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Everything posted by nolhtairt

  1. Look up "Jamis Winston". 2 credible reports of sexual assault that weren't pursued because he was starting quarterback for the Gators Florida State Criminoles. FIFY
  2. Hey, a 100% rate over 30 years is a helluva track record. Just saying.
  3. I think it is a sad day when someone disagrees with a premise that is presented and is then subjected to name calling. Jerry Baumchen Yeah well, I tried to help him see the light. Sorry if he can't help himself.
  4. What I would have to find a way to keep America competitive is transform the job market into areas they can gain advantages in. New technologies, etc. I'm no expert, but we've lost ground in the manufacturing sector. Maybe more robotic manufacturing, sell robots to other countries whose average wages are lower than ours?
  5. And until this last month Nate Silver was considered a indisputable genius too. Just sayin'. Ah, well, go ahead and wallow in your liberal tears then.
  6. Production costs went up due to rises in salaries and cost of equipment, etc. When a country is able to pay workers a pittance compared to the USA, I could see companies wanting to cut costs and move to that country to do business. Sure that's not the only factor but that's the first thing that comes to mind.
  7. There is an inherent danger in believing in outliers who have had success in predicting things. The danger is believing they actually know what they're talking about when the fact is it's entirely possible to reproduce similar results by coin flips. Let's say you were looking for genius predictors of future Presidential elections and wanted to do that by taping into the mystical powers of the universe and, as previously stated, flipping a coin. We gather 1000 potential genius experts and have them flip coins and record their results. Heads is D, Tails is R. Each person is given 8 blindfolded flips. What are the odds at least 1 person in that group of 1000 will have mystically predicted the winner of all 8 races? Well, actually they're pretty good 1:256 is what we'd expect by random chance. We'd probably expect 3 (plus or minus 1) people in that group of 100 to have correctly predicted just using coin flips. Yeah but, the professor actually studies political climates and trends and makes his predictions based on those studies, rather than flipping a coin. He even predicted Gore would win the popular vote but Bush would win the electoral vote.
  8. Quade - when in doubt, check with THIS guy. He has never been wrong in 30 years of presidential elections.
  9. Or you can wait until the St. Patrick's Day Boogie in Fitzgerald, GA in mid-March. They sometimes have a helicopter and a hot air balloon. Contact CspenceFly on here for info.
  10. They all still got to put on a show. It's entertainment after all.
  11. He had magical immunity from dying from skydiving, alcohol and smoking. So it kind of figures it would be something stupid and unexpected that would get him... Life is funny that way sometimes. You never know when the grim reaper is coming.
  12. One of the funniest sights at the WFFC was Scotty driving the golf cart around dressed in a skirt, fishnet pantyhose and heels.
  13. that could work if there are no pre-cut holes in the cell dividers, but I'd imagine filling one cell would get pretty damn heavy.
  14. I'll give you mine. Just got to root around in my gear bag for it. PM me your name and address
  15. Sounds like either a jerk or a presidential candidate for 2020. LOL he'd be too old by then, or dead.
  16. Please stop insulting pigs. It's okay. They wouldn't know any better either.
  17. I only have one word for Hillary Clinton - CUNT Donald Trump is simply a - DICK What do dicks do?
  18. Bill Cosby can choke to death on his own dick. What a hypocritical imbecile and rapist he is.
  19. Agreed. We have got to shore up the borders and vet the immigrants more carefully.
  20. Seriously, I can't stomach either one. Probably will go with Green Party candidate Jill Stein even though she has zero chance of winning. Gary Johnson is a dumb ass.
  21. Regardless of what happens, it's still like having to choose between a polished turd or a shit sandwich..