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Everything posted by nolhtairt

  1. But it is that verbiage, and associated behaviour that needs to be addressed. Yes, this is a flash point issue. There are blacks out there that are advocating killing cops, for Christ's sake. And they are killing cops, while the president is saying they have legitimate concerns. It's insane. Agreed. Be advised that there are people who wouldn't say 'shit' if they had a mouth full of it. I have heard hour long discussions between negroes where, if you removed 'motherfucker' and 'nigger' from the text you could have jotted it down on an 3x5 card, both terms having less significance than punctuation. Nevertheless, a beige person using such verbiage is deemed sinful beyond redemption. In any event, you should remember that using such terms will tend to get the odd uterus in a knot, and there WILL BE REPERCUSSIONS. You have been warned. I think the movie Rush Hour gave an excellent example of this kind of thing. Black cop says "what's up my nigga" to the black bartender, he gives him a look and a nod. Jackie Chan later says the same thing, and the bartender goes ape shit and the brawl starts.
  2. Maybe a rail with a large platform topped with a giant airbag moving 60 mph. All Jeb has to do is line up dead center for landing with his wingsuit.
  3. First we had a black ex Army attack police in Dallas, and then a black ex Marine attack police in Baton Rouge. It seems like only a matter of time before the next city gets hit... I'd put the odds on Baltimore, after the latest Freddy Gray case acquittal...
  4. I disagree. There have been many incidents where a "citizen's arrest" have been made after an actual crime was committed, until police could arrive. And usually with multiple witnesses to corroborate the arresting citizen's side of the story. Very true. But there's a big difference between "arrest" and "detain." The key words "after an actual crime has been committed" are the important part. There was no crime committed here (at least not by the people in the car). For the "asshole with a gun" (in Yoink's very apt words) to detain people on simple suspicion is not a "citizen's arrest". It approaches kidnapping or unlawful restraint. To be honest, sitting in a parked car in the street may not reach the level of "articulable suspicion" necessary for a cop to be able to detain someone. Agreed. Just clarifying your statement which seemed vague. Dude was in the wrong there for sure.
  5. How many stars in the sky? How many grains of sand in the Sahara? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? The old threads (there were actually 2 of them) had more. There actually was a lot of fascinating info in them. You just had to sort through the idiocy (not always easy). I gave up on it a few years ago. I doubt that this guy is the real hijacker, any more than any of the suspects named in the thread were. I think there were more than 10K posts combined between the two threads. I might be off by a couple thousand though. The lady that believed her husband was DB Cooper was persistent to the end on that regard, despite the constant (what is the word?) dismissals by so called investigators and conspiracy theorists. I quit following after a while too. Same old shit week after week gets old after some time.
  6. I did not say in freefall. Stow it away in a pouch or in your jumpsuit for the freefall portion. Then use carabiners to attach one leading edge to your shoe, especially if the rear of the shoe has a built in loop back there, and the other leading edge to your leg strap ring or whatever's convenient. Been there, done that, never a problem. As long as it's on the opposite side from your deployment side, usually the left side. I've also done it from the bottom of the riser to the leg strap ring. No issues. But then again, I'm anal about doing demos with flags, I want to make sure everything is down pat. Edit to add. My bad for not reading the original post including "in freefall". In that case, I've never done that. But all pictures and videos I've seen, the jumpers held them in their hands. It helps to set up some kind of handle attached to the flagpole rope holes for easy gripping. But always, if you hang onto it through canopy deployment, hold the flag in the left hand if you deploy your canopy with your right hand.
  7. It could be a problem if the visitor is used to landing at or near sea level under a high performance canopy (within 500 ft MSL), and goes to Colorado to jump for the first time. My advice would be, use conservative approaches and landings until you get used to how your canopy lands at altitude.
  8. Being older than you, I can remember when Truman fired MacArthur. You think the name calling between The Donald and Hillary is bad, it does not hold a candle to what Truman was being called. It was bad!!!!!! Jerry Baumchen Well, you have to understand... the politically correct movement didn't start until much later after Truman served as POTUS
  9. You've been on here for what, 11 years? You really should already know any incendiary threads that violate the rules of the site that gets shit-canned, leaves zero tolerance for bitching about it in another thread posted on the same site. Just FYI... I've seen this before, and the offending poster usually gets banned just for bitching about it. It's no democracy on here. It's ruled by a man with a red hot fork.
  10. I disagree. There have been many incidents where a "citizen's arrest" have been made after an actual crime was committed, until police could arrive. And usually with multiple witnesses to corroborate the arresting citizen's side of the story.
  11. You're better off attaching it to your leg, away from the canopy lines and risers. Talk to the S&TA at the DZ about it. He/she can recommend something that'll work, safely.
  12. I don't know what is wrong with you this morning. But you can not possibly justify what you are implying with that. Because it is very clearly untrue. You don't really believe that BHO wants to racially divide the nation do you? He may not want to, but he's stumbling his way through trying not to.
  13. Vehicles kill more people than just about anything else in accidents or otherwise. Just something we live with. Sure, somebody could go nuts and use one to run over somebody else. That happens every now and then. That's why we have a police force and justice system. It ain't perfect, but its better than being in the wild wild west of the late 1800's.
  14. You can ask the moderator of this forum to move it.
  15. Glad you survived. For one thing, this is better served being in the Safety and Training Forum... You're better off discussing this in person with your instructors than on here, just my opinion.
  16. It's pretty much at the bottom of my list as well. And I don't even like the ones at the top very much. I understand most Muslims are born into it and taught it young. What really blows my mind is converts. Why would anyone convert to a religion that demands death to apostates? Even more mind blowing are women who converts...
  17. Actual shooting is shown. Dude wouldn't listen to the cops so it appears like suicide by cop. Though I think the couple of shots they did after he was already laying there crossed the line. Graphic video.
  18. Me. Read the Koran. 1.3 billion. Getting a little nasty in here. I understand the anger, but it's not going to help. Religions don't kill people....people kill people? I agree, the Koran teaches some evil things. Those 1.3 billion still somehow find a way to focus on the good parts and not the evil parts. Mostly. People have been using religious ideology to kill other people with. So yes, religion kills, however indirectly it may be.
  19. Millertime's point is it don't fucking matter what kind of weapon is used. You ban guns, fine, some asshole will find another way. However, in this case, the asshole used a box van for shock value and also used guns to shoot once he stopped, it appears like. A big public celebration is a huge target. Especially if there are no substantial roadblocks to prevent said vehicles from getting into the pedestrian areas...
  20. So, anybody? Who's Mike Pence and what is he like?
  21. Commonly known as the "Do as I say, not as I do" crowd.
  22. At 300 feet or so he will roll over on his back. This is the best position to fall into the net at 120 mph (stunt-man way). Yep, make sure you're exactly where you want to be and just like that, roll over right before hitting the net.