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  1. C'mon Bill, that's a lame response. The kid was only 20 YO, way too young to have political ideolgies. He was just crazy. I'll admit my post was premature.
  2. Liberal Democrats are afraid very afraid.
  3. According to this poll the majority reached age 18 from 1974 to 1983. What was influencing your decision making processes at that time?
  4. RonD1120


    Seems there is a lot of unnecessary fear expressed here.
  5. My interpretation of TK's post.
  6. I screwed up. I misread TK's post. I believe the moon landing was real.
  7. LOL Good one! How about Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone assasin?
  8. In time. Jesus is coming soon. Maranatha
  9. I was going to post, sacrifices to Molech, etc.,but no one here understandstands "spiritual wickendness."
  10. Have you ever experienced the supernatural? If no, then the supernatural has no meaning. If yes, then you have some understanding and accpeptance. Oswald Chambers stated, "If Christianity is not supernatural then it is a sham." For me and those like me, it is not a sham.
  11. My point is that it is neither GOP or liberal Democrat. It is principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness. My hero is Jesus the Christ and the apostle Paul in this context.
  12. See where this is going. Tit for tat or one upsmanship. You can lead a liberal to water but first they have to analyze it to see if it is wet. I operate with the gifts of the Spirit, as to the best of my ability. See 1Cor:12.
  13. Yes, it is easier to worry about Soros, Obama and Biden and the evil they have wrought.
  14. Quoting that portion that I believe as a conservative right-wing Christian. Do you suppose it is a spritual problem? Do you think Baal, Molech and Ishtar are at work in America?