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Everything posted by nolhtairt

  1. Saudi Arabia and the US have a complicated relationship. They are our ally in the region. They hate Iran. They have billions of dollars in oil exports. I'm not exactly thrilled either. Pakistan is also another ally in the war on terror, at least at government levels. But both countries do have radicalized citizens. However, if Obama had not scrapped and scrubbed the immigrant vetting system, forcing Trump to start over from scratch... Who knows?
  2. Far as I'm concerned, this is exactly what ISIS and other Muslim extremists want to fuel their campaign of terror. And yes, the Texas mosque arson is another example.
  3. The violence is coming from left wingers... Bingo.
  4. Now that's how you tackle protesters standing in the road blocking traffic. Even the old lady's saying "good!" with a thumbs up I don't personally care if they want to protest, just stay out of my way. Or this might happen...
  5. That is hysterically well done!
  6. "Pop Goes the World" by Men Without Hats The Trumps danced to Frank Sinatra's My Way at one of the inaugural balls. Sounds fitting.
  7. I have to wonder... what the recidivism rate is going to be for these 330? I also wonder what the recidivism rate is for the rest he has freed/commuted in his 8 years, a total of 1,715, including 568 inmates serving LIFE sentences. I was told that Obama has freed/commuted more inmates than the last 12 POTUSes combined.
  8. I included the quote in my post and cited my source. Stop twisting them around. No wonder the liberals are so butthurt this time.
  9. This was interesting. Yes we know Clinton won the popular vote by what, 3 million plus? And we also know a majority of those were gained from a narrow swath of large population centers on both coasts. Now look at this at the county level. The discrepancy is astoundingly in Trump's favor. Trump won 2,626 counties to 487 for Clinton. Now I know and understand how a lot of people are upset that Trump won, given the way the electoral college works, which has been in use since 1787. Hey, blame the founding fathers if you want to. From this Did Russia meddle in the election? Probably. Did it make a difference? I'm going to go with probably not, given the large discrepancy at the county level. Trump simply won the heartland of the United States plus a few key battleground states that were historically Democrat. I believe he had enough electoral votes that he would still have won if Clinton had taken one extra state than she got. Don't like the electoral college? Then petition to have it scrapped. After all, it's only 11 years younger than the United States of America.
  10. The first thing I would evaluate is whether you can do the exercises you were able to do before the surgery. Major surgeries are nothing to sneeze at. It's been 9 months now. You should be close enough to normal as possible by now, but everybody recovers differently. Only one pull up, you say? At least try to get more than that. Or work your way up with a weight training machine that simulates pull-ups. There are at least 5 exercises you can do with a machine to build up your pecs, but the ligament attachment do take a long time to heal. You can't ever know whether you will have issues or not until you do that first jump back. What kind of canopy are you using and its wingloading? You'd like to have a soft sniveling opening. Your first jump should be a quick hop and pop, clear and pull.
  11. Actually, he has been the best salesman all the gun manufacturers could have ever hoped to have.
  12. Fort Dodge, IA, has regional service and hosts a big boogie every year. Couch Freaks? Generally speaking, you don't normally see airports with BOTH commercial airline service AND a drop zone. Not only do you have obstruction from airport authority to setting up drop zones on their property, but also restrictions to air space over and around such airports. I think you underestimate how much of a hassle it is to try and get one started on such an airport.
  13. One thing to keep in mind when designing and building a nuclear power plant... It takes more than a decade, two even... and billions of dollars. That includes the economic impact and enviromental impact and liberal trash anti-nuclear opponents. Cost overruns are a serious issue as well, with labor costs continuing to rise on nuke plant construction.
  14. That'll build what, maybe 200-300 miles of wall, or 800-1000 miles of fencing topped with concerta wire? Hey, it's a start. I'm not really a fan of sending millions of dollars in aid to other countries without having a say or accountability in how they spend it. Its OUR tax money.
  15. I think Joe Satriani did a nice version too
  16. Oh I'm sure some semblance of a barrier will get built, whether its a concrete wall, or concerta wire-topped fencing, wherever the topography and population calls for. I just don't believe there will be an unbroken barrier from coast to coast. What will be interesting is if Trump can clamp down on the money being wired back home to Mexico or tax it heavily like he has promised. If Mexico would have done a better job improving their own quality of life, and its proven that the NAFTA agreement hasn't done jack squat, how is it the onus is on US to pay for control of the border to keep illegal immigrants from pouring across unchecked?
  17. You are definitely a troll now. But for the sake of other new jumpers, standing up means nearly nothing. Anyone who thinks standing up is a measure of success on a jump knows very little. The fuss is about how fast things can go wrong and how badly they can go wrong. Hopefully you don't find out the hard way. Guys like him get put on the DZ's bounce bingo board. Make a mistake and he'll find out how bad it's going to hurt.
  18. Earlier today I met an old friend and her new husband, who is a naturalized US citizen from Algeria who is also a Muslim. He turned out to be very articulate and a genuine nice guy. Had a nice conversation with him. Here's the shocker. He voted for Trump. I asked him why because I wanted to see what his reason was. He wanted Trump to make the screening process for immigrants tougher, to better weed out the bad ones. Imagine that. A Muslim citizen actually said that. Hell has frozen over! Chew on that one.
  19. Really? Because honestly I remember a lot of people being pretty pissed off about Bush/Gore. And Trump himself was absolutely livid when he wrongly thought Obama lost the popular vote to Romney, You're kidding me? The liberals have been hysterical since Trump won. I've never seen this level of wailing before. Now back to the electoral vote... Trump needed 270, and he got 306. Maybe not a landslide or massive win, but it certainly was decisive. He won the three pivotal states - FL, PA and MI. Winning those was a slap in the faces of the Democrats. And Kallend, wah wah wah. Them's the rules.
  20. "We had a massive landslide victory, as you know, in the Electoral College." — Donald Trump on Sunday, December 11th, 2016 in an interview on "Fox News Sunday" Just by saying something, does not make it so. He DID have a massive victory in the electoral college. Come on, it wasn't even close. He won a few key swing states, including one that had voted Democrat for what, two decades? Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida were huge wins for Trump. Pretty much only the left coast, New England and Illinois voted mostly Democrat which is where a large portion of the population resides. That's pretty much where Clinton's two million plus advantage in the popular vote came from. But the way POTUS elections are set up, the electoral votes spreads out states' power a bit more evenly, preventing large populated states from over-influencing the election. What I find funny is that there was never as much an outcry against the electoral college in previous elections when the popular vote went to the other candidate. This may well be a record for the largest popular vote margin and still lose. But hey, it is what it is. That's the way the system is set up. But yes. Trump DID HAVE a massive landslide victory in the electoral college vote.
  21. Found this article interesting.
  22. I fully believe that there will never be another civil war for the US. Maybe the alt-right extremists will do some homeland terror attacks but the feds will do their job and shut them down quick. But civil war? HAH.
  23. To late! Kimmie's already got the sound meter and video recorder set up and ready to go...... If Ebenezer Scrooge had a wife, it would be her.