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Everything posted by kcjen24

  1. Rather odd? That's all you can say about that? Some stranger rides me like that in freefall then PURPOSEFULLY grabs my boob - you can damn well bet I would be notifying someone. C'mon Gary... you can do better than "rather odd"
  2. But the real question... do you leave the toilet seat up?
  3. ^^^THIS. I had my 20 year old cat put to sleep a couple of years ago. Being there when she died was one of the hardest, yet best things. She knew I was there and I hope it brought her comfort. Hugs to you and your fur baby.
  4. Y'all keep the stories coming. I need some ideas for when I leave this hell-hole. Although it's not me... we MIGHT have someone tea-bagging the boss's coffee cup on a daily basis (before coffee gets poured into it BTW). Now, everyone go wash your coffee cup!
  5. 4 weeks behind???? Took me 9 weeks to get mine. You're not kidding plan ahead.....
  6. Had LASIK about 9-ish years ago. I'll agree with the others... BEST money I ever spent. Had been wearing glasses and/or contacts since the 2nd grade. UGH. Do your research/homework on doctors. Good luck!
  7. kcjen24


    Just went to the doctor on Tuesday for vertigo. Sounds like mine isn't quite as bad as yours though. The doctor had a few recommendations... first a strong antihistamine. I've been somewhat congested and she said long term congestion can have an affect on your inner ear (balance). Second... if you haven't already, go to YouTube and look up Dix-HallPike Test and Epley's Maneuver. While I initially had a bad episode right after I did Epley's, the next day I felt somewhat better. You're basically trying to reset the "rocks" that are in your inner ear. Reduce stress... I laughed when she said this. It's not realistic at the moment for me! Headed to the tunnel in two weeks and I'm a little nervous about it. Good luck. I know it SUCKS.
  8. kcjen24


    Sitting in a bar one night with a group of friends that included 3-4 guys. This subject comes up and a couple of the guys say they want girls to leave some shrubbery in place... party up top, but all business down below. Their reasoning... a total laminate floor reminded them of underage girls and the creep factor was too much.
  9. I'm guessing the wires that carry the overhead cameras for the game make for extremely limited space to execute any kind of pattern without some sharp turns. ????? Those landings had a definite pucker factor for me!
  10. That's so fun to watch. Got me all excited for my tunnel trip in February!!!!
  11. Target did send me notification early on that my information MAY have been compromised. Was keeping an eye on my accounts when my bank notified me that both my credit card and debit card had been compromised. I've gotten replacements for both. Got the "we're so sorry" email yesterday.
  12. ISFJ Introvert(33%) Sensing(1%) Feeling(25%) Judging(67%) •You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (33%) •You have marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (1%) •You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (25%) •You have distinctive preference of Judging over Perceiving (67%) Anyone else surprised that this poll is leaning towards introverts? I would have thought the opposite...
  13. Forget the holidays... I've got some oceanfront property here in Kansas to sell you!
  14. The worst part... there was supposed to be a wind tunnel built in that park. Instead, we got a stupid ass slide.
  15. You ain't seen crazy yet... MORE NOISE IS ON THE WAY KIDS!!!! http://www.bcbr.com/article/20131114/NEWS/131119957 "The new hangar nearby will be able to accommodate larger planes for maintenance than what's currently available," Myers said.
  16. I think it's because you haven't whined and complained enough about the oversight. You are obviously due some recognition. Hell, you might even be due for a certificate AND a t-shirt! Head on over to the Longmont thread and I'm sure you could learn a thing or two from a certain Longmont resident about making yourself heard.
  17. Sweet! Pat on the back to you tdog! I think I have the state record for the best squat-flying on my first attempt at a sit fly. Do I get a t-shirt too? Let's make skydiving records just like the public school system. NOBODY can be a loser... EVERYONE has to be a winner! Great way to raise a bunch of pussies.
  18. I thought I was the only one! When I tell people I love the smell of chlorine - they think I'm nuts! I was a competitive swimmer too, so that smell and the sound of splashing water takes me to a happy place!
  19. Add to that... - Just confirmed a representative from Skyventure Colorado will be attending offering coaching, load organizing and DISCOUNT tunnel time (with coaching)! - We'll also have Steve Osner organizing belly jumpers! Come on out... $24 to 14K in our King Air. We'll start jumping Friday afternoon!
  20. My nickname is Fishstix... And for those of you that are South Park fans, there's an episode that includes Kanye West and whether he likes fish sticks (dicks) in his mouth. http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/224089/youre-a-gay-fish I really want to do something related to that episode but am having trouble with ideas! Suggestions?
  21. I never had a successful pack job when I was putting the S-fold in first. Someone showed me this method right before I got my license... no problems since! Makes packing SO much easier!!