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Everything posted by PeteS

  1. Distruction Tour, eh? Call John Agnos, he should be a guest of Sac county soon.
  2. Yea, the way they keep bidding open if a bid comes in 15 minutes before closing is just fu*kin' wrong! If someone outbids you at 1 minute to close they extend bidding 14 minutes after the original close time, stupid!
  3. Melissa, I am SO SORRY you ( and the rest of us) were deceived. I am SO DISSAPOINTED in Jimmy, I looked him in the eye and asked if the accusation was true before defending him. Blaze away, Tree....
  4. I went to the "product announcement" at PIA symposium last year and ..... I dunno, it's a fabric gizmo attatched to the main canopys' links. The video was non-conclusive at best, the device was supposed to slow openings by deflecting air around the canopy during the time prior to inflation. The vacuum from the jumper did collapse it alot during the inflation process. My opinion from the presentation was little or no benefit fron the device. There were most if not all of the major manufacturers in the room and I was sitting next to Mike Truffer. The costumed part of the presentation was hilarious, if you were there you know.
  5. About four years ago I played with the idea of a pocket on the bridle, made a couple samples. The people around here thought it was too much hassel to pack. Maybe attitudes are changing in regard to exta steps/benefits with regard to deployment issues?
  6. I think Strong did just that in the 70's, with zippers. To convert bulky rigs to slim and trim of the day.
  7. PeteS

    Wire strike

    Ray, I agree that things could have gone alot easier for this "pup" if he would have done his recovery with a little more pre-planning. Let's not turn him out until he answers a few more questions about say, a mentor being present. The guy is at a fork in the road in his base career right now. A guy here in CA went on a "I'm going solo, fuck all of you!" mission and has made a series of bad decisions and will pay the rest of his life for it. That's why I'm not being too harsh YET.
  8. PeteS

    Wire strike

    Hey Eric, bring your 3 cases of beer to the Iron Manship base comp and tell your war story there. I would be happy to hear more about it.Until then be safe and get your gear checked out, Pete.
  9. PeteS

    Wire strike

    Only if he's a muff bro..............
  10. PeteS

    Wire strike

    Glad you're ok, were you alone? Ground crew? Big 'ol slice of humble pie, huh? You know to get your gear TOTALY INSPECTED, right? Wire damage can get pretty severe, some of it the "average" parachute user will not detect until it fails. Getting off the wire is awesome! No damage to you?
  11. PeteS

    BASE and Camelbaks

    No, but I am considering a water storage "option " for my redesigned "cliff pack".Civilian radios are so small these days you could put one in your pants and make believe you have a BIG package.
  12. PeteS


    Hey Chris, I got a gold star for the back of your helmet! We have ALL done stuff that with hindsight, wasn't such a cool idea. My opinion is stickers belong on lunchboxes and bindercovers,not where people that cannot appreciate them can see them.I do know of an "A" that has a "Gambler Would Huck It! " sticker that you can only see after exit. That site was "burned" by some other stupid trick...
  13. PeteS

    BASE and Camelbaks

    I put mine under jacket or shirt and stow the tube also after dumping leftover water out. My cb is pretty small so space is really not an issue.
  14. The Hobbit reserve was diaper deployed and also the X-210R. Bill Gargano designed the Hobbit and I think was at security when the X-210R was produced.Free stowing lines got out of fashion on mains when a few people went in from lines wrapping around flaps and such, not to mention unstable deployments. I also think it is safer to have the deployment device separate when it's done it's job (on reserves).
  15. I use a single wrap on slow speed and a single or double for high speed depending on how I feel about the tension of the stow at the time, "this feels about right for this jump".Also I have been using the above packing method for a couple years now and like the results, slider up or down. High speed or low speed this appears to give consistant deployments and is pretty fast to pack.
  16. 961782, standup at linestretch WHOOO-HOOO!(wish you were here Miles and family)
  17. Yea, 635487 dude! I hear Miles D give a WHOOO-HOOOOOO! Every time the guy breaks his last record. Who do you hear when he goes in, or is a crybaby when he comes up short? WHOOO- HOOOO!748069! With a 1 second canopy ride!
  18. Whats his address? Post it so people will have an idea where NOT to send money.
  19. Got more pics? From what I see here, I've seem alot worse.
  20. PeteS

    Newfoundland Base

    Mmmmm....cliffs. Thanks.
  21. PeteS

    BASE game

    In hand. Stowed. Pilot chute assist. Static line with pilotchute backup.
  22. Victor, the idea here is for a "student" to get comfy flying base risers/ toggles with a base canopy in a low stress way.You cannot pull the slider over type 8 risers. It's as simple as changing a slider, a sail slider at that for opening comfort. Remember, jumpers are getting into this with fewer and fewer total jumps these days, if you can take stress out of the learning process they will get their "instant gratification" sooner.
  23. It's pretty simple, use your base risers/toggles on a skydiving rig. Set the brakes with the slider up setting but with the slider down configuration (use brake set loop on riser). After deployment, pump slider down with risers if needed and release grommets. Then you may release the deployment brakes and "simulate" flying a slider down configuration from an airplane. With new jumpers coming into base eariler in their careers, they are in most cases not prepared to handle this configuration in a "high stress" environment. This aid will allow the relative saftey of the dropzone to be the learning environment.
  24. As promised here are pics of my new training aid.