be popular all the time, but at least you can look yourself in the mirror.
  23. Another reason to leave the slider on is not if, but when you "blow" an exit. The slider will act as a cross-conector, pulling both riser groups inline toward the deploying parachute, reducing the possibility of splitting the riser groups with your body and giving more controll issues to deal with. It would be alot harder to steer with one leg hung up in the opposite front riser. Just my humble opinion.
  24. How about write FORGERY on every line, I've done that before. A-holes'.......I had one customer write my name on a pilot rig TWICE before I had ever seen it, he got the ass-chewing of his career.