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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2022 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    How unfair. He’s a conservative - which means it just so happens that all the people he supports are republicans, all the policies he supports are pushed by republicans and all the propaganda he believes is spewed by republicans. But that’s it!
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    If you can't make a point without using a meme, it speaks to your communication skills.
  4. 2 points
    not a shred of evidence presented ever... and all the evidence eliminates Reca and the ridiculous narrative.. Carl coached Reca and led him in the taped interviews, but Carl was a poor researcher and got the case facts wrong,, Now, the Reca crowd has to make up a massive conspiracy with no evidence to cover for Carl's errors... Reca is just more noise in the Cooper case.. add it to the crap pile.
  5. 2 points
    They're saying the US has democracy, which is entirely and completely 100% accurate.
  6. 2 points
    Do you virtue signal with your big truck? Had a guy at work who got a Ford F350 with duallys. Talked about it incessantly, and once he got it in it took up two parking spaces. I often checked out the bed - no bed protector and not a scratch on it. But hey, if Viagra doesn't work . . .
  7. 1 point
    Hey guys, Hope you're enjoying your labor day weekend! I've been lurking on DZ.com to see what has been going on recently and I saw that there was a student fatality in Canada. The first thought on my mind after reading about it is that there're similarities between mine and this incident - we both ended up low with a malfunction and a very low cutaway (under 100ft) followed. The difference in my case is that my reserve was already out, which very likely contributed to my survival. The outcome of this incident in Canada is much worse. (My sincere condolences) I'm thinking that in general it might be very difficult for inexperienced students to deal with low-altitude emergencies...and how we/dropzones could improve on this. I understand that one of the principles of student training is to not overload them with information. I also understand that it's a lot better to deal with malfunctions up high. But what if, for whatever reasons, the student ends up low with a malfunction (and I think the possibility of this happening is not very low). I know during training students are taught not to cut away under 1,000 ft if there is a malfunction on the main, except downplanes. (This is what I was taught at Perris, this rule may vary slightly between DZs, I don't know) Is this rule sufficient to deal with this issue as long as it's 'strictly reinforced'? Or is there a possibility to improve on the training methods so that we could potentially prevent incidents like this in the future? This question just popped up in my mind. Please forgive me if I trigger anyone here.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Given his history on here, under a variety of names, Rhys is a 'true believer'. The 'Jews', the Rothchilds, the "Illuminati" control the world. 9/11 was an inside job. I haven't heard him say 'nanothermite' in a while, but it's really just a matter of time. Now he believes the vax is deadlier than Covid, that Ivermectin & HCQ are 'secret' cures that 'the doctors don't want you to know about'. All the standard shit. All because he knows more than everyone else. Not just 'anyone' else, but everyone who doesn't believe his crap. His comments on why InfoWars shouldn't be dismissed outright as fraud is typical. (Hint: InfoWars is garbage through and through)
  10. 1 point
    But sometimes it's just fun. (Posted by Adam Kinzinger to Twitter a couple days ago).
  11. 1 point
    Yeah but have you tried the barbecue here???
  12. 1 point
    Unlike some on here, they care about reality
  13. 1 point
    Whatever the thread is called, this forum is going to hell in a hand basket.
  14. 1 point
    Only in the time period right before he died. So vegetarianism clearly leads to suicide.
  15. 1 point
    Pfff, that’s nothing. I know some old white men who absolutely refuse to admit that being a white man has helped them along the way and all their achievements are theirs and theirs alone!
  16. 1 point
    I'm afraid that if they were to have a video of the Moon landing, I might then turn into a disbeliever. Their approach to "reporting" makes mockumentaries like "This is Spinal Tap" and "Housewives of New Jersey" seem like contenders for the Oscar for documentaries. Wendy P.
  17. 1 point
    I'm down with both Winsor and Stumpy on this. Babies should run away from him if they're on Fifth Avenue (or wherever that was he said)... Wendy P.
  18. 1 point
    I think it's a good question. In my opinion the biggest issue you face is that someone is in a high-stress situation with a potentially fatal problem. Doing "nothing" (not cutting away) is against every instinct you possess. Also, I have not conducted any research into this, but I'm willing to guess that most people with a mal at low altitudes actually started with a mal at a reasonable altitude which they couldn't fix in time - adding even more stress / panic / sensory overload.
  19. 1 point
    Like lead pipes and asbestos? Your libertarian pretense isn’t well thought out.
  20. 1 point
    Let's cross that bridge when we never ever reach it.
