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Everything posted by nolhtairt

  1. I hope your right. But something tells me she doesn't think she's done even if she loses on appeal. Maybe she'll go up to the state supreme court if she raises enough money.
  2. By the time his suspension (without pay) is over, he will be too old to be able to run again. So, he is removed. And good riddance. He should spend the time raising his dumb ass son.
  3. Time table on that? When it does come, I hope the appeals court tells her to shut the fuck up and go home, oh and pay up.
  4. Did anybody else's jaw drop when Trump mentioned "a 400 pound guy" when referring to hackers? I couldn't believe it. LMAO, then again, I shouldn't have been surprised.
  5. Media bias probably. But where I am, every time the KKK is accused of distributing flyers, it always makes the news.
  6. No one has suggested anything that would 1. Have a meaningful impact on gun related fatalities AND, 2. Not unreasonably limit the 2nd amendment rights of citizens. I am tired of the rallying cry, "We must do something!" How many do you know have been killed with a gun? How many people do you know have died skydiving? BASE jumping, driving, biking, on a motorcycle? Cell phone makers could save lives by preventing phones from receiving texts, emails, or phone calls when the phone is moving in a vehicle. But they don't and distracted driving related fatalities are on the rise. Think about that for a minute. Do you want to save lives or ban guns? Derek V I've known way more friends that have died skydiving than any other cause of accidental or criminal death. BAN SKYDIVING!!!
  7. Looks like it was another perverted psychopath who shot several people in a Washington state mall north of Seattle. This one born in Turkey. Gee, I wonder what ideology he follows.
  8. I just want to see Hillary's reaction when she sees Gennifer in the front row.
  9. Here we go again... this time in Charlotte, NC... Police say he was armed, friends and family say not... Details will come out soon enough.
  10. CNN is known as a liberal/Democratic rag. Fox News is known as a conservative/Republican rag. That's about as plainly as it can be described.
  11. Well now... It looks like the guy was a friendly person for the most part. THEN he made a trip to Afghanistan and came back a changed man. Gee, where have we heard that before?’s-business-and-lately-a-‘completely-different-person’/ar-BBwlU8u?li=BBnb7Kz
  12. We'll see what the dash cam footage shows. Dude probably shouldn't have gotten out of his vehicle or approached police. But it does appear the cops were in the wrong here and should be held accountable.
  13. So you're qualified to judge who is and is not a muslim. How Trumpish of you. Sure, I'm guilty of it. So what. They're doing most of the attacks here lately.
  14. Probably semantics here. He is described as a US citizen of Afghan descent. He worked in a fried chicken restaurant with his father and family. They seemed to keep to themselves but neighbors got sick of the noise and trespassing by patrons at night because that place was open 24 hours. Who knows at this point why the guy did what he did. Like I said, it will all come out soon enough.
  15. It will come out soon enough. He apparently is tied to the bombing on the Jersey shore in Seaside Park as well. I called it first. Come on. Most if not all Afghans born in Afghanistan are Muslims. But I will reiterate that he appears to be a loner, and an amateur.
  16. We've already had this conversation, many times. No other free society on earth is as heavily armed as ours, like it or not. (With the possible exception of the Swiss). I'll repeat this once again. In my travels, all the cops I've met in other countries think American cops are nuts. Because our society is so heavily armed with weapons..................... and rights. Bingo. Kallend used to live in England. Maybe he would feel safer over there.
  17. Well said. Lately, its been the loner nutbag muslims doing the dastardly deeds. Those are the hardest to keep an eye on and catch before they do it. I said this before, like last year or so, that attacks like these would continue, only to have people like Kallend blow it off.
  18. That was quick. They caught the D-bag. Found him sleeping in a hallway at a bar a few miles from his home. Cops woke him up and he shot at them and hit one before they shot and subdued him. Luckily the cop had a vest on. Looks like an amateur lone wolf.
  19. This happened on Saturday. It's Monday now and the President hasn't said anything. So we know its a Muslim.
  21. Even unarmed white people get shot and killed, just because they didn't keep their hands visible. There's only one correct way to interact with police. The one that keeps you from getting shot.
  22. South Park swings for the fences on Kaepernick!
  23. But does it? Who the fuck cares? He already indicates it matches his original belief, so it must be true. And now the Trump foundation is under investigation. But that is just politics, Clinton is a criminal. America has collectively lost it mind. Brexit fever is contagious. Okay, so Trump and both Clintons are sleazy sociopaths, and only an idiot would trust any of them. If one side points out what scum is the other side, I could not agree more. I am not sticking up for either. The enemy of my enemy is often every bit as bad - or worse. This election if rather a matter of 'name your poison.' Yep, its like choosing between a fried turd on a stick and a shit sandwich. You're fucked either way.
  24. My answer to THAT is: There are those around the world that uses the metric system. Then there is the one country that has put man on the moon without it.