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Everything posted by nolhtairt

  1. I firmly believe that there are enough checks and balances in our government between the judicial and legislative branches to prevent a sitting POTUS from becoming anything resembling a dictator. Just saying.
  2. Well, you know, as distasteful and horrible what Philippines' President Duterte is doing great to combat his country's drug problem, by simply executing all the junkies and the suppliers, I'm interested in seeing what kind of results they end up in the near future.
  3. I wouldn't rule out the Republicans helping impeach Trump if it would help get a career politician in the White House (Pence) so they can continue carrying on as usual. They'll find a way if they're desperate enough
  4. Time to start blasting drug cartel bases in Mexico and Colombia with daily cutters and bunker busters and shit. Wipe them the fuck out. And build that wall. Of course, that alone won't solve the drug trafficking problem since some is coming in from Asia. It's like fighting a fucking giant octopus or hydra monster. Cut one arm off, another one grows out.
  5. There ought to be a line in the mix somewhere that says something to the effect of, "was prevented by stonewalling by the GOP." I mean, you know, just to be factual. Obama promised to close Gitmo, but I certainly don't think that should be held against him all things considered. What prevented him from keeping the promise (and a few others like it) was the GOP plain and simple. Gitmo was/is used as a holding and interrogation center to get as much intel out of them to capture others and prevent further acts of terror against the US and its allies. I support keeping the anti terror measures going in some way. Maybe not at Gitmo though. There are other facilities just as secure that could be used. But Gitmo as a military base was already established before Castro led the revolution against the old government...
  6. I found this funny. Never mind the fact the voters in Washington state got fined for not casting their vote for Clinton, what I noticed is that Trump only had two electoral votes meant for him, go elsewhere. Clinton had FIVE. The four in Washington state and one in Hawaii. What happened to all the drama hyped up that there might be some electoral college revolts against Trump?
  7. Thanks for posting that. I'd lost my copy after the mods shitcanned previous postings of that one.
  8. Who here is whining? Everybody agrees that Trump won your election. The majority of the people just wanted somebody else. Unfortunately, 'none of the above' wasn't on the ballot. Brewster's Millions... Now that was a funny movie.
  9. Part of that is derived from the left being the biggest crybabies I have ever seen over Trump getting elected. Sure, it's distasteful to gloat, but if you won, and the loser keeps crying about it, don't blame the right if they say STFU already!
  10. That's only what they call themselves. But of course, they are anything BUT democratic to the rest of the world.
  11. That was bad enough. However, there are indications that they are going to repeal HB2, which will be the right thing to do. Should never have passed it in the first place IMO.
  13. At this point, it looks like one rogue cop. Everybody needs to chill the fuck out and have the two countries talk it over. Apparently the rogue cop was assigned to be the ambassador's body guard. You can expect a change in security protocol at the very least.
  14. Dylann Roof found guilty of all charges. No surprise there. He showed no emotion. Nothing. I support the death penalty for this evil scumbag. However, I would also support putting him in prison and left to fend for himself against all the blacks that are in there too. He won't last a week.
  15. That's top secret stuff. You and I don't have clearance to know that stuff. Off-hand, I would say it involves self defense measures built into the plane, as well as CIA, NSA and FBI communication equipment and lavish accommodations you don't see in standard 747-800's.
  16. 2 weeks to the appeal hearing. Then the Appeals Court Judges have to consider the arguments and issue an opinion. The wheels of justice turn, but slowly. I think we should make December 14th "Jump For Gibby Day". Here's how it'd go... We all spend the day jumping as many times as possible. Then, at the end of the day, all the money left in our pockets will get donated to the Gibby for President in 2020 fund. I would just donate it to Gibby's moving fund. Only way she can use the money is to sell her house and move away from the airport.
  17. Good riddance. However, some say his brother Raul is meaner. They've been cracking down hard on dissidents in Cuba. Motherfucker outlasted 10 US presidents, at least... I guess he didn't want to see Trump take the oath of office. "fuck that, I'm done, erk!" (slumps over)
  18. Are you in favor of immigrants being required to: A) State their religion for the record, and B) Being placed on a list if that religion is one of the many forms of Islam? We need better control over all immigration, legal and especially illegal. If an immigrant/refugee is from the Middle East, additional vetting and tracking may be needed, regardless of their stated religion which may or may not be true. Agreed. We do NOT need to make the mistakes Germany made bringing in thousands of unvetted Syrian refugees with bad mofos embedded within. They've got a clusterfuck to deal with.
  19. Well, it's OUR shit show, not yours. Don't you have a loopy Prime Minister up there to bitch about?
  20. Guarandamnteed you won't see a single Democrat clapping during the SOTU.
  21. The faces they used in this one, priceless!
  22. Another prediction from the professor I mentioned earlier.... Says Trump will be impeached. Thinks the Republican controlled Congress will prefer Pence be the President because of Trump's unpredictability.