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Everything posted by PeteS

  1. Congratulations! Life as you know it has changed.
  2. Hey MEL, Please post some specifics', A/R, line type , tail pocket type. You mean the first BASE specific canopy with loaded stabilizers,( think Parafoil, Parasled, Unit.).
  3. PeteS


    Relish the numbers, if you have one you earned it. If you qualify for one of MANY out there and CHOOSE not apply, great for you but do not "bag" on people who keep an "old" tradition alive. I could have had a sub-100 BASE number, but was not motivated to do so. To the up and comers', make your motivation your own, not anyone elses'. Look the person in the mirror in the eye and be proud of what they have done. IF you need further recognition, there are mechanism's in place to do so. Be careful and do not add to "The List". Thanks' Joy, we have never met but I am thanking you for efforts'. Pete Swan, BASE 297,El Cap689, Night BASE 80,
  4. "Protect your people and your (our) objects", Amen.
  5. Until a week ago I thought it was Manships'.
  6. Clif, count me for 425.
  7. Mel at Skyworks told me some about it. He is very knowledgeable of parachutes and with what i know of his product, it should get a fair evaluation and then opinions' can flow..
  8. Did you go out and buy a lottery ticket? Nice job of not giving up, made it across the water and everything!
  9. Cliff, you gave good honest advice earlier and I appreciate it. I was just tickling your ribs, sorry if I chapped your ass!
  10. Aw, c'mon cliff.Don't tell me you are thinking about what could go wrong!!!!Also, my bet for miles is 425. Pete
  11. Buddy, Rube Goldberg would have LOVED it!!!!
  12. Maybe if you kept your steering lines untwisted, you would not have had to cutaway in the first place!
  13. I have one in my shop for repair with the two center load ribs TORN UP at the a line attatchment. I would suspect "opens hard" would be accurate.
  14. Bravado-Humility, Selfishness-Respect, Selfdoubt-Courage, Ego-Selfworth, Harshness-Kindness, I-We. Here is to good times in the future for ALL of us,Peace has always been where you find it.
  15. I'll bet the parents' are SOOOO proud.
  16. PeteS

    2005 BASE Awards

    How about Miles D for 50 plus T.F jumps in 24 hrs, for a childrens' benefit. Oh yea, hiking out EACH time!
  17. That's right, "Make sure the installation is safe"and "we recommend the following methods". I'm getting a cramp thinking about this too much.
  18. OK, I just did a sample of 1000 lb spectra line cut to 14" with a mark 1" from each end for a 12" "control" sample. I inserted a 6" tail 2" from the center and bartacked with 36 stitch tacker with 46 nylon thread. Shrinkage was right at 1/4" for a joint that is more than ample in strength for the use. Inserting the line after tying a knot will shrink the line above the knot, causing the horrific condition described above. Please be careful or my government will be forced to do unauthorized spying of "suspect" rigging
  19. Imagine, throwing a perfectly good white boy off'n a building.... Phrases like "I'm gonna do some base" or "Man, did you see that cracker ?" would take on a whole new meaning.
  20. Reminds me of an old story from Pope Valley. An FAA "snitch" asked this one flower girl about an "alledged drug problem". She replied "We don't HAVE a problem with drugs, we have all we need right here".
  21. My advice is get a pass at 6000' by your self so you can have the sky to yourself. Then, you can do what YOUR INSTRUCTOR says' to do to familiarize your self with the new equipment. Do not make this too hard and it will be way more fun.
  22. PeteS

    This made my day!

    And if you drink, beer is always welcome!!!!
  23. I took a fairly fit 6' 4" 300 lb guy out of a Beech 99 with an eclipse tdm, 365' main, tr375 resv. Stood him up in 5 mph wind. System max is 550 lbs, we were 540. Exit was 5500, 3 sec delay to drouge release, no hard turns until final...
  24. Mike Spurgeon has made over 1300 tandems this year, he is 65 or 66, over 10,000 jumps. I think over 8,000 tandems!
  25. Look and see if the lower shaft that runs horizontal has grooves to keep gear timing, if so your job just got easier. If you have not changed needle bar height, timing will be easier. Hook to needle clearance is critical, I start with the thread thickness and see from there. Align your gears centered, axis to axis so they do not self destruct. Take your belt off, (the machine not your pants ) so you can spin the hand wheel.