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Everything posted by jakee

  1. It’s not a good plan. ‘Fixing’ school shootings by turning every school into an airport security zone is a stupid plan, and one that would stop any good plans being enacted through sheer drain on resources. Do you want me to praise something that’s stupid just to avoid your feelings being hurt? No you don’t, you’re again just using your faux outrage as an excuse to avoid discussing any of the issues I raised, because you really don’t actually care about any of them. What could you possibly think I said that would be ban worthy? You want to see someone stepping over the ban line then you should check out this guy.
  2. Why? You want to spend $1000 per person per year to make the lives of every student in the country measurably worse… instead of actually doing anything about the underlying problems. And it will be a trade off. I happen to increasingly believe that government money is actually functionally unlimited when they want it to be, but the people making decisions will annoyingly continue to claim it has to be spent on one thing or another. With that in mind, check this out. For example, 58% of perpetrators had a connection to the school, 70% were White males, 73 to 80% obtained guns from home or relatives or friends, and 100% exhibited warning signs or showed behavior that was of cause for concern; also, in 77% of school shootings, at least one person knew about the shooter’s plan before the shooting events occurred. Do you think there are some useful avenues that could be explored with that in mind? Sorry, no. You spent that money on a million rent-a-cops instead. But y’know, good rent-a-cops who’ll put their lives on the line, not bad ones like in Uvalde. We’ll guarantee that. Somehow. (BTW, do TSA screeners at the airport carry guns? I don’t think so. So you’ll have to seriously inflate the TSA budget comparison all over again to account for needing security guards who will be able to do anything if an armed person does turn up.) So here’s the thing - your plan is stupid. You know full well it’s stupid. But through your stubbornness and pig headedness you’ll plow straight through any objection anyone raises without even stressing it because you value your simplistic feel good factor over anything that will actually save lives in the long run. So when do you plan to get serious? When do you plan to add anything of value to the conversation? As an aside, the US is the most heavily policed developed nation in the world, with one of the worst violent crime records, yet your answer to everything is always to add more cops. When are you going to take the hint? I saw a YouTube video of a police stop where they’d been notified that a burglar was escaping in a certain suburban area, so this cop decided to help by detaining, handcuffing and running the ID of the first black jogger he saw. Then another cop car turned up to see if he needed backup, and stayed. Then another cop car with a supervisor came to check, and stayed. Then another…. before they’d finished forensically checking his ID and background there were at least 9 patrol cars and somewhere between 10 to 18 cops all milling around protecting each other from this one handcuffed black jogger. He’d been nothing but calm, polite and cooperative, but eventually had to say something like “I’m starting to get really freaked out by the amount of firepower y’all have got gathered around me”. To which the cop said “well we’ve got reports of a burglar escaping so you understand we have to do everything we can to make sure we get him before he gets away!” Now I don’t think I have to explain the blindingly obvious fact that not a single one of those responding officers after cop 1 was doing a single thing to search for a suspect. He could have been sat on the next street corner laughing at them and been perfectly safe. But at the next town council meeting it’ll be “Mrs Miggins’ house was burgled, we told the police exactly where he ran off too and they still didn’t have enough people to find him, we need to invest in more cops!” Right. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9388351/
  3. Just too damn many self proclaimed moderates who refuse to vote for anyone who doesn't have an R after their name. Who'd have ever thought that votes have consequences?
  4. So why do you want to search only people who aren’t students See this is why we keep having these disagreements - because at the first sign of any problem with your position you stop being honest. Even what you claim is your problem with me isn’t genuine. What circle am I going in? I don’t think armed security covering every entrance to every school searching every person who goes in is a desirable or even acceptable solution. That’s as straight as it gets. Meanwhile you’re dancing around all over the place.
  5. Also, there are about 75 Million school kids in the USA and, um, how many schools vs how many TSA controlled airports? So maybe… hard? It also completely sidesteps the point. So you have TSA controls screening every single person going in and out of every single school in the US plus all the other security features, patrols and razor wire fences that stop people getting into airports around every single school in the US. Once you’ve done that, will you look at the result and think “yes, this is good now. This is how it should be”?
  6. You’re ok with students killing students, then?
  7. Sure - but his point is about what the reality is, not what we would want it to be. And that's not to say that many police officers wouldn't do that, but it is not in fact their duty or legal responsibility to do that.
  8. Sure, but what are we saying here? You have armed guards with a view of every entrance to every school in America? You search every bag of every person who goes in, everyone with a long coat, everyone with baggy clothing, all day every day? Does anyone picture that and think to themselves "yes, that's what it looks like when society works"?
  9. jakee


    He’s now complaining that he was tortured when he was arraigned in Georgia. But since he (checks notes) repeatedly called for the police to beat people up while arresting them, shouldn’t he be happy about it?
  10. jakee

    Alex Jones

    You may be making the mistake of thinking he has political beliefs. He just wants money, and there’s no one on Truth Social to give it to him. No doubt the very few people on there are all suckers, but Trump is already bleeding them dry.
  11. They’ll just look at that and say ‘well at least we gave them a chance at life’. The only thing that’ll make them pause is enough white, Christian, photogenic, suburban, family wanting women dying of sepsis because their doctors waited until it was undeniably clear that the immediate abortion of an already doomed foetus was needed to save their lives. Of course it’ll only give them pause for a moment, they’ll just come back and say “the law we wrote didn’t explicitly tell the doctors to do that, it’s all their fault!”
  12. jakee


    Honestly I assumed he was comparing himself to Jesus on the cross. The evangelicals would let him get away with it.
  13. jakee


    Yeah, but he’s still up. He’s put nothing into that company except the random late night all caps ranting he’s have been spewing on Twitter anyway and he’s still in a position to make a huge amount of money when he’s allowed to sell. If it’s still worth something at that point then I’d imagine it’ll crash to nothing almost as soon as he starts selling, but anything he clears before that happens is pure profit, baby. The MAGA morons who bought their shares with real cash money though, yeah they’re all screwed. Never going to see that retirement fund again.
  14. jakee


    Nice, thank you.
  15. jakee


    I'll have to take your word on that, but it's frankly an esoteric point compared to the fundamental issue. You don't need any level of legal, political or historical scholarship to realise western law isn't based on the Ten Commandments. You just need to read the Ten Commandments and go "hey that's weird, this stuff ain't in the law". I suppose it takes a fractionally deeper understanding to recognise that government can't be based on them either since the First Amendment is an explicit rejection of the First Commandment, but still I'd hardly call it research.
  16. jakee


    The number of states planning similar laws just demonstrate the enormous impact that the radical right wing Supreme Court is having. It's happening in the US, right? It's never not an election cycle in the US. But this is happening now, and it's happening all over the place. Clearly it's because something has changed and it;s pretty obvious what that is. As an aside, it;s always funny when a right wing so-called christian (Landry, not you) claims that the law or the government of the US is based on the 10 Commandments. There's no surer way to demonstrate they've never even read them!
  17. jakee


    Person, man, woman, camera, who are you again?
  18. Best not to describe a surge of support for facist, ultra right, ultra nationalist parties as ‘waking up’. You might give people the right idea about you.
  19. jakee


    Or to put it another way, Trump presided over the crash and Biden is presiding over the recovery.
  20. I'm really sorry that I'm definitely going to lose this lawsuit, and is there any chance you could take this free apology and drop the damages claim?
  21. Well you see this case isn't actually about having the gun, it's about lying to the Feds to get the gun - and lying to the Feds is absolutely and always completely unacceptable! There, that shouldn't cause the Republicans any cognitive dissonance should it? Oh wait...
  22. jakee


    They can also be - oh what’s the word - fucking insane. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_O._Sacks Since October 2022, David Sacks has been increasingly commenting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, typically taking an anti-US involvement in Ukraine, and especially US military funding for Ukraine.[67] Some of his claims include the "US dispatching an Army General to assume de-facto command of the Ukrainian Army".[68] In an article for Newsweek, Sacks argued that continued military support for Ukraine could lead to “Woke War III”.[69] Sacks' posts on X are often countered by the platform's Community Notes, which he believes are subject to being "gamed by the Ukrainian info war op" against him.
  23. And Hunter Biden has been found guilty on Federal gun charges. But hang on, the official position of the Republican party and its commentariat has been that Joe Biden has personally taken control of the Justice Department, his totalitarian tentacles extending so far that he's even directly responsible for the State prosecution and guilty verdicts against Trump! So it's going to be really interesting to see how they talk about how that point of view conflicts with a clearly independent Federal Prosecutor securing a conviction against the President's direct family. Just kidding, they'll just steamroller their way ahead pretending both things are true at the same time.
  24. jakee


    Sure sounds like you’re explaining to the class how inflation wasn’t caused by printing money then.
  25. jakee


    Why do you do this to yourself? What is the benefit of making yourself look this bad?