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Everything posted by nolhtairt

  1. To quote Nrmiss many many times: "Classy"! After bragging about his penis size at a debate, accusing Megyn Kelly of being on her period, belittling a Vietnam War hero, and attacking a Gold Star family, I'd say the "classy" ship sailed a long time ago. As much as I can't stand Hillary, I agree with you on Trump. The man just doesn't know when to shut the fuck up sometimes. That or he's doing it on purpose.
  2. How about wingsuiting without a rig onto an 18 wheeler trailer fitted with an airbag and open roof, going 80 mph or so on the salt flats where speed records are set?
  3. I'm actually starting to believe Trump is trying to sabotage his election prospects so Hillary can win. Just thinking about it.... Trump has been friends with the Clinton for decades. He has eliminated all the other Republican nominees, including some who could have beaten Clinton. Now he's plowing the road for Hillary to win, if he keeps this up. Makes me wonder what other stuff he's got going on the side that we don't know about?
  4. I wondered about that too... There was a camera dude that got on a load without thinking that he'd forgotten his rig, and nobody else noticed, so he takes his slot as rear float for his group, does the dive, then it's time to pull, and... "oooooh fuck"
  5. Trump does need to learn when to shut the fuck up... That said...
  6. Whose wives were they? His own? Ivana and Marla?
  7. Dude, after 18,000+ jumps, you'd think it would be an automatic reflex to do practice EPs and pulls on every jump... That's the way I look at it.
  8. Winter time? Can't go wrong with Florida, Arizona and Southern California DZs. Take your pick... Z-Hills, Sebastain, Deland, and others in Florida... Skydive Arizona, Perris Valley Skydiving, Elsinore.... And those are just the major ones... Spaceland in Houston is also an option.
  9. Not if he flips over at the last second or so and lands on his back, which is the plan.
  10. This pretty much says it all, what happened from the DNC emails.
  11. Sadly enough, it were 3 attacks: Würzburg: Knife attack, no dead, several injured. Islamic terror attack/background; Munich: Shooting rampage, 10 dead (incl. attacker), many injured; no Islamic terror background; Ansbach: Planned bomb attack, the idiot accidentially blew himself up; no further dead persons, several injured. Islamistic background ? Attacker had to be expelled, back to Bulgaria. The 4th incident was a private tragedy, where culprit and victim were related. (Syrian refugee killed his pregnant girlfriend with a knife and injured several bystanders.) France got hit again...
  12. Unless they bust her for fraud or contempt, she isn't going to jail. Though a psychiatric hospital just might be the best place for her
  13. Oh look, how cute... She named herself chairman of Citizens For Quiet Skies. How many are there in that organization? 5 or 6?
  14. Jon Stewart said this last night on Colbert's The Late Show: "The Republicans appear to have a very clear plan for America. They articulated it throughout the convention. No. 1, jail your political opponent. No. 2, inject Rudy Giuliani with a speedball and a Red Bull enema. And then No. 3, spend the rest of the time scaring the holy bejesus out of everybody,"
  15. That would change the culture for sure, but I think she's got her hands full already being an on-air journalist.
  16. Yet they'll still spend as much as 25 to 30 years on death row before finally getting executed. Some die before its carried out.
  17. A friend told me that voting for a 3rd party candidate is a waste of time and is actually helping the candidate you DON'T want to win. Sure, you can always vote with your conscience, knowing your candidate has zero chance of winning, or you can pinch your nose and vote for the one of two candidates that don't stink as bad.
  18. What a stupid c*nt. Most DZ's hold holiday boogies over the Fourth of July weekends, especially when the fourth falls on a Friday or Monday. And, the full moon was just within the last couple nights. So her claims of the DZ planes running til midnight sounds like horse shit to me.
  19. The solution is straight forward. Take personal responsibility for yourself and your family. Don't waste time on false narratives and specious assertions. In short, liberals will tell you that these folks can't take care of themselves, bottom line. And it's bullshit. And it has to stop. Agreed.
  20. Makes you wonder how many more are out there like this shitbag.
  21. When you have rappers singing songs about killing police (Ice-T, and many others), there's a problem.