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obelixtim last won the day on April 2 2023

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  1. Big wanker backing another big wanker...
  2. Yes. Before they shoot me.......or you.
  3. Everything Trump and the MAGA mob say and do suggest the end of democracy is exactly their aim. And a lot of their rhetoric is straight out of the Nazi playbook.
  4. As the saying goes, "Sow the wind,reap the whirlwind". He's brought this kind of event on himself by his own vile rhetoric. Wasn't he joking about Paul Pelosi being attacked? Did one of the SS yell: "Donald, duck"
  5. Air rifle slugs, not bullets. Apparently.
  6. I sympathize with his situation totally, my comment was more to do with the blame game that goes on. Unless there is total and provable negligence on the part of the operator, I think if people want to partake in risky activities, they should also accept the consequences, especially if the consequence is a result of their own action. Not saying he did anything wrong, but if he in fact has 80 odd skydives under his belt, he should be well in control of his body in a tunnel. What was he doing when the incident occurred? Back loops? Head down? I find it hard to imagine what you could do in a tunnel that would result in quadriplegia.
  7. Just using a line from the MAGA playbook..
  8. No shark wouldn't want a piece of him, he's too toxic. Any that did take a chomp, would spit him out pretty damn quick...
  9. I think this is fake news...
  10. Why would silicon valley moguls give Trump money, when Biden is investing heavily in their industries? I'd suggest mom and pop maga donating some of their welfare cheques is a lot more likely.
  11. How about accepting responsibility for your own decisions. This blame and sue culture the US has is ridiculous. You choose to do things, accept the consequences if it doesn't work out. Otherwise wrap yourself in cotton wool and stay in bed. Sad that he is paralysed, but shit happens. Its not always someone elses fault.
  12. And these MAGA suckers will be complaining the loudest about not being able to afford food and the price of gas....
  13. Slimeball Stone needs to be behind bars as well. Criminals cutting each others throats. Good to see these guys swinging at each other.
  14. The Antarctic is a pristine environment. Dumping human waste is prohibited.
  15. Not having it hasn't led to deaths. Death may have followed after other things were not done correctly, like cutting away and pulling a reserve handle with altitude to spare. It would be better to say that having it has prevented a few deaths after a partial malfunction. A lanyard has no influence on a total malfunction for instance. There are instances where a lanyard has contributed to fatal accidents. On balance it is better to have one, unless you are doing CRW.