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Everything posted by PeteS

  1. PeteS

    *death and fear

    Seem's you get used to it, but it never get's easier. Talk when you need to.
  2. For heavy ass foot, put the ball of your foot on the top or furthest side of the foot pedal.Then to engage the clutch, lift your heel up off the backof the pedal. This gives you the most action of your foot with the least action of the foot pedal. Be ready to stomp the brake if your big assed heavy foot gets too excited. Then there is the time my left index finger got over the foot on a 42 stich tacker.......
  3. PeteS

    Keen 'N Able teaser

    Oh yea, there is an extra section that made me laugh so hard I had tears on my cheeks!
  4. PeteS

    Site Nicknames

    A certain E that looks like a "half" of a cliff I call the whole mission, "Going to church".
  5. A couple of years ago Bob turned Bill Dause down for a jump, so he could jump(his one jump a day) with me on my birthtday. The night before, when I asked him to make a b-day jump, he said "I don't jump with OLD GUY'S! "
  6. The way to get good, F#%! some stuff up! Do alot of fun work to keep motivated and take your time setting up your project.
  7. PeteS

    Old School BASE

    I wonder if it was a "Thor", then the bike died in a glorious Viking funeral.
  8. PeteS

    Keen 'N Able teaser

    I've seen the final edit of Keen'N Able, WOW! Geat stuff, Jimmy! Getting out and doing it year after year is what it's about.
  9. Not a tower surprise but a crane on a B. Four of us were making the catwalk from B to crane and we heard noises from above, two young guys' up there drunk and rowdy. we met one on his way down and asked if he was a jumper, he said " No but my friend might, WHOO-HOOO!", at that point I slapped him and told him to be quiet. We finished the climb and jumped.Don't know how the night finished for them.
  10. I think the "depression" seen in the photo is this, the internal pressure in the center rear-most area of the canopy is less than the out side pressure of that area .Sliderless deployment alows unregulated bottom skin spread, with the payload and canopy traveling in downward direction. A vacuum is formed until airflow over the upper surface is achieved, pushing the upper surface down.Close to what robibird said above, just my way of saying it.
  11. Looks like you smoothed it out just the right way, considering the circumstances.If, and I mean IF that "guy" snitched you off,you could take his equipment for awhile. I wish I would have done that once or twice.Oh CRAP! Stealing somebody's gear is illegal! How long has this guy been around? How many jumps', blah blah.
  12. Call The parachute center at Lodi, CA.(209) 369-1128
  13. You're asking if making an alcoholic drink with citrus or apple juice makes any difference,here. Sure they're both "juice" and both taste great, but you are using two examples that are different enough to need WAY more sampling to give a diffinitive answer. Test parameters such as juice to booze ratio, glass size/shape, straw size, ice/ no ice should all be considered, along with the testing personnell age, weight and experience.
  14. You know, I HATE small whiners. Do you keep them sealed in the original packaging until the customer gets them?
  15. Master Rigger,have all the cool toys' just putting the finishing touches on my 2'nd version "cliff pack". For repairs, relines, major canopy and harness/container repair call or stop by. "If I can't fix it, I'll f**k it up so bad you will need a new one".
  16. Are you going to BASE jump anymore?
  17. A PAYOUT WINCH IS A MUST! unless the tow driver is absolutely flawless, you have a HUGE chance of getting "lockout" of your wing due to over- tensioning your line. You cannot recover lockout unless line tension is released, and humans usualy cannot react fast enough. Dan Poynter almost died from paracending.......Try USHGA website.
  18. Was the canopy a small zp with stainless steel grommets? If so, the canopy/ grommet weight combination might be skewing your observation.
  19. PeteS


    Insulators' are bell shaped to cram more overall insulating distance in a shorter space, take the center point of the ceramic dish and go to the outside edge and back to the center for insulated distance. Stack 5 to 15 of these "bells'" together and the insulated distance gets' significantly longer. They do this with some saftey factor for dirt, moisture and the like. Respect the power these things have, they will blow cooked steaks' out of you if not just leave a cinder. Have fun PT's are a thrill!
  20. Could you have died while doing this activity with a parachute? If yes, then it counts!
  21. PeteS

    First Jump

    Right on, bro! The one piece of advice I can give is try not to "get it all done at once". Use your head, and you should have a exciting jumping career.
  22. I think he was bull shitting you, he told me you pulled kinda' low.
  23. MY BAD! SORRY!!I am not up on all this stuff yet
  24. No I did not, and I am not going to drop any names! If you don't know, ask John and see if his memory is clear on this.I was there to jump NOT to teach anyone. You were not there so SHUT UP.
  25. I personaly have tried the positive counseling approach when he had 0-2 jumps, the pissed off in your "have you ever heard of John Vincent" line after his third jump,the do not talk to me, ever style and have been back to friendly "hey, slow down the objects will still be here, if we are all careful" style. Got ideas, any body?No effort of mine seem to have had much lasting effect.Keep in mind I did not take john on his first jump, or any others. What is it they do in AA, an intervention????