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Everything posted by nolhtairt

  1. Contact the consumer advocacy dept that serves your area. For us in the U.S., its usually the Better Business Bureau, as well as each state having its own dept to deal with complaints. Friend of mine sent a jump suit for modifications years ago to a manufacturer, and after several months of waiting and no response to phone calls and emails, he contacted the state office for consumer affairs or whatever it was called. They in turn got in touch with the company. My friend got his jumpsuit back within days. Public shaming is an option.
  2. Unfortunately, it was bound to happen...
  3. No you didn't ask anyone to resign. You did however suggest that someone take responsibility for a grown ass man for which he had no authority over or any connection to other than standing on the same bridge. That being the case, I say YOU are responsible for everything that happens at Z-Hills. As a matter of fact, I would expect that no one should ever be injured around you again, ever, anywhere, because you should personally be able to save everyone who is at minimum within visual range. Because you are your brothers keeper. So get busy and start looking out for the J-walkers and the gang banggers. I'm counting on you to save the world. Or is there a limit to where your personal responsibility ends and someone elses begins? Isn't that what signing waivers are for?
  4. Contact TV news reporters. Maybe they'll air a report on the news. Fuck UK Mail.
  5. People have gotten grounded for intentionally cutting away their main. I knew one guy who did it and he didn't care what the S&TA said. He didn't stay in the sport for too long. Had a lot of natural free flying ability but was cocky and arrogant as well. Alienated a lot of the established jumpers.
  6. Race equality in America: "What's that, Senator McCarthy? You don't like the Pledge of Allegiance because you're worried about the godless commies? Sorry about that, sir! We'll get it changed right away." "What's that, Mr. Kaepernick? You don't like the Star Spangled Banner because you are worried about police violence? Why don't you go back to Africa, you hypocrite! You blacks are all the same." I wouldn't have a problem if Colickydick Kaepernick used a "platform" away from football to air his grievances. Just don't use the NFL to do it. I didn't care much for Beyonce's black gloved fist salute gesture during the Super Bowl halftime show either. Take that shit to your own concert show. I'll laugh if the 49ers cut Kaepernick. He has sucked at QB lately.
  7. A. What the fuck is a SJW? Social Justice Warriors. They've been coming out of the woodwork lately for all kinds of social issues. LGBT, TRANSGENDERS, The whole bathroom bullshit, etc... I personally don't care what you are, as long as you lead a productive life. But if you're gonna stand up there on the soapbox and scream social injustice or WHAT ABOUT ME? when there are better ways to deal with it, I'm not going to give you the time of day.
  8. He does have the right... to make himself look like a total and utter idiot. I'll give him that much.
  9. Write better. That's a choice you make, not an absolute. Gangbangers are expected to be out killing other gangbangers. If you think the rational voices aren't talking about that already it's because you've decided to close your ears. Cops are not supposed to be out killing anybody. It's a regrettable consequence sometimes, but it seems like it is the first instinct for a lot of cops. I think most people in the black community are more worried about getting harassed, beaten, and falsely accused than they are about getting killed. I'm a white middle aged man in a nice neighborhood, I don't have to worry about it at all. Way to be unnecessarily rude. Like I said before, classy. Given that liberals have a propensity to get all up in people's faces like SJWs, don't be surprised if they're treated rudely in return.
  10. To no one in particular: You know who's a hypocritical racist dick? San Francisco 49er QB Colin Kaepernick deciding to sit during the national anthem, because... RACISM! Never mind the fact that HIS biological parents dumped him and left him up for adoption and he was raised by WHITE parents and given an opportunity to succeed. He makes millions of dollars. At least have the common courtesy to respect what the flag stands for and who died for it. Asshole.
  11. He'll fall like a damn cannonball, and his anti-aircraft guns will execute anyone giving chase! Pass!
  12. From NC? Try Start Skydiving in the Cincinnati area. Then Skydive Chicago at Ottawa. Then Mile High in Longmont, CO. And when you get to WA, check out Kapowsin. I'm sure there will be other DZ's along the way, but none bigger than the ones I mentioned.
  13. If he is found guilty and convicted of it, then yes. I will shed no tears if he gets raped repeatedly in prison.
  14. I would be in favor of a society where women can be prostitutes of their own volition and choice, with rules and regulations in place of course, plus health care for them provided by the brothel if they work for one as a contractor. I do not agree with forced servitude or controlling pimped businesses. And there should be a minimum age as well. 18 or up.
  15. He posted it because Kallend always seem to post only the corrupt Republicans' crimes. So somebody's got to throw the Democrats' corruption crimes back in his face. They all do it. Just because one party does it doesn't mean the other party is any less corrupt.
  16. I think the day that word loses it's power would be a good day for black people. . . Then maybe they can quit calling each other that.
  17. Cher, Whoopi, Miley Cyrus and Al Sarpton have all vowed to leave the country if Trump becomes president. I wouldn't mind if any of them left. Throw Justin Bieber and Jesse Jackson out too for fuck's sake.
  18. Yeah, you can see the square opening in the top of the fuselage where they would have received the gas cans through.
  19. I think he meant "he who is without sin, cast the first stone". More or less.
  20. You seem to be implying that it's OK for a cop to kill someone because they are deaf and can't hear the "orders" or they are autistic and don't understand what is going on. Do the police not have any responsibility to assess the situation and determine if there is an actual threat, beyond a failure to instantly comply? Don England last night is a pretty decent example. Mentally unstable man with a knife, killed one and wounded others. British police used a tazer to apprehend him. I have no doubt in the US this man would have been shot. Not all cops here have tasers. But they all do have guns. Even then, people have died after being tased.
  21. Spectacle and Drama I watched it intently. was totally taken in by the the screen actor's guild is making him wear a rig OMG! drama and spectacle. but he missed the opportunity to hype the drama more. after he passed off the o2 bottle. he should have ditched the rig in freefall too. then the commentators could have had fun with the whole he doesn't care what s.a.g. says thing.. He could have pulled out a sign with the letters "SAG" and the birdie finger gesture drawn on it, in freefall too... But I suspect he's not that kind of guy anyway.
  22. If Hillary can get out of charges, Trump can too.
  23. Get your lying Hillary doll! Only $24.99!