  21. 1 point
    Somewhere around 70-80% of the pop are nonsecreters,, no blood type in saliva
  22. 1 point
    If you don’t believe me, maybe you will believe Joe Biden. Biden said: “We are going to get rid of fossil fuels.” Joe Biden in 2020: "No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. No more drilling including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill period. It ends." Biden: “I Guarantee You We’re Going To End Fossil Fuel” During the second Democratic debate on July 31, Dana Bash asked the former vice president "would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking, in a Biden administration?" "No, we would, we would work it out," Biden responded. "We would make sure it's eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those, either -- any fossil fuel."
  23. 1 point
    “To date, Biden is the only president in modern history not to have held a single oil and gas lease sale on federal lands despite clear direction from Congress to do so quarterly” https://www.heritage.org/energy-economics/commentary/bidens-radical-anti-fossil-fuel-energy-policy-costs-americans-dearly
  24. 1 point
    Two wrongs do not make a right. Three lefts do.
  25. 1 point
    From the Judge presiding over the case. “Democracy will prevail. Our system of law will prevail. Because without democracy, without our law, we are nothing more than any other failed state in this world, run by the loudest of voices with the worst of intentions — the mob who thinks they know what justice is without any regard of the facts, or worse.” Bolding added. I think this perfectly describes the cancer that the Trump Cult represents.
  26. 1 point
    But not only is it not equitable it is fundamentally unfair to those who paid off their $30K. Also, if that number is real then there really isn't a huge problem; $30K isn't money these day's. If something just absolutely needed to be done by executive order then maybe the government could have assumed all of the notes and stopped all interest as long as a basic payment tied to current earnings were made. Regardless of the vehicle anyone who did pay off their notes should get a tax credit of some construct. That or not do anything while a fairer solution is crafted.
  27. 1 point
    Phil - I get all that, no doubt that everything should be looked at and the tax system revised. My problem with this action is it's a direct slap in the face to so many people. Hey, I can afford it but it's just not right. Calling non-college folks educated and assuming a college grad is educated is part of the fallacy. One with a library science degree is "educated" but still has little practical knowledge. A tradesperson is certainly not uneducated. The world needs people with all kinds of expertise and much of that is not gained in a college. I remember when the ethanol production act was passed John McCain said that it was the biggest farm subsidy bill ever.
  28. 1 point
    Yet they also believed Treason and Insurrection were illegal and against the Constitution. Logically those two views/opinions cannot coexist simultaneously. Do you really think your Founding Fathers were sucking and blowing at the same time?
  29. 1 point
    Wrong again. Somerset Academy Bay Elementary, October 5, 2018 - School security guard left a gun in the bathroom. A 5th grade student found the gun. Sagemont School, March 5, 2020 - School security guard accidentally shoots a school employee in the eye on campus. Weightman Middle School, April 30, 2019 - School employee accidentally fires a gun into a cafeteria. No injuries. Jefferson Davis Middle School, February 14, 2019 - Officer entered the school during a lockdown and accidentally fired his weapon in a hallway. No injuries. North Broward Preparatory School, February 15, 2018 — Deputy fires his weapon on campus, hits himself in the leg. River Ridge High School, December 17, 2019 — School employee draws his weapon and threatens to shoot a student because they were truant. No injuries.
  30. 1 point
    Sorry for the late reply. You should have been sent one when you got an initial judge's rating. If you already have a judge's rating but never received a log book, contact the USPA Competition Committee (competition[at]uspa.org). They should be able to get you sorted out.
  31. 1 point
    This I think is the problem. You are doing it for someone else, not you. I think when you want to jump you know it, like you know if you are straight or gay. I'm someone that 100% wanted to, no doubt about it, and for me it was still extremely stressful and scary at the start. A lot of doubt, anxiety, sleepless nights, but something kept dragging me back to the DZ. If I was forcing myself to do it it would have been much more unpleasant. Totally untrue. You are already doing it - you said so yourself, your jumps have been 'textbook' and you have landed safely. You're just not enjoying them like other people appear to be enjoying them. And nobody should be disappointed in you because if you've been in the sport more than a short amount of time you understand that the sport just isn't for everyone, and there's heaps of other awesome stuff you can do that just isn't for lots of other people. Spot on. Regarding your wife, I think it's natural to go through this sort of skydiving evangelism when you start. I know I did. It opens your eyes and you suddenly think everyone could and *should* do it, but eventually in time you realise that's just not the case and that a lot of people in fact just have no interest in it. Anyway my point is you CAN do it (you've proven that) but I think you have to really want to do it to continue, because it's scary shit and expensive especially at the start. If it's not your cup of tea and your wife does continue in the sport then she will eventually realise that this is normal and perfectly OK. Either way you've gotta do what's right for you. :)
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