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Everything posted by PeteS

  1. My 138 is so sweet I'd marry it, but that'd be weird.
  2. Hey Tree, 14 year old skateboarders are the ones coming up with all the cool tricks. And I KNOW Jimmy would NOT do what you are intimating with that young woman,not of legal age. SO DROP THAT LINE OF LINE OF CRAP! I know that I am coming to that stage in my life where I cannot keep up with the youngest, fastest, brightest players and I'm ok with that. Someday I will relegated to sitting on the bench watching instead of playing and I intend to do that with grace and humility. There is an old saying "On your way up the ladder be careful who you step on, you will meet them on the way back down." we all come down the ladder eventualy, do you want to to be helped or pushed off? Edit to add call jimmy an a-hole when he is being one do not call him a child molester when he is not.
  3. Think lineovers, lineovers clearing at high speed causing fabric damage. During initial inflation at higher speeds, the canopy has alot of chaotic events happening. I believe the slider serves as as a focal point to the load distribution from the canopy to the lines. Take some lines out that controll and they are free to do what they they will. I said before "Knock yourself out". Get belly mounted video, air to air, gather as much info as you can on your own. Do ask the questions, go to manufacurers for advice. There probably has been more people than you think that have tried the same thing, why have we not all adopted this type of setup? My .03
  4. I would never advocate st. lines outside the grommets on slider up deployments. Controlling some and not others is asking for mals' and possible damage. Knock yourself out though.
  5. Stow your brakes as you would for slider down,just dont' release them before the grometts.
  6. Jaap, I feel this things place is in a training environment, not in the field. Shit happens you know, it would be really bad if ONE side released during inflation. We know all jumpers do all preventative maintenance required. I do not want to say absolutely NO, but I do not have enough performance data yet to say YES!
  7. Yea, I promise pics as soon as it returns. It's out with a novice jumper now.
  8. Training, training and more training. I have come up with a new aid for teaching slider down/off experince at the dropzone. A slider with removable steering line grometts. A person can exit plane with a sail slider, leave the brakes set and release the extra grometts installed on the rear of the slider. After that release the brakes and have a good simulation of what it is like to fly with "free" brakelines. I see this as a way to gain invaluable experience without having to do it in 15- 20 second intervals.I see WAY TOO MANY people getting in over their head with regard to canopy flight. If more people draw a line in the sand with regard to training/ experience WE would be turning out better prepared safer base jumpers. OK my rant is done.
  9. PeteS

    just checking

    If you want, I would be honored to be your second, James-San.
  10. PeteS

    just checking

    You have to, that one guy could'nt get it done.
  11. I would guess 460 means "all else being equal, what if?" My guess would be "generaly right".
  12. PeteS

    wing loading

  13. Just for experimental jumping discussion, what type of object? What base canopies have you jumped? Have you had any malfunctions requiring a cut away? and last but not least, what type of canopy would you select for this jump?
  14. About two years back a gal who had no idea came to me and wanted a tail pocket put on her spectre main. Her boyfriend said to do it, it would be ok for a 1800' A. I told her to get the right tool for the job and privately asked the bf what the f--- he was thinking.
  15. That bitch is somewhere between a houseplant and a mineral specimen. (PeteS original)
  16. We had a guy come down the mountain a couple months' back with a familiar rig on his back. I knew who's it was and him saying he just bought it made sense, for a short while... He showed up at my shop asking to get a small item checked, "will you tell me if this thing (chest strap velcro ) is ok?" I replied in the positive, asking his name, how many jumps, who was mentoring ect.. He did not know he needed a mentor and then asked "Can I watch you pack for me, and just how do you get out to that big antenna?" Being he head 20 JUMPS! ,and was cocky ,(Dude I already have two cutaways from a hangglider). I sent him packing and firmly told him to get more SKYDIVES before continuing his quest. I also contacted the rig seller and informed him HE was responsible for what happened to the new owner of that rig, just taking the money was'nt enough.
  17. Dorothy must be one proud toddler right now! Congrats' Miles and Nikki, all the best.
  18. Have him send it here, I have a three parachute rig.
  19. PeteS


    I just got off the phone with the dzo in Madera and he knows the name but no info on an accident. He is checking around a bit and will call me with further info.
  20. PeteS


    I will call the Madera, CA dz and check there.
  21. The forest service uses the FS-14,a design of Bill Gargano. I did about 50 jumps on it during deveopment in the early 90's. It is an awesome round parachute. Good forward speed, quick flat turns and very stable.During our presentation we had only three jumpers in a sherpa from 6000'.
  22. PeteS

    Slider Stops

    Use a little spit to lube 'em up.
  23. You might try baby powder and then a vacuum cleaner.
  24. Nice calm night at the PT, had two people new to cali with me and called another local to show. Cherried a new groundcrew dude.A little moonlight pushing through the clouds. I went first and didn't think about it until now, but I was jumping an old base rig I bought from the dzo. It was an old "hunch" from DM with a Lazer 250 main. It used to belong to David "Wildman" Grant , anyone rember him? I didn't do any thing to it, just inspected and packed it. Right on exit, I gave props to a couple of "missing friends". Everything went great, fri the 13th,WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!
  25. I've heard it said, "character is what you do when no one is looking".