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Everything posted by kcjen24

  1. +1 This crap just makes me ill... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/02/fiscal-cliff-wall-street_n_2397933.html?ncid=webmail1
  2. Damn... blocked at work. All I can think about with your title is this little gem! http://www.hulu.com/#!watch/30555
  3. Please clarify because this statement leads me to believe that HIM cheating has now turned into YOU taking responsibility for the failure of the relationship for not loving him enough?
  4. Sitting in Wichita right now for the holidays. Born/raised here... and got the hell out of here as soon as I could!!! Via Christi is a great hospital. Probably the best in town. Look at Wesley too. Neither of them are going to be convienient to McConnell. PM me and I can give you all the information you'd ever care to have on Wichita.
  5. Is Tabasco considered a weapon? I got my mouth pried open and fed Tabasco when I was really bad. The few times it happened, it sucked. But looking back now, I deserved it, IMHO. I think I turned out just fine... and I love Tabasco!!!
  6. Bridge The Gap in Elsinore in May. Good for newbies.
  7. I'm packing my bags and moving tomorrow...
  8. kcjen24

    Got a job!

    ...a recent recurring dream of mine. Oh yes... CONGRATULATIONS!
  9. Got 12 right... not great, not horrible. Amazing what you can remember through lyrics!
  10. ***Welcome to our OOL. Notice there is no P in it. *** Another good sign: Don't pee in our pool... We don't swim in your toilet.
  11. ***No matter if you think your vote counts, if you don't vote, you have NO ROOM to complain. *** +1
  12. [ I think some people are offended way to easily. Or maybe they aren't really offended they just like to bitch about anything thing they can find fault with. ... everyone should be required to have "Jump More, Bitch Less" somewhere on their person when in public.
  13. I've had U-Verse for a couple of years... getting ready to get rid of it. Have "middle of the road" internet package with basic cable. Internet connection has been mediocre at best. My basic that had some decent channels for basic, has turned into the major networks and cartoon channels... Oh yeah, with an increase of $20/month about a year ago. Giving ATT U-Verse a
  14. [/url]http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/08/14/13278535-errant-skydivers-land-in-high-security-georgia-submarine-base?lite[/url] Clicky please...
  15. I have trouble getting tandem chutes in the bag... so I always ask "Can someone bag me please?"
  16. Definitely a tube exit... did one on my 100th jump a couple of weeks ago. AWESOME!
  17. I jump at Skydive KC and love it!!! Yeah, the website might be a little generic - don't let it fool you. We're a fun bunch and would definitely would love to have you visit! We've got free camping, free shower houses... there are a couple of hotels within a 3-4 minute drive of the DZ if that's what you're looking for. Of course, there's the King Air with 14,000ft jumps! PM me if you have other questions